Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
ChineseTime ,a good school for learn chinese in shanghai china.
ChineseTime ,a good school for learn chinese in shanghai china.
Why ChineseTime is more effective than other training institutions
ChineseTime FeaturesWhy choose chinesetime.
Apart from language learning, each unit is also accompanied by illustrative stories to allow students to discover more about Chinese culture, customs, modern Chinese people, and so on - helping them enjoy and integrate into a new social environment.
Students can choose when and where they learn. For example: a student takes face-to-face lessons when he has time. While on a business trip, he continues his studies with his teacher through online Skype lessons, and watches movies from the online courses during his spare time. He can study as much as he wants.
One of the primary goals when we formulated our textbook was to help the student build a good foundation in the Chinese language in a short period of time. Our integrated teaching service will stimulate students’ enthusiasm, improve their efficiency and save you money.
ChineseTime’s tracking system records all studying activities, including face-to-face classes, online Skype lessons and self-study courses. Through our progress report system, you will clearly see weekly study times, units learned, teachers’ feedback and students’ evaluations.
Service Provided
Teacher on-site: fixed schedule, convenient for students
Teacher on-site: flexible schedule, convenient for students
Online Skype Lessons: flexible schedule and location, convenient for both students and teachers, cost savings.
Movie, mp3, games…. Study is full of fun
Progress report: explains precise study feedback, providing students with a clear overview of their progress.
Scheduled phone call to encourage students to study
Enterprise Service Package
Personal Coaching Service Skype Private Lessons Online Interactive Course Traditional Teaching |
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
【12.10老兵群访谈记录】畅想在线教育- 行业
摘自 老兵群访谈记录 链接
时间: 12月10日(星期三)下午14:00
主持人:英孚教育区域客服经理郑知- 小姐
郑知敏: 想请问您关于网路教育在大陆市场上- 底有多大?那现在主要有哪些形式的- 路教育?
曹敏:这个问题比较宽泛。因为做网- 教育的有很多种。比如做中小学生家- 的,做语言培训的,做非学历教育的- ,做学历教育的,还有做课程中介的- 企业培训的等等非常多种形式。所以- 统地说网上教育的市场比较难说。一- 个大致的说法,根据艾瑞咨询的报告20- 07年中国的网络教育市场规模已经达到- 了175亿人民币的规模.当然我虽然也做- 育这一块的市场,但是我选择的对象- 并不是中国市场.
郑知敏:想请问您网路教育现在主要有- 几家公司?他们提供的服务为何?他- 们在市场上的情况如何?
曹敏:现在大陆地区网上教育做的好- 有,比如正保教育,他们今年在纽交- 上市,他们主要做一些非学历教育,- 比如会计,自考,律考等,这个市场- 该是比较好的,中国有很多考证族,- 外生活的压力也要求很多人提高自身- 的能力.还有比如做中小学家教的101网- ,中国中小学生的升学压力还是比较- 重的,所以他们的市场应该也不错。 另外还有很多大学也都开设了网络学- ,应该也赚了不少钱的。不过我感觉- 个不大像是真正的网络教育,而是更- 多的利用了学校的名气。其实我对国- 非语言类的网络教育的了解也不是非- 熟悉,所以就只能大致的介绍。我个- 人比较了解的比如英语培训行业,EF教- 育这几年的飞速发展是有目共睹的,- 然EF并不局限于网络教育,它是一个- 合体,实际上对于教育而言,特别是- 言教育,传统的教学模式的优点也是- 显而易见的,所以我并不认为网络教- 会替代传统教育,这两者应该是互补- 。
郑知敏:那请说说看您对于网路教育- 风险投资的情况如何?
曹敏:我想说明一下,我虽然拥有网- 教育平台,并且我的理念是以此为核- ,但并不意味着我只做网络教育或者- 只关注网络教育。我一直认为网络教- 和传统教育是互补的而不是对立的,- 是属于教育范畴。所以针对这个问题- ,我的回答也是针对整个教育行业吧- 教育行业属于一种不用烧很多钱而现- 流较容易获得的行业,但是其缺点是- 很难快速的扩大规模。第一,本质上- 育是属于服务行业的一种,学习服务- 般需要较长的一段时间,所以品牌的- 建立需要扎扎实实的去做服务,做深- 细,品牌的真正确定需要较久的时间- 比如EF集团,发展到现在全球最大的- 人教育机构花了40多年时间了。第二- 说句实在话学习毕竟不是娱乐,很多- 时候学习都是被逼无奈才去学,所以- 算是网络教育,其扩张性肯定没有像- 络游戏等那么快。但是反过来这两特- 点决定了教育行业是比较刚性的,而- 投资相对也是相对安全的,而且有些- 司现金流充沛也不需要投资,比如EF- 所以在最近金融危机的背景下,有不- 少资金关注到教育行业。至于一些投- 的案例,最新的比如今天最新的消息- 软银赛富二轮投资环球天下,而前天- 的消息则是凯雷投资集团向北京昊月- 育集团注资5000万美元,再往前一点英- 联投资安博1.03亿美金。具体到网络教- 行业和对外汉语行业,有个北京的公- 司一德最近完成A轮融资由戈壁及ASI领- ,详细地消息在 html , 大家有兴趣的话可以比较一下他们对- 外汉的网站和我们的网站. 这应该是对外汉语行业的第一笔投资 最后提一点是,最近半年来教育行业- 所有行业中获得风投资金最多的行业-
郑知敏:那网路教育的发展趋势呢?- 这次的金融危机是否有受到影响呢?
曹敏:网上教育的做为教育的一种形- ,肯定会越来越深入到人们的日常生- 中,事实上据我了解,比如EF集团他- 在欧洲的业务就越来越多地采用网上- 教育的形式。而对外汉语行业也是非- 适用于网络教学,因为由于历史的原- ,海外的华文教育底子是很薄的,总- 体上学生也比较分散,而师资力量又- 中在国内,而网络可以解决这些问题- 至于是否受金融危机的影响,我想那- 是肯定有的,但是肯定比其他行业要- 很多,甚至会有不少机会出来。
郑知敏:所以,您的学校中文时代(Ch- ineseTime)目前主要推的产品是对外汉- 教学,但在中国,大家对英语培训比- 熟悉,对外汉语这个行业了解的却比- 较少,您能给我们大致介绍一下这个- 业吗?
曹敏:对外汉语顾名思义也就是教外- 人中文,面向的学生都是些老外。大- 对这个行业了解得比较少,是因为大- 家都是中国人,没有这个需求。 J 至于具体包括哪些业务,大家可以看- 我们的首页,有非常清晰详细的说明-
郑知敏:可否请您介绍一下这块市场- 需求如何?
曹敏:我对这个市场的看法是,相比- 于其他的教育市场,特别是英语培训- 场,还是比较小的。具体到中国,可- 能也就是上海,北京等大城市形成了- 定的市场规模。但是这个市场的未来- 力巨大,随着未来全球化的进一步深- 入和中国经济的崛起,会有越来越多- 外国人希望能够学习中文,了解中国- 另外中国有庞大的海外华人群体,他- 们的二代,三代也有非常大的一部分- 望学习中文,保持一种和中国文化以- 经济上的联系。有说法说目前海外有- 3000万人在学习中文,夸张一点的说法- 接近一亿人。由于世界历史的原因,- 海外华文教育的底子实际上非常薄的- 海外的学校或者学生想找好一点的教- 或者老师往往都有一定的难度,所以- 这个市场并不仅限于语言培训服务这- 块,其他包括学习教材资料,师资培- ,游学等都有一定的市场潜力可挖。-
郑知敏:听了您刚刚告诉我们的,我- 觉这个市场还真的是个刚起步的市场- 潜力无限。这样说可以吗?
郑知敏:想请问一个比较敏感的问题- 您刚刚提到,这是一个刚起步的市场- 特别是在中国大陆也就是上海、北京- 等地都具有一些市场规模,那您为什- 还看好这个市场呢?
曹敏:这个问题问得非常好! 回答这个问题也比较复杂,我想我做- 个市场,首先我看到的是未来的潜力- 海外的市场,海外的市场才是真正的- 大市场。如果纯粹是做中国的市场,- 想我是不会去做的。其次,我们目前- 重点市场确实还是上海本地的市场,- 这是因为第一,我们没有足够的资源- 做海外的市场,第二我们的团队在上- ,从身边的市场做起是最实际的最可- 行的。最后这个市场在上海本地是一- 竞争也非常激烈的市场,目前我们刚- 始做市场推广,我想应该有一定的难- 度。在中国应该没有什么市场是一点- 有难度的吧,不能因为有点难度就不- 了
郑知敏:竞争那么激烈?您可以谈谈- 您们的目前的竞争对手?
曹敏:呵呵,是的. 大家可能不大留意,实际上在北京和- 海,对外汉语的培训学校大大小小的- 有不少。而且由于前景看好,中国的- 大学过去几年也大力发展了对外汉语- 训专业,毕业了大量的对外汉语系毕- 生。我这边招老师,往往投过来的简- 历比计算机类的还多,这在一定程度- 也加剧了竞争。 当然我说的这些竞争都是本地传统学- 的竞争。在上海可以说90%的学校是没- 网上教学的,剩下的10%,其中90%只是- 有一些非常简单的网上教学,比如把- 些音频挂到网上,旁边放一段英文解- 这个样子。这些传统的学校,比较大- 的有美和汉语,爱马德汉语,小的就- 常多了,最小的我见到过的只有2个人- ,2个对外汉语系的学生有了些客户资- ,就自己出来做了。但是所有这些学- 校,都还没有形成像英语教育里面的- 些知名品牌,更不用说是全球性的品- 了。
郑知敏:您可以告诉我们您们的教学- 念有什么独特之处吗?
曹敏:我们和那些传统的学校很不一- 。我们的核心思路是以互联网为核心- 合传统的教学业务。不是替代而是整- 合。 具体地说目前包括3个方面,第一个是- 络自学平台,第二个是网络真人辅导- 课程,第三个线下传统课程。这三个- 面既可以独立,也可以互相组合,给- 们的学生非常大的方便,灵活,也使- 他们的学习更加有效,当然也极大的- 展了我们的生源范围。特别是我们的- 络自学课程,因为和老师使用的教材- 是一致的,可以方便的让学生去预习- 复习做练习。大家知道学习语言的唯- 捷径就是多听多看多练习,更何况很- 多老外对于中文是一点概念都没有的- 我碰到不少老外告诉我,上完老师的- 2个小时之后,上的什么都忘记了。 .../en-US/Default.aspx
大家可以看一下这个页面,里面有我- 的一个图,解释了我刚才的说法。我- 花了2年多时间来开发我们的产品,- 括开发了一个国际化网络教育平台,- 为我们要面向各种不同文化和语言的- 群体,同时让有着30多年教育经验,并- 且在美国教过近10年中文的老师带队开- 发了我们自己的一些列教材,这些教- 也全部做成了网络课程。而一般的培- 学校是没有产品这个概念的,招聘一- 些老师,买一些教材,租个地方,做- 广告就可以开始营运了,门槛相对较- 。但是我相信如有没有自己的核心产- 品的话,也就不会有核心的竞争力。- 实上那些传统学校的学生流失率也是- 较高的。
郑知敏:目前对外汉语的网路教育发- 趋势如何?
曹敏:现在大概有这么几类的网络中- 教育网站。第一种是,纯粹的网络自- 平台或者工具,比如中文pod服务,典- 型的网站有chinesepod, 这种类型的网站特点是并没有系统的- 材,而是每天或者每隔一段时间会发- 一个话题,以一段mp3录音为主,配以- 一段英文解释,供订阅者学习。另一- 是纯粹的网上真人辅导网站,这类网- 的特点是直接把skype, msn等即时通讯工具应用到教学上来,- 型的有比如echineselearning等。还有一种- 是既有系统的网络自学教材也有老师- 导课程的,比如我们。当然我们还结- 了线下教育。另外海外有很多比较简- 单的工具类学习网站,比如mandarin-tools- 等,这种更加像是个人网站。
郑知敏:你们目前的主要目标市场如- ?
曹敏:我们的目标市场目前而言是工- 了的老外。我们的产品和服务,包括- 材体系都是围绕着这个目标群体开发- 的。具体到地域而言,是上海的老外-
郑知敏:那您有没有打算开发海外市- 呢?
曹敏:有啊,我也很想马上开发海外- 市场,给法国总统萨科奇之流细细脑- 呵呵,开个玩笑。海外的市场是我们- 二阶段考虑的。可能是我比较保守,- 觉得就算是海外的市场,也有着一个- 循序渐进的过程,第一步可能是地理- 置靠中国比较近的国家,比如东南亚- 区,或者日韩。然后才会是欧美国家- 。当然通过网络自己找过来的老外,- 们不会放弃,实际上我们现有的注册- 户中80%都是海外的学生,付费用户也- 分布在欧美,东南亚都有,但是这样- 来的老外和我说的重点市场开发是不- 样的,这些人是"散户",但是- 教育行业是一个服务行业,整个服务- 有一个比较长期的过程的,所以一般- 对于品牌的选择是有比较高的要求的- ,这就需要我们做精做细,而且是一- 步来,回到海外市场而言,我觉得仅- 凭网络教育还是不够的,必须要和一- 些传统的教育服务结合起来才行,所- 我们才会决定第一步重点开发上海,- 二步才是海外。至于目前的海外市场- 开发还主要是利用网络平台,完善一- 内容,以搜索引擎带来流量为主,另- 我们在一些SNS平台,比如facebook也有- 己的学中文组,还开发了一些实用工- 具,比如送一些祝福语或者流行词组- 工具
郑知敏:您们所提供的教学平台可以- 于其它网路教学吗?
曹敏:我先再说一下那个facebook上的工- 具,还蛮受欢迎的,我们数据库里面- 得到有不少老外发礼物的时候还附了- 些话,各种语言的都有,不过我也看- 大懂 回到这个平台,那是肯定的,教英语- 还是教中文,或者是其他,都只是一- 选择而已。
郑知敏:那您为什么选择投资在对外- 语而不是英语培训呢?
曹敏:我选择对外汉语有这么几点原- 。
1.基于我对市场的判断,正如我前面- 的,我认为这是一个很有潜力的市场- 。今年是中国改革30周年,30年前谁也- 不到中国经济能发展到今天这样,那- 么30年后呢?所以这是一个有利可期的- 市场,是一个可以作为自己事业投入- 行业。我自认为是一个普通人,和做- 票一样,普通人想赢就要随大势走。- 所以所有的兄弟姐妹都要努力,中国- 经济越强,我的生意也好做。
2.这个行业还没有什么可以垄断市场- 巨无霸企业,或者说至少是响当当的- 企业,如果进入英语行业,虽然市场- 够大,可能也比较容易站住脚,但是- 的对手太强大了,你很难击败他们做- 大。
3.我自己个人喜欢。我希望自己能够- 与到中华复兴的浪潮中,能够推广中- 华文化。而且我也喜欢教育这一块。
另外我给大家讲一个英语教育行业的- 训或者说是启示吧。大家知道在国内- 这么几家比较知名的英语培训企业,- 比如华尔街英语,英孚教育,贝利兹- ,这些国际培训机构的老板都不是英- 人士,而是意大利人,瑞典人和德国- 人。其中是否有巧合我不知道,但我- 可能和欧美人士本身就说英语有关,- 们身在此山中,不知道这里面存在这- 市场。回到中文领域,如果以后中文- 场也是如此,那就比较遗憾了。
Friday, December 12, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
ChineseTime X'mas Party @ NINE
X’mas IS COMING! Come join us and friends and have a great night!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Location: Nine Bar
Street: 76 Xue Fu Street (close to Wu Chuan Rd.), 学府街76号,靠近武川路
City/Town: Shanghai, China
*Enjoy FREE beer!
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* Have fun with Games!
* Lucky draw with BIG Secret Gift!
*Dance and sing to the tunes of our groovy DJ!
* Black Friday Sale – 40% off!
* Welcome to bring your friends.
Two ways to RSVP:
The most convenient is to RSVP through facebook directly. Please click "attending" on the right side of the event page to confirm your RSVP:
OR simply e-mail with the following information for each person.
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We are looking forward to seeing you.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
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Study Mandarin Chinese in Shanghai
When riding the blazingly fast maglev train away from Shanghai’s Pudong International Airport, it becomes apparent that China has arrived as a world superpower, and much like the 267.8 mph train that opened in 2003, Shanghai is the city that brought China here. One need only look at the prolific skyscrapers of the Pudong district with its Oriental Pearl Tower and Jin Mao Tower, two of the world’s tallest manmade structures, or Donghai Bridge, the longest sea-crossing bridge in the world, to know that Shanghai is among the world’s most modern cities.
A far cry from the ancient imperial histories of Beijing or Xian, Shanghai is representative of the new China. Located where the Yangtze River Delta and the Pacific Ocean meet, Shanghai, which literally translates as “on the sea,” was historically a small fishing village. Today, Shanghai is the most populated city in the world’s most populated country. The seeds of modern day China were planted throughout Shanghai: birthplace of the founder of the Chinese Republic Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, location of the first congress of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921, and hometown of basketball superstar and China’s unofficial international ambassador, Yao Ming.
During the late Qing dynasty, Shanghai’s strategic location as the gateway to the rich interior of the Yangtze River, an area which produces the vast amounts of food necessary to feed all of China, made it the envy of international powers looking to trade with China. With imperial power weakening in the mid-19th century, Shanghai became the playground of foreign imperialists, who brought with them industry, Western finance, and modernization, the vestiges of which can still be seen in the architecture of the Bund and the French Concession.
By the time of the Kuomintang Republic, Shanghai was the world’s third greatest financial center behind only New York and London. With the Communist takeover in 1949, Shanghai became largely impoverished due to heavy taxation from the central government as well as the purging of “bourgeois elements.” After the economic reforms of the late 20th century, Shanghai has led China’s economic resurgence with a GDP that dwarfs that of all other regions except for Hong Kong.
Shanghai is a potent political and cultural force as well. Former Chinese president Jiang Zemin was first the mayor of Shanghai. The city served as the breeding ground for the right-leaning “Shanghai-clique” which was fiercely critical of the Cultural Revolution and highly influential in the recent reforms. Even with its modernist tendencies, Shanghai is a bastion of traditional culture with famous schools of the arts such as the Songjiang School, the Huating School, and the Shanghai School. However, Shanghai’s most famous cultural school still may be the Chin Woo Athletic School of Wushu created by China’s most famous modern martial arts hero, Huo Yuanjia.
Despite its cosmopolitan character, Shanghai will seduce you with its intimacy. Whether by taking in a scenic view of the historic Bund from a boat ride along the Huangpu river or savoring the flavor explosion of Shanghai’s famous xiao long bao, (“little dragon buns”), Shanghai will leave a lasting impression.
To live and study in Shanghai is to have your fingers at the pulse of modern China. More than anything, one comes away with a greater understanding of the nation’s recent past and bright future. As Shanghai races into the 21st century, the rest of the country is hitching along on her coattails. We hope you come along for the ride. Don’t blink or you might miss it! learn chinese shanghai or online everywhere.
Friday, November 28, 2008
chinese forum
learn chinese forum
Many foreign friends of mine are complaining to me that Chinese is so hard to learn: the ridiculously difficult writing system, the confusing four tones, the extensive system of measure words, so a lot of things to memorize… It seems that I should thank God just for being born Chinese. Is Chinese really that hard to learn as a foreign language?
Actually, I don’t think so. Chinese grammar is much simpler if compared to that of the European languages. English speakers sometimes complain that languages like Spanish have a complicated grammar (masculine and feminine genders, verb conjugations, etc), whereas the Chinese language has little or no bound morphology and there are no grammatical paradigms to memorize. Each word has a fixed and single form: verbs do not take prefixes or suffixes showing the tense or the person, number, or gender of the subject. Nouns do not take prefixes or suffixes showing their number or their case. I’m not trying to tell you that Chinese has no grammar; what I means is that due to the lack of inflectional morphology, Chinese grammar is mainly concerned with how words are arranged to form meaningful sentences. Plus each Chinese character pronounced in one syllable, that’s why when watching Chinese movies, you find that a few words can be translated into a syllable mapping in the English subtitle.
Probably, you would say that the above is far from enough to convince you; okay, I’ve got one more encouraging and authoritative evidence for you. A couple of days ago I fortunately came across one piece of inspiring news when reading Beijing Times: Less than 1,000 Chinese characters allow you to read 90% of the current Chinese publication, according to a survey conducted by the Education Ministry and Language Commission of China. The findings of this survey is claimed to be based on 900 million characters used in more than 8.9 million files chosen from newspapers, magazines, the Internet and television. Nowadays, the Chinese media is using fewer characters, and to understand 90 percent of the content in publications, you need only to know about 900 of around 50,000 individual characters that are made up of Written Chinese. On the other hand, how many words are there in English? Almost 100,000 and it’s still on the rise. One important reason for this is that Chinese characters, unlike English words, are mainly to represent meaning, not pronunciation, and what’s more, many characters are archaic and some found only once in the whole history of the written language, such as the names of people or places. An average Chinese university graduate may know only about 6,000.
Now, would those all above relieve you a little bit in your Chinese language study? Hope so, but do not misinterpret this: I am not in any intention to convince you that Chinese is very easy to learn or other languages like English are much harder; what I mean is that Chinese is really not that difficult as you imagined or heard about, it’s just different from your mother tongue, but difference does not necessarily mean difficulty, right? And that hard Chinese idea won’t be of any help in your study. Trust yourself, once that fear factor is overcome, the language is actually not that hard to learn. Good luck with your Chinese language study.
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The distribution of Chinese language
The distribution of Chinese language
Main Chinese dialects | Where spoken |
Guan (Mandarin) | In the northern, central and western regions. Includes Bejing, Tianjin, Hebei Province, Henan Province, Shandong Province, Shaanxi Province, Jilin Province and Inner Mongolia among others. North Mandarin, as found in Beijing, is the basis of the modern standard language (c. 885 million). |
Wu | In the east-central region at Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province and parts of Anhui Province. It includes Shanghainese (c. 90 million). |
Yue (Cantonese) | In the south at Guangdong Province including Hong Kong and Macau, and parts of Guangxi Province (c. 71 million). |
Min | In the south-east at Fujian Province, Hainan Province and parts of Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province. It includes Taiwanese (c. 70 million). |
Xiang | In the south-central region at Hunan Province and parts of Guangxi Province (c. 36 million). |
Hakka | Widespread, especially between Fujian Province and Guangxi Province (c. 34 million). |
Gan | In the north at Shanxi Province and parts of Hebei Province (c. 31 million). |
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Is Chinese Really So Hard To Learn As A Second Language?
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Many foreign friends of mine are complaining to me that Chinese is so hard to learn: the ridiculously difficult writing system, the confusing four tones, the extensive system of measure words, so a lot of things to memorize… It seems that I should thank God just for being born Chinese. Is Chinese really that hard to learn as a foreign language?
Actually, I don’t think so. Chinese grammar is much simpler if compared to that of the European languages. English speakers sometimes complain that languages like Spanish have a complicated grammar (masculine and feminine genders, verb conjugations, etc), whereas the Chinese language has little or no bound morphology and there are no grammatical paradigms to memorize. Each word has a fixed and single form: verbs do not take prefixes or suffixes showing the tense or the person, number, or gender of the subject. Nouns do not take prefixes or suffixes showing their number or their case. I’m not trying to tell you that Chinese has no grammar; what I means is that due to the lack of inflectional morphology, Chinese grammar is mainly concerned with how words are arranged to form meaningful sentences. Plus each Chinese character pronounced in one syllable, that’s why when watching Chinese movies, you find that a few words can be translated into a syllable mapping in the English subtitle.
Probably, you would say that the above is far from enough to convince you; okay, I’ve got one more encouraging and authoritative evidence for you. A couple of days ago I fortunately came across one piece of inspiring news when reading Beijing Times: Less than 1,000 Chinese characters allow you to read 90% of the current Chinese publication, according to a survey conducted by the Education Ministry and Language Commission of China. The findings of this survey is claimed to be based on 900 million characters used in more than 8.9 million files chosen from newspapers, magazines, the Internet and television. Nowadays, the Chinese media is using fewer characters, and to understand 90 percent of the content in publications, you need only to know about 900 of around 50,000 individual characters that are made up of Written Chinese. On the other hand, how many words are there in English? Almost 100,000 and it’s still on the rise. One important reason for this is that Chinese characters, unlike English words, are mainly to represent meaning, not pronunciation, and what’s more, many characters are archaic and some found only once in the whole history of the written language, such as the names of people or places. An average Chinese university graduate may know only about 6,000.
Now, would those all above relieve you a little bit in your Chinese language study? Hope so, but do not misinterpret this: I am not in any intention to convince you that Chinese is very easy to learn or other languages like English are much harder; what I mean is that Chinese is really not that difficult as you imagined or heard about, it’s just different from your mother tongue, but difference does not necessarily mean difficulty, right? And that hard Chinese idea won’t be of any help in your study. Trust yourself, once that fear factor is overcome, the language is actually not that hard to learn. Good luck with your Chinese language study.
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It Cannot Hurt To Learn Chinese
It today's day and age, many people are learning a second, third or even forth language. There are probably many reasons to learn languages other than your own. Some people just love learning about foreign cultures, and therefore they choose to study a foreign language to help them understand a culture even further. Others learn a language such as Spanish or Chinese to help prepare them for a career that they hope to have or for preparation to travel to a foreign land.
If you are thinking of starting to learn another language, regardless of your age or of other languages you have learned, you should consider learning Chinese. There are many great reasons to learn Chinese. One of the biggest reasons that I, as an artist, loved learning Chinese was because of how artistic and beautiful to the eye the written Chinese language is. When I entered my first Chinese class I could not get over how intriguing and wonderful it looked on the chalk board. In fact, as the weeks of the class went on and I was getting frustrated by my lack of ability, it was the physical beauty of written Chinese that kept me going.
Another great reason to start learning Chinese is that the nation and people of China are undoubtedly rising up to be some of the world's most powerful people. Business, travel and trade are all increasing with China, so it will not hurt you to start learning Chinese. In fact, Chinese could very well become the next world language and be used with the frequency of English. If you are ever considering international business or trade, or if you just like to travel, then consider seriously how learning Chinese could be of benefit to you.
There are many ways to actually start learning Chinese. You can purchase books at a local bookstore that will give you the basics to start learning, or you can even buy video or dvd sets that will help you learn. An even better way to learn Chinese, however, is to enroll in a Chinese class at a local college or university. Getting in the classroom and being surrounded by other students might be the best way to really learn the Chinese language. So take some time to research the opportunities for Chinese that exist in your area. Or perhaps you have a Chinese friend that will agree to give you personal lessons. Even better.
Realize that learning another language such as Chinese can be fun and is definitely valuable for anyone. Start the process today and you won't be sorry.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Essentials infos about shanghai
Shanghai lies in central-eastern China, exposed to the East China
Sea. Shanghai, the largest city in China, attracts visitors like a magnet. They come for its culture, its history and its booming business sector. It is one of the best locations forliving and working in China. Not only
an exciting city with world class facilities and good living conditions, but
it is also a culturally rich place with diverse and dynamic international communities.
Local Time
China has one time zone. Shanghai is 8 hours ahead of GMT (London), 7 hours of Paris and 13 hours of EST (New York), substract 1 hour during summer time.
Shanghainese generally speak Mandarin (Putonghua) Chinese (the official language of the country) and Shanghai dialect. While there are many different spoken dialects in China, there is only one written language.
January | February | March | April | May | June |
3.3°C 37.5°F | 4.3°C 39.7°F | 8.2°C 46.9°F | 13.8°C 56.8°F | 18.9°C 66.0°F | 23.2°C 73.8°F |
July | August | September | October | November | December |
27.4°C 81.3°F | 27.5°C 81.4°F | 23.2°C 73.8°F | 17.7°C 63.9°F | 11.7°C 53.1°F | 5.9°C 42.6°F |
Chinese currency
The Chinese currency is called Renminbi (meaning People's Currency) and it is abbreviated as RMB.
It is denominated in yuan, referred as "kuai" in every speech.
A Shopping Paradise
Nanjing Road, known as "China's No.1 Street", the reconstructed Huaihai Road, Jinling Road, Xiang Yang market, North Sichuan Road, the Yuyuan Garden shopping and tourist area, the Ever Bright City Commercial Centre, Xujiahui Commercial Centre, and Zhangyang Road Commercial Centre in Pudong are packed with rows of shops arrayed with large collections of merchandise that are a feast to the eyes and meet the demands of different classes of domestic and foreign customers.
A Heaven for Gourmets
There are over a thousand restaurants serving the famous 16 styles of Chinese food, such as Beijing, Sichuan, Guangdong, Yangzhou, Fujian, etc. There are also French, Italian, Russian, English, German, Japanese, Indian and other kinds of foreign flavored cuisines, genuine Muslim food and vegetarian food.
In Shanghai, you can have a taste of all kind of food in the world.
How to move around in shanghai.TAXI,SUBWAY,BUS WALKING IN SHANGHAI
How to move around in shanghai.TAXI,SUBWAY,BUS WALKING IN SHANGHAI learn chinese
The most common way to travel around Shanghai is the taxi; it is clearly the most comfortable way of travelling. Taxis are plentiful (50,000 taxis running in Shanghai City) and are available 24 hours a day. Compared to other large international cities, taxi fares in Shanghai are amazingly cheap.
Travelling to a close area would cost less than 15 RMB. Note that there is no tipping in taxi.
Usually taxi drivers do not speak English so be sure to have your destination written in Chinese.
All taxi drivers will provide a receipt showing your place of origin and your destination if requested. Always ask for a taxi receipt ("fapiao" in chinese), as it will help you trace any lost items if you leave them in a taxi.
Like any big city, be prepared for an influx of traffic at the morning and evening rush hour:
it can be difficult to get a taxi during this time.
The starting price for the meter is 11 RMB (14 RMB after 11pm) and it increases every 500 m travelled after 3km.
The underground is very clean, modern and inexpensive (from 3 to 6 RMB according to destination) but gets very crowded especially at weekends. Maps, announcements, and directions are all provided in both Chinese and English, making the subway very user-friendly for foreign visitors. The subway starts operation from around 5am to 11pm, depending on line and direction.
Shanghai has 8 metro lines (others are underconstruction), while the underground metro system is the fastest and most efficient way to move around the city, be warned that it is quite an experience for a foreigner. There is a complete absence of public etiquette in entry/exit customs here, so be prepared for some rude pushing and shoving as the train doors open and close.
Click here to see the Shanghai subway map
There are more than 1,100 bus lines in Shanghai. Buses. If you want to travel for a cheap price, the bus is the most common way. Buses run every 10-15 minutes from 4:30 am to midnight. There are plenty of buses and conveniently go to anywhere of Shanghai, but there are often packed to the hilt and at times, impossible to board especially at 8:00 -9:00 am and 5:00-6:00 pm when people are going to work or back to home.
The bus system in Shanghai is like a spider web. Though it may take a lot of time, you can go from one place to another without many problems on a bus. The bus fees range from 2 RMB – 3 RMB per bus ride inside the city. You can either pay in cash or use the Shanghai Public Transportation Card.
WALKING learn chinese
Walking in downtown Shanghai is one of the most exciting experiences. Shanghai is famous for its ancient alleys and buildings. To find these rare attractions, walking is the most interesting way. Though it is impossible to tour all of Shanghai by foot, several parts of downtown are worthwhile for a walk. Several buildings from the early 20th century still stand in downtown Shanghai, but are rarely publicized. Therefore, a walk in the streets of downtown Shanghai would provide one with the opportunity to observe these buildings as well as experience the true culture of Shanghai.
There are plenty of sidewalks where pedestrians can stroll at leisure. Watch out for loose tiles which are difficult to see at night.
Be careful: pedestrian crossing offers no safety; cars will not stop for you. Try to cross at traffic lights, remembering that traffic can turn right at any time regardless of a red light.
Click here to see the Shanghai Map
The best way to travel in Shanghai is to buy the "Shanghai Public Transportation Card" operated by SMTCC.
It's 30 RMB at any subway station, and at the cashier you can add money all up to 999 RMB. Unfortunately the card will not give a discount like the Hongkong MTR Octopus Card, but it will allow you to avoid the often long queues in front of the ticket booths.
Don't loose the card - there is NO code or anything to prevent others to use it. It is valid for ferries, taxis, trains and buses. Some bus lines still require cash, so you need a few RMB in your pocket.
For taxi, remember to show your card to the driver before you start the ride in the taxis, not all have this function up and working. learn chinese
A growing interest for the chinese
A growing interest for the language learn chinese
More and more foreigners are showing interest in learning Chinese
as China increases exchanges with the outside world.
More than 9,600 foreign students from 113 countries came
to Shanghai to learn Chinese in 2005.
It is estimated that the number of foreigners coming to China
to learn the language over the last few years has maintained an
average annual growth rate of 35 percent.
Universities welcome Western learn chinese
students for the extra revenue
they bring. Courses usually
cost about US$1000 a semester.
Accommodation costs around
US$10 a day.
In Shanghai, there are more
than 10 universities offering
Chinese language courses.
So, the problem for many
foreigners is to select one
between all these universities. learn chinese
Students are usually given a placement test before the course
starts and administered an HSK upon completing the course.
Classes are generally in the morning Monday through Friday,
8:30-12:30. Intensive classes have an additional 2 hours a day from 2-4. Optional classes are available, including tai-chi, calligraphy, HSK prep, etc.
Students are predominantly from Asia: Korean (60-85%), Japanese (15-35%), Thai or Indonesian. Westerners are a definite minority.
There is no official interaction or activities between short term
students and chinese students on campus.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Genes may help people learn Chinese
Genes may help people learn Chinese
All babies can grow up speaking any language, but now researchers have uncovered evidence that genes may in fact play a part in learning so-called "tonal languages", such as Chinese.
Subtle pronunciation differences in tonal languages can radically change the meaning of words, which may be one reason why such languages are so hard to learn for speakers of non-tonal languages like English. So for a non-native Chinese speaker, to enquire after the health of someone's mother might easily result in a query about the wellbeing of their horse.
And now it appears that there may after all be something in our genes that affects how easily tonal languages can be learned. Such are the findings of Dan Dediu and Robert Ladd of Edinburgh University, UK, who have discovered the first clear correlation between language and genetic variation.
Using statistical analysis, the pair showed that people in regions where non-tonal languages are spoken are more likely to carry different, more recently evolved forms of two brain development genes, ASPM and Microcephalin, than people in tonal regions. Dediu and Ladd accounted for geography and history, and the gene differences remained.
Bernard Crespi, an evolutionary biologist at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada, says the results "open up a whole new field of
inquiry, that links language evolution with adaptive molecular evolution and brain function."
No genetic advantage
Since both genes function in brain development, Dediu and Ladd propose that they may have subtle effects on the organisation of the cerebral cortex, including the areas that process language.
It is already known that brain anatomy differs between English speakers who are good at learning tonal languages and those that find it harder, says Ladd, who now wants to see whether similar differences can be found between individual carriers of the ASPMand Microcephalin variants.
A remaining puzzle is the role of natural selection. It has been argued that the newer variants of these two genes are positively selected, but so far nobody has been able to show how they might provide a selective advantage.
Dediu and Ladd do not think the genes' link to tonality could be the answer. "There is absolutely no reason to think that non-tonal languages are in any way more fit for purpose than tonal languages," says Ladd. "Chinese society developed advanced technology, politics and philosophy with a tonal language just as successfully as roughly contemporary eastern Mediterranean societies with non-tonal languages."
But Crespi speculates that the lower complexity of non-tonal languages could confer a selective advantage: "Adoption of a simpler language might be 'easier', allowing for faster acquisition of language or other brain functions in early childhood. These ideas could be tested."
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
how to improve your chinese listening?
How to improve your Chinese Listening? This question (or near question) is often asked by students who are new in China (and of course any other Chinese speaking country). In many cases the speed of the Chinese they are now hearing is faster than greased lightening on a long run and they just can't deal with it. The accent and speed they are accustomed to from their teachers is nowhere to be found, and this leads to confusion, self-doubt. So, as Chinese teachers we get repeatedly asked the simple question "How to I improve my Chinese Listening ability?" The answer to this question is a frustratingly simple 3 steps. "Listen lots!" "React to what you hear" "Repeat!" Do this regularly and listening comprehension will increase dramatically and quickly. Ok….let's look at these in turn Listen Lots to improve your listening you need to listen to natural Chinese lots…as much as you can. Sure you can listen to Chinese tapes and follow along with Made for Chinese CDs, but these rarely match real language in terms of speed. People learning Chinese (or any language) need to get as much natural speed input as they can. Great ways to do this include: TV or radio news broadcasts, Net based audio (podcasts, audio files, video), joining local clubs, volunteering, watching Chinese movies, TV, going clubbing, starting a club. React to what you hear Listening isn't enough. A student needs to react to what they have just listening to. This reaction allows the communication to continue in its natural way. The reaction is what allows a student to confirm that they heard correctly, understood correctly, and could respond appropriately to the situation. Sometimes this is as simple as continuing a conversation by responding to a question or trying to elicit opinions/information/ideas on the topic. Other times it may involve writing: summaries, opinions, diary entries, reviews can be used to respond to what you've heard. Repeat really simple here. Don't it once? Great, now do it again…and again…and again on a regular schedule, in different situations and on different topics. Listening well involves more than just understanding the words. It involves understanding the context (the place) and being able to understand the language being used in context. In the end what really matters for improving Chinese skills overall, not only Chinese Listening skills is practice and use. Improving language skills always requires 2 acts 1) getting input and 2) reacting to the input (output). You need to get language into your brain and then you need to get the language out to be heard and read by others. So, if you or your students want to improve Chinese Listening skills, just follow the three simple steps. Listen, Respond, Do it again.
As China Goes, So Goes ... 中国好,世界才好
over the last 30 years, China has hitched its economy to the industrial world, exporting cheap goods to the United States and other developed nations, building up an enormous trade surplus that will hit about $400 billion this year. As those industrial economies sputter, China is now in a position to pick up some of the slack: selling more of its own goods at home and buying more from the rest of the world.
To get China’s consumers to spend, the government will need to spend more at home, investing in public works projects and providing more social benefits — including health insurance and pensions — so its citizens don’t feel they have to save so much for a rainy day.
This is clearly in Beijing’s interest, though China’s leaders are still clinging to the old export strategy.
China is already feeling the impact of a slower world economy. Both economic growth and export growth have braked sharply. The slowdown threatens job creation, direly needed to absorb millions of rural Chinese seeking employment in the cities.
Over the summer the Chinese central bank put an end to its short-lived policy of allowing the yuan to gradually appreciate against the dollar, a policy aimed at reducing inflation that would also raise the price of Chinese exports. Last week, the Chinese government announced that it would increase its rebates on taxes charged to exporters — giving them a further boost.
But trying to capture a bigger share of shrinking markets in the United States, Europe and Japan — just as they tip into recession — won’t provide China much of an economic lift. What it will do is contribute to the slowdown in the rest of the world by hogging demand. China would get much more bang for the buck if it focused on stimulating its own domestic markets for goods and services.
Given the desperate mess Washington has made of its own financial system, few countries are eager to take American advice these days. After years of Congressional China-bashing, Beijing may be especially resistant.
Still, it is in China’s interest to change. China has grown 13-fold over the last 30 years, thanks to hypercharged exports and white hot investment. But its economy is lopsided. Consumer spending amounts to little over a third of economic production, probably the lowest share in any country in the world. And its overwhelming dependence on exports has made it overwhelmingly vulnerable to changes in world demand.
The government in Beijing, which is running a huge budget surplus, also has money to spare.
The government has announced some measures to fuel domestic spending —including a tax cut on home purchases to revive an ailing housing market and a vague plan to invest in public works. But it must do more to unlock the savings of its citizens and encourage them to spend.
To do that it needs to rebuild the system of social insurance that fell apart when state-owned industries collapsed and were replaced by the private sector. Government investment in things like health care, education and pensions would help develop China’s middle class and its domestic market.
A boost to consumer spending would undoubtedly help China weather the economic storm. But by raising Chinese imports and reducing its dependence on exports, it would also help the rest of the world.
The most common chinese characters in order of frequency
The most common Chinese characters in order of frequency
Seq.num. Character Pronunciations and explanations 1 的 [de] ; 我的 wǒde my; 高的 gāode high, tall; 是的 shìde that's it, that's right; 是...的 shì one who...; 他是说汉语的. Tā shì shuō Hànyǔde. He is one who speaks Chinese.
[dì] 目的 mùdì goal
[dí] true, real; 的确 díquè certainly2 一(A壹) [yī] one, a little; 第一 dì-yī first, primary; 看一看 kànyīkàn have a (quick) look at
[yí] (used before tone #4); 一个人 yí gè rén one person; 一定 yídìng certain; 一样 yíyàng same; 一月yíyuè January
[yì] (used before tones #2 and #3); 一点儿 yìdiǎnr a little; 一些 yìxiē some
{Compare with 幺(F么) yāo, which also means "one"}3 是 [shì] to be, 是不是? shìbushì? is (it) or is (it) not?; 是否 shìfǒu whether or not, is (it) or is (it) not? 4 不 [bù] not
[bú] (used before tone #4); 不是 bú shì isn't5 了 [le] ; 你来了! Nǐ láile! You have come! 我累了! Wǒ lèile! I've gotten tired! 那好了! Nà hǎole! That's OK (now)! 我只请了一位客人. Wǒ zhǐ qǐngle yí wèi kèren. I invited only one guest.
[liǎo] end, finish, settle, dispose of, know clearly, to be able, (=了解 liǎojiě) understand, comprehend; 了了 liǎoliaǒ clearly understand, settle (a debt/etc.), to be intelligent; 了了 liǎoleto be over/ended/finnish/settled; 你卖不了! Nǐ mài bùliǎo! You will not be able to sell (it)!
[liào] (=瞭 liaò) to survey/watch
{Compare with 子 zǐ child}6 人 [rén] person; 人类 rénlèi humankind; 有人吗? yǒu rén ma? Is there anybody here?
{Compare with 入 rù enter}7 我 [wǒ] I, me, my; 我们 wǒmen we, us
{Compare with 找 zhǎo seek}8 在 [zài] at; 现在 xiànzài now; 存在 cúnzài exist 9 有 [yǒu] have, there is; 没有 méiyǒu haven't, there isn't; 有没有? Yǒuméiyǒu? Is there or isn't there? Have (you) or haven't (you)?; 有的 yǒude some
[yòu] (=又 yòu) again, both... and...10 他 [tā] he, him, his, (she, her, it, its), (=其他 qítā) other
[tuō] (in classical texts) someone else, something else11 这(F這) [zhè] this; 这儿 zhèr here
[zhèi] this (before classifier)12 中 [zhōng] middle, in; 中国 Zhōngguó China
[zhòng] hit (a target)13 大 [dà] big; 多大? duōdà? how large?; 大小 dàxiǎo size; 大家 dàjiā everybody
[dài] 大夫 dàifu doctor
{Compare with 太 tài very and 木 mù tree}14 来(F來) [lái] come; 原来 yuánlái originally, as a matter of fact; 来年 láinián coming/next year(s)
[lai] (when used as a verb complement); 起来 qǐlai get up15 上 [shàng] above, on, over, top, (go) up, last, previous
[shǎng] 上声 shǎngshēng 3rd tone in Mandarin
[shang] (when used as a verb complement)
{Compare with 下 xià under}16 国(F國) [guó] (=国家 guójiā) country, state, nation, ; 中国 Zhōngguó China; 美国 Měiguó USA 17 个(F個,箇) [gè] ; 个人 gèrén personal; 个人主页 gèrénzhùyè personal homepage
[gě] 自个 zìgě oneself18 到 [dào] to, towards, until, arrive, reach 19 说(F說) [shuō] explain, scold, refer to, (=说话 shuōhuà) speak, say; 游说 yóushuō persuade
[shuì] try to persuade; 游说 yóushuì lobbying20 们(F們) [men] ; 我们 wǒmen we; 人们 rénmen people, persons 21 为(F為) [wèi] for, for the sake of, in order to, in this connection
[wéi] do, act, act as, be, become; 认为 rènwéi think or believe that...; 以为 yǐwéi think or believe erroneously that...
{Compare with 办 bàn do}22 子 [zǐ] child, son; 子女 zǐnǚ sons and daughters; 儿子 érzi son
[zi] (noun suffix); 桌子 zhuōzi table
{Compare with 了 le} 23 和 [hé] together, with, (F龢) harmony, gentle, mild, kind, ; 和平 hépíng peace
[Hé] Japan
[huo] 暖和 nuǎnhuo nice and warm
[hè] join in singing, compose a poem in reply
[huó] mix with water
[huò] mix, blend
[hú] complete a set in Mahjong24 你 [nǐ] (Alternative feminine form: 妳 nǐ) you, your; 你们 nǐmen you (plural) 25 地 [dì] earth, ground, soil, place, position, distance; 地支 dìzhī the Twelve Terrestrial Branches
[de], ~ly; 快地走 kuàide zǒu walk quickly 26 出 [chū] go out, come out, in direction out from something, emit, issue, prouce; 出现 chūxiàn appear, emerge, (F齣) 27 道 [dào] way, path, channel, way, say, a streak (of light), doctrine, , (=道教 Dàojiào) Taoism; 知道 zhīdao know
[dǎo] (=导 dǎo) lead; 领道 = 领导 lǐngdǎo leader28 也 [yě] also, as well; 也许 yěxǔ perhaps 29 时(F時) [shí] period, season, (=时间 shíjiān, =时候 shíhou) time, (=小时 xiǎoshí) hour 30 年 [nián] year, ; 今年 jīnnián this year; 明年 míngnián next year; 去年 qùnián last year; 中年 zhōngnián middle age 31 得 [de] ; 走得快 zǒude kuài walk quickly
[dé] get, reach, achieve
[děi] should32 就 [jiù] just, simply, right away; 就要 jiùyào about to (do something); 这就是我! Zhè jiùshì wǒ! This is simply me!; 他就要去. Tā jiùyào qù. He is about to leave. 33 那 [nà] that
[nèi] that (before classifier)
[nuó] 禅那 chánnuó deep meditation
[nuò] 无那 wúnuò helpless, unfortunately
[nǎ] (=哪 nǎ) what?
[něi] (=哪 něi before classifier) which?34 要 [yào] want, will, shall, need, important, essential; 主要 zhǔyào main, fundamental
[yāo] 要求 yāoqiú demand35 下 [xià] below, under, (go) down, next (as opposed to previous/last)
{Compare with 上 shàng above}36 以 [yǐ] use, take, according to, because of, in order to; 可以 kěyǐ OK, may; 所以 suǒyǐ so, therefore, as a result; 以外 yǐwài beyond, except 37 生 [shēng] give birth, life; 先生 xiānsheng mister, gentleman, Sir 38 会(F會) [huì] can, able, meet, meeting, society, union, party
[kuài] 会计 kuàijì accounting
[huǐ] 会儿 huìr moment39 自 [zì] from, since, (=自己 zìjǐ) self; 自然 zìrán nature
{Compare with 目 mù eye and 白 bái white}40 着(F著) [zhe]
[zháo] touch
[zhuó] wear clothes, dress, touch
[zhāo] put in, add, (F招) make move in chess, trick, decieve41 去 [qù] go, leave, depart (opposite of 来 lái) 42 之 [zhī] , it (in classical texts) 43 过(F過) [guò] pass, cross, go by, exceed, ; 过马路 guò mǎlù cross the street; 我去过中国两次. wǒ qùguo Zhōngguó liǎng cì. I have gone to China twice. 44 家 [jiā] home, house, family; 国家 guójiā nation; 大家 dàjiā everybody
[jie] 整天家 zhěngtiānjie all day long; 家里 jiālǐ (at) home, (in the) family45 学(F學) [xué] study, learn; 学校 xuéxiào school; 学生 xuésheng student
{Compare with 字 zì written character}46 对(F對) [duì] correct, answer, treat, agree, mutual, pair; 对不起 duìbuqǐ excuse me 47 可 [kě] ~able, (=可以 kěyǐ) may, can, (=可是 kěshì) but, however; 可爱 kě'ài loveable, cute; 可能 kě'néng possible, probable, maybe; 可口可乐 kěkǒukělè Coca Cola
[kè] 可汗 kèhán khan48 她 [tā] she, her 49 里 [lǐ] neighbourhood, half kilometer, , (F裏,裡) in, inside, lining; 哪里? nǎli? where?; 那里 nàli there; 这里 zhèli here 50 后 [hòu] queen, (F後) after, behind, ; 后天 hòutiān the day after tomorrow 51 小 [xiǎo] small; 大小 dàxiǎo size 52 么 [me/mo] (F麼,末) (interrogative suffix) 什么? shénme? what?; 为什么? wèishénme? why? 没什么! méi shénme! It doesn't matter!, Never mind!; 怎么? zěnme? how?
[yāo] (S幺) youngest, one (e.g. in bus/house/phone numbers)53 心 [xīn] heart; 小心 xiǎoxīn be careful; 心理 xīnlǐ psychology, mentality; 中心 zhōngxīn center 54 多 [duō] many, much, more; 多大 duōdà how large?; 多少 duōshǎo how many/much? 55 天 [tiān] sky, heaven, god, day, (=天空 tiānkōng) sky; 天气 tiānqì weather
{天干 tiāngān the Ten Heavenly Stems: 甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸 jiǎ-yǐ-bǐng-dīng-wù-jǐ-gēng-xīn-rén-guǐ (these characters are sometimes used as ordinal numbers}
{Compare with 夫 fū man and 无 wú without}56 而 [ér] (=而且 érqiě) and, furthermore, (=然而 rán'ér) yet, even so 57 能 [néng] can, be able; 能够 nénggòu be capable of; 可能 kě'néng maybe 58 好 [hǎo] good, good to..., easy to...; 你好! Nǐhǎo! Hello!
[hào] to like
[hāo] 好好儿 hǎohāor in perfectly good condition59 都 [dōu] all
[dū] (=首都 shǒudū) capital city60 然 [rán] right, correct, so, like that; 虽然 suīrán although; 忽然 hūrán suddenly; 当然 dāngrán of course; 自然 zìrán nature 61 没(F沒) [méi] (=没有 méiyǒu) haven't, there isn't; 有没有? Yǒuméiyǒu? Is there or isn't there? Have (you) or haven't (you)?
[mò] sink, overflow, disappear, confiscate62 日 [rì] sun, (=日子 rìzi) day; 日记 rìjì diary; 日光 rìguāng sunlight
{Compare with 曰 yuē say, 目 mù eye and 甘 gān sweet}63 于 [yú] , (F於) in, at, for, to, from, by, than
{Compare with 千 qiān thousand and 干 gān stem}64 起 [qǐ] rise, start; 起来 qǐlai get up; 对不起 duìbuqǐ excuse me
[qi] (when used as a verb complement)65 还(F還) [hái] still, yet
[huán] return, give back66 发 [fā] (F發) deliver, utter, express, shoot, emit, develop, expand
[fà] (F髮) hair
[fa] (F髮) 头发 tóufa hair67 成 [chéng] (=成为 chéngwéi, =变成 biànchéng) become, ; 成功 chénggōng succeed; 完成 wánchéng accomplish, complete, fulfill; 成语 chéngyǔ idiom 68 事 [shì] matter, affair, thing, event, accident, job, responsibility; 事情 shìqing situation 69 只(F祇) [zhǐ] only, just, merely, ; 一只猫 yì zhǐ māo a cat
[zhī] (F隻) single, one, only
{Compare with 兄 xiōng brother}70 作 [zuò] do, make; 工作 gōngzuò work; 作业 zuòyè homework
[zuó] 作践 zuójian spoil, waste, humiliate, insult
[zuō] do71 当 [dāng] (F當) serve as, (F噹) ding-dong
[dàng] (F當) proper, right, equal, (=当作 dàngzuò) treat as, regard as72 想 [xiǎng] think, feel, consider, want, remember 73 看 [kàn] see, look at, read, think, consider
[kān] look after, tend; 看守 kānshǒu guard74 文 [wén] language, literature, ; 文化 wénhuà culture; 中文 Zhōngwén Chinese (written) language 75 无(F無) [wú] without, nothingness, have not
[mó] 南无 nánmóto give oneself totally to
{Compare with 天 tiān heaven}76 开(F開) [kāi] open; 开始 kāishǐ begin 打开 dǎkāi open, unfold
[kai] (when used as a verb complement)
{Compare with 并 bìng combine}77 手 [shǒu] hand, a person skilled in something; 挥手 huīshǒu wave; 拍手 pāishǒu clap; 握手 wòshǒu shake/clasp hands
{Compare with 毛 máo hair}78 十(A拾) [shí] ten; 十三 shísān thirteen; 五十 wǔshí fifty; 十月 shíyuè October 79 用 [yòng] use; 好用 hǎoyòng useful; 不用 búyòng there's no need; 使用 shǐyòng use, apply
{Compare with 甩 shuǎi swing}80 主 [zhǔ] lord, master, host, god, (=主要 zhǔyào) main, primary; 主义 zhǔyì doctrine, ~ism; 主页 zhùyè homepage
{Compare with 王 wáng king}81 行 [xíng] go, OK; 行动 xíngdòng action, operation, move, get about, act
[háng] line; 银行 yínháng bank; 行业 hángyè profession
[hàng] 树行子 shùhàngzi rows of trees
[héng] (phonetic radical)82 方 [fāng] side, square; 地方 dìfang place; 方面 fāngmiàn aspect
{Compare with 万 wàn ten thousand}83 又 [yòu] again, both... and... 84 如 [rú] like, as, as if, (=如果 rúguǒ) if; 如此 rúcǐ like this 85 前 [qián] in front, previous, ago, former, first; 前天 the day before yesterday 86 所 [suǒ] place; 所以 suǒyǐ so, therefore; 所有 suǒyǒu all; 厕所 cèsuǒ toilet 87 本 [běn] basis, origin, edition, ; 本人 běnrén I, me, myself; 日本 Rìběn Japan
{Compare with 木 mù tree}88 见(F見) [jiàn] appear to be, meet with, call on, (=看见 kànjian) see; 意见 yìjian idea, view, opinion; 听见 tīngjiàn hear
[xiàn] show, appear, become visible
{Compare with 贝 bèi shellfish}89 经(F經) [jīng] longitude (both geographic and in Chinese medecin), scripture, constant, regular, , deal with, (=经纪 jīngjì) manage (a business); 已经 yǐjing already; 经过 jīngguò pass, go through; 经验 jīngyàn experience; 经由 jīngyóu via, by way of; 经常 jīngcháng frequent, daily; 易经 Yìjīng Book of Changes; 90 头(F頭) [tóu] head, top, first, ; 头发 tóufa hair
[tou] 石头 shítou stone91 面 [miàn] face, surface, , (F麵) wheat flour, (=面条 miàntiáo) noodle; 面包 miànbāo bread 92 公 [gōng] public, official; 公里 gōnglǐ kilometer; 办公室 bànggōngshì office; 公司 gōngsī company; 公共 gōnggòng public, communal, common; 公共汽车 gōnggòngqìchē (public) bus; 李公 Lǐgōng (honorable and old) Mr Li 93 同 [tóng] same, with; 同志 tóngzhì comrade
[tòng] (F衕) 胡同 hútòng lane94 三(A叁) [sān] three; 第三世界 dì-sān shìjiè 3rd World; 三月 sānyuè March 95 已 [yǐ] stop, cease, end, (=已经 yǐjīng) already
{Compare with 己 jǐ self, which is "open" on the left side}96 老 [lǎo] old, venerable, outdated; 老师 lǎoshī teacher; 老虎 lǎohǔ tiger; 老张 lǎo Zhāng old Zhang = dear (friend) Mr Zhang 97 从(F從) [cóng] from, through, join, follower, secondary
[cōng] 黑从从 hēicōngcōng murky98 动(F動) [dòng] move, change, arouce; 动物 dòngwù animal; 活动 huódòng activity; 运动 yùndòng sports 99 两(F兩) [liǎng] two (before classifier), 50 grams 100 长(F長) [cháng] long, lasting, length
[zhǎng] grow up, chief, head, older, elder101 知 [zhī] realize, sense, inform, tell, (=知道 zhīdao) know; 知识 zhīshi knowledge
[zhì] (=智 zhì) wit, (=智慧 zhìhuì) wisdom, (=智力 zhìlì) intellect102 民 [mín] (=人民 rénmín) people, ; 民主 mǐnzhǔ democracy 103 样(F樣) [yàng] appearance, shape, form, manner; 这样 zhèyàng like this; 怎么样 zěnmeyàng how? in what way? 104 现(F現) [xiàn] show, appear, current; 现在 xiànzài now; 发现 fāxiàn discover; 现代 xiàndài modern 105 分 [fēn] divide, fraction, minute, cent; 百分之五 bǎifēnzhīwǔ = 5/100 = 5%
[fèn] limits of rights or duty106 将(F將) [jiāng] shall; 将来 jiānglái future
[jiàng] general, a piece in Chinese chess 麻将 májiàng mahjongg107 外 [wài] outside, outer, other, foreign, beyond, relative on ones mother's/sisters/wife's side; 外孙 wàisūn daugthers son; 外国人 wàiguórén foreigner; 意外 yìwài unexpected
{Compare with 处 chù place}108 但 [dàn] (=但是 dànshì) but, still, nevertheless, however, yet 109 身 [shēn] life, incarnation, , (=身体 shēntǐ) body; 亲身 qīnshēn in person, personally 110 些 [xiē] some, ; 一些 yìxiē a number of, some; 这些人 zhèxiē rén these people 111 与(F與) [yǔ] give, offer, help, support, and
[yù] 参与 cānyù participate in
[yú] 欤
{Compare with 写 xiě write}112 高 [gāo] high, tall, loud, your, ; 提高 tígāo improve; 高兴 gāoxìng happy; 高见 gāojiàn your opinion/idea 113 意 [yì] (=意思 yìsi, =意义 yìyì) meaning, idea, (=愿意 yuànyi) wish, desire; 意图 yìtú intention; 意见 yìjian opinion; 意大利 Yìdàlì Italy 114 进(F進) [jìn] enter, go forward, recieve, drink, eat, submit; 进步 jìnbù progress 115 把 [bǎ] grasp, hold, handle,
[bà] 把子 bàzi, 把儿 bàr handle116 法 [fǎ] (=法律 fǎlǜ) law, (=办法 bànfǎ) method; 法国 Fǎguó France 117 此 [cǐ] this; 如此 rúcǐ (=这样 zhèyàng) like this; 此地 cǐdì (=这里 zhèlǐ) here, at this place 118 实(F實) [shí] solid, true, real; 事实 shìshí fact; 实际上 shíjìshang actually; 实在 shízài really 119 回 [huí] circle, return, reply, turns, times, chapter, Muslim, Hui (ethnic minority), ; 回来 huílái come back; 回去 huíqù go back; 回答 huídá answer 120 二(A贰) [èr] two; 二月 èryuè February 121 理 [lǐ] principle; 理论 lǐlùn theory; 管理 guǎnlǐ manage; 心理 xīnlǐ psychology, mentality 122 美 [měi] (=美丽 meilì) beautiful, (=好 hǎo) good, (=美德 měidé) virtue, ; 美国 Měiguó USA; 美元 měiyuán US$ 美家 měijiā artist 123 点(F點) [diǎn] a drop (of liquid), dot, decimal point, a little, a bit, appoint time, select, choose, order food/drink, , (=点火 diǎnhuǒ) light a fire; 一点儿 yìdiǎnr a little; 点头 diǎntóu nod one's head 124 月 [yuè] month, (=月亮 yuèliang, =月球 yuèqiú) moon 125 明 [míng] bright, clear, distinct, next (day or year), ; 明白 míngbai clear, understand; 明天 míngtiān tomorrow 126 其 [qí] its, that, such, they, them; 其他 qítā other; 尤其 yóuqí especially
[jī] anniversary127 种(F種) [zhǒng] kind, sort, breed, race
[zhòng] to plant, cultivate128 声(F聲) [shēng] voice, declaration, (=声音 shēngyīn) sound, ; 声名 shēngmíng reputation, fame, statement, declaration 129 全 [quán] whole, entire, total, complete, ; 完全 wánquán completely; 安全 ānquán safety 130 工 [gōng] (=工作 gōngzuò) work, job; 工人 gōngrén worker 131 己 [jǐ] (=自己 zìjǐ) self
{Compare with 已 yǐ already, which is "closed" on the left side}132 话(F話) [huà] speech, word, language, dialect, (=说话 shuōhuà) talk, speak
[huo] 白话 báihuo = báihuà vernacular, empty talk133 儿(F兒) [ér] child; 儿子 érzi son; 女儿 nǚ'ér daughter
[r] (noun suffix); 这儿 zhèr here; 那儿 nàr there
[rén] (when referring to the radical)
{Compare with 兄 xiōng brother, 几 jǐ table, 臾 yú moment}134 者 [zhě] one who...; 作者 zuòzhě author; 和平主义者 hépíngzhǔyìzhě pacifist 135 向 [xiàng] take somebody's part, to, towards, all along, allways, , (F嚮) direction, towards, (F曏) formerly, previously; 向者 xiàngzhě formerly, once upon a time 136 情 [qíng] sensibility, (=感情 gǎnqíng) feeling, emotion; 爱情 àiqíng love 137 部 [bù] (=部分 bùfen) part, section, unit, , (=部队 bùduì) troops, army; 西部 xībù western part; 全部 quánbù entire 138 正 [zhèng] right, straight, upright, correct
[zhēng] 正月 zhēngyuè, 新正 xīnzhēng the 1st month of lunar year139 名 [míng] (=名字 míngzi) name, personal name, reputation, famous, ; 著名 zhùmíng famous; 名词 míngcí noun 140 定 [dìng] fix, settle, calm, stable, subscribe, (=决定 juédìng) decide; 一定 yídìng definite 141 女 [nǚ] female, (=女人 nǚrén, =妇女 fùnǚ) woman 142 问(F問) [wèn] ask, examine; 问题 wèntí question, problem; 访问 fǎngwèn visit 143 力 [lì] (=活力 nénglì) energy, vitality, , (=力量 lìliang) strength, force 144 机(F機) [jī] (=机器 jīqi) machine; 收音机 shōuyīnjī radio; 飞机 fēijī aircraft 145 给(F給) [gěi] give, give to, for, for the benefit of; 送给 sònggěi send/present to
[jǐ] give, supply, provide, (=供给 gōngjǐ) provide146 等 [děng] equal, class, wait, and so on, etc. 147 几 [jī] small table, (F幾) 几乎 jīhū almost
[jǐ] (F幾) how many?, a few, (used in numerals)
{Compare with 儿 ér child}148 很 [hěn] very, quite; 很好 hěnhǎo very good; 很不错! hěn búcuò! not bad at all! 149 业(F業) [yè] line of business, trade, occupation, profession, course of study, engage in, ; 商业 shāngyè commerce; 工业 gōngyè industry; 作业 zuòyè homework 150 最 [zuì] most, marking for superlative; 最近 zuìjìn recently/soon; 最喜欢 zuì xǐhuan favorite 151 间(F間) [jiān] room, between, locality, within given time or space,
[jiàn] gap, interval
[gān] 半间不界 bàn'gānbùgà neither this nor that, inexplicit, equivocal, mediocre152 新 [xīn] new, renew; 重新 chóngxīn again; 新闻 xīnwén news 153 什(F甚) [shén] 什么 shénme what?
[shí] (=十 shí) ten154 打 [dǎ] strike, hit, get, play, (generalized verb with specific meaning determined by its object); 打算 dǎsuan plan, intend; 打开 dǎkāi open, unfold; 打击 dǎjī strike, hitt, attack, assault
[dá] dozen155 便 [biàn] (=方便 fāngbiàn) convenient
[pián] 便宜 piányi cheap
{Compare with 使 shǐ send and 更 gèng more}156 位 [wèi] place, location, position, 157 因 [yīn] cause, (=因为 yīnwèi) because, (=原因 yuányīn) reason 158 重 [zhòng] weight, considerable in amount/value, (=沉重 chénzhòng) heavy, weighty, (=重要 zhòngyào) important
[chóng] again159 被 [bèi] quilt, cover (with), by (indicates passive voice)
[pī] 被服 pīfú = bèifú bedding and clothing, something one hangs on to160 走 [zǒu] go, walk, leave 161 电(F電) [diàn] (=闪电 shǎndiàn) (flash of) lightning, (=电气 diànqì) electricity; 电话 diànhuà phone; 电脑 diànnǎo computer 162 四(A肆) [sì] four; 四周 sìzhōu all around; 四月 sìyuè April 163 第 [dì] indicating ordinal number, ~th; 第三世界 dì-sān shìjiè 3rd World; 第一次 dì-yī cì 1st time 164 门(F門) [mén] door, gate, family, house, valve, switch, , ; 门口 ménkǒu doorway; 部门 bùmén department; 门铃 ménlíng doorbell 165 相 [xiāng] each other, mutual, mode, phase,
[xiàng] look at, appearance, photo166 次 [cì] occurence, time, second, inferior, number of times; 两次 liǎng cì twice 167 东(F東) [dōng] master, owner, (=东方 dōngfāng) east; 东北 dōngběi northeast; 东西 dōngxi thing, creature
{Compare with 车 chē vehicle}168 政 [zhèng] (=政治 zhèngzhì) politics, political affairs, (=政府 zhèngfǔ) government 169 海 [hǎi] sea, big lake, , (=海洋 hǎiyáng, =大海 dàhǎi) sea, ocean 170 口 [kǒu] mouth, opening, entrance, hole, cut, ; 门口 ménkǒu doorway; 人口 rénkǒu population 171 使 [shǐ] make, cause to (do), send (as envoy), (=使用 shǐyòng) use, apply
{Compare with 吏 lì and 便 biàn official}172 教 [jiāo] teach; 王老师教数学. Wáng lǎoshī jiāo shùxué. Teacher Wang teaches math.
[jiào] cause, ask to, teach; 教师 jiàoshī teacher, instructor; 教育 jiàoyù education173 西 [xī] west, western; 东西 dōngxi thing; 西北 xīběi northwest 174 再 [zài] again, once more; 再见 zàijiàn goodbye 175 平 [píng] flat, level, even; 水平 shuǐpíng level; 和平 hépíng peace; 平常 píngcháng ordinary, common, usually
{Compare with 半 bàn half}176 真 [zhēn] true, genuine, really
{There are two ways of writing this character!}177 听(F聽) [tīng] listen; 听见 tīngjiàn hear; 听不懂 tīngbudǒng don't understand (by listening) 178 世 [shì] generation, , (=世界 shìjiè) world; 世纪 shìjì century 179 气(F氣) [qì] air, gas, vapor, spirit, vital energy; 天气 tiānqi weather 180 信 [xìn] letter, message, information, (=相信 xiāngxìn) belive in; 信封 xìnfēng envelope 181 北 [běi] north; 东北 dōngběi northeast; 北京 Běijīng 182 少 [shǎo] few, little, less, lack
[shào] young; 少年 shàonián juvenile183 关(F關) [guān] shut, close, turn off, close down, concern, key part; 关系 guānxi connection; 关于 guānyú concerning 184 并 [bìng] (F併) combine, merge, (F並) and, equally, truly
[bīng] 并州 Bìng Zhōu (Taiyuan in Shanxi)
{Compare with 开 kāi open}185 内(F內) [nèi] inside; 内容 nèiróng content
{Compare with 肉 ròu meat and 丙 bǐng third}186 加 [jiā] add, plus, append, (=增加 zēngjiā) increase; 参加 cānjiā join 187 化 [huà] convert, melt, dissolve, digest, incinerate, (=变化 biànhuà) change, transform
[huā] (=花 huā) spend188 由 [yóu] from, let, (=由于 yóuyú) due to, (=理由 lǐyóu) cause, reason; 自由 zìyóu freedom
{Compare with 甲 jiǎ helmet and 申 shēn explain}189 却(F卻) [què] however, but, yet 190 代 [dài] (=代表 dàibiǎo) represent, (=时代 shídài) generation, period, epoch, ; 现代 xiàndài modern (times); 上代 shàngdài previous generation 191 军(F軍) [jūn] army, military, troops 192 产(F產) [chǎn] give birth to, (=产生 chǎnshēng) produce, (=产品 chǎnpǐn) product 193 入 [rù] (=进入 jìnrù) enter, get into; 收入 shōurù income
{Compare with 人 rén person}194 先 [xiān] first, before, earlier; 先生 xiānsheng mister, gentleman, Sir; 祖先 zǔxiān = 先辈 xiānbèi ancestor
{Compare with 失 shī lose}195 山 [shān] hill, mountain, ; 火山 huǒshān volcano; 山脉 shānmài mountain range 196 五(A伍) [wǔ] five; 五月 wǔyuè May 197 太 [tài] great, very, too; 太太 tàitai Madame; 太阳 tàiyáng sun, sunshine
{Compare with 大 dà big}198 水 [shuǐ] water, liquid, ; 水平 shuǐpíng level; 水果 shuǐguǒ fruit; 药水 yàoshuǐ liquid medecine
{Compare with 永 yǒng forever}199 万(F萬) [wàn] ten thousand, myriad, ; 万岁 wànsuì long live
[Mò] 万俟 Mòqí
{Compare with 方 fāng square}200 市 [shì] (=市场 shìchǎng) market, (=城市 chéngshì) city, town 201 眼 [yǎn] (=眼睛 yǎnjing) eye; 眼镜 yǎnjìng glasses 202 体(F體) [tǐ] substance, (=身体 shēntǐ) body; 具体 jùtǐ concrete, specific; 体字 tǐzì style of written Chinese, typface, font
[tī] 体己 tīji (or tǐjǐ) intimate, confidential203 别(F別,彆) [bié] separate, other, don't, leave, differentiate,
[biè] 别扭 bièniu awkward204 处(F處) [chù] place, part, point, department, office
[chǔ] deal with, get along with somebody
{Compare with 外 wài outside}205 总(F總) [zǒng] general, overall, always, (=总数 zǒngshù) sum, total; 总统 zǒngtǒng president (of a republic) 206 才(F纔) [cái] talent, only then; 刚才 gāngcái just now 207 场(F場) [chǎng] field, place where people gather, stage, level open ground, country fair, market,
[cháng]208 师(F師) [shī] (=老师 lǎoshī) teacher; 师傅 shīfu master 209 书(F書) [shū] book, style of calligraphy; 书记 shūji clerk; 图书馆 túshūguǎn library 210 比 [bǐ] compare, contrast; 比较 bǐjiào relatively; 比如 bǐrú efor example 211 住 [zhù] live (in a place) 212 员(F員) [yuán] member. ~ist, ~er; 委员会 wěiyuánhuì committee; 人员 rényuán personnel 213 九(A玖) [jiǔ] nine; 九月 jiǔyuè September 214 笑 [xiào] laugh 215 性 [xìng] sex, gender, nature, disposission, ~ness; 可能性 kěnéngxìng possibility 216 通 [tōng] communicate, notify, connect, join, know very well, authority, expert, (=通过 tōngguò) go through, , ; 交通 jiāotōng traffic; 普通话 Pǔtōnghù Common Speach = Mandarin
[tòng]217 目 [mù] eye; 目前 mùqián in front of ones eyes, at present; 目的 mùdì goal, purpose, aim; 目录 mùlù catalogue, list, list of contents
{Compare with 自 zì self and 日 rì sun}218 华(F華) [huá] glory, splendor, magnificent, (=中华 Zhōnghuá) China
[Huà]; 华山 Huà Shān (mountain in Shaanxi) 219 报(F報) [bào] (=报告 bàogào) report, (=报纸 bàozhǐ) newspaper, (=电报 diànbào) telegram 220 立 [lì] stand, erect, vertical; 建立 jiànlì establish; 立刻 lìkè right away; 立方体 lìfāngtǐ cube 221 马(F馬) [mǎ] horse; 马上 mǎshàng right away 马马虎虎 mǎmahūhū careless, casual
{Compare with 乌 wū crow}222 命 [mìng] (=生命 shēngmìng) life, fate, destiny; 命令 mìnglìng command; 革命 gémìng revolution 223 张(F張) [zhāng] spread, sheet of paper, ; 紧张 jǐnzhāng tense, nervous 224 活 [huó] live, alive, living, vivid, save someone's life; 生活 shēnghuó life; 活动 huódòng activity 225 难(F難) [nán] difficult
[nàn] disaster226 神 [shén] spirit, god; 精神 jīngshén spirit, mind, consciousness, essence 227 数(F數) [shù] number, number, figure, fate, plan; 数学 shùxué math
[shǔ] count, enumerate, list
[shuò] frequently, repeatedly228 件 [jiàn] item, correspondence, document, ; 条件 tiáojiàn term, condition 229 安 [ān] still, quiet; 安全 ānquán safe, secure; 安排 ānpái arrange, plan, fix up 230 表 [biǎo] show, list, table, form, meter, (F錶) (wrist-)watch 231 原 [yuán] originally, simple, ; 原来 yuánlái original, formerly, as a matter of fact; 原因 yuányīn cause, reason 232 车(F車) [chē] car, vehicle with wheels,
[jū] (a piece in Chinese chess)
{Compare with 东 dōng east}233 白 [bái] white; 明白 míngbai understand, realize, clear, obvious; 白天 báitiān daytime; 白菜 báicài cabbage
[bó] 李白 Lǐ Bó = Lǐ Bái
{Compare with 自 zì self and 百 bǎi hundred}234 应(F應) [yīng] promise, answer, respond, , (=应该 yīnggāi) should, ought to
[yìng] 应用 yìngyòng apply235 路 [lù] path, way, journey, distance, means, sequence, logic, sort, grade, class, , (=道路 dàolù) road 236 期 [qī] phase, stage, , (=时期 shíqī) time period; 班期 bānqī schedule, time table; 星期 xīngqī week; 长期 chángqī long term
[jī] anniversary237 叫 [jiào] cry out, call; 叫做 jiàozuò be called, be known as 238 死 [sǐ] die, death 239 常 [cháng] often, constant, ordinary, ; 非常 fēicháng extremely 240 提 [tí] lift, raise, pick up, carry; 提高 tígāo improve; 提供 tígōng provide
[dī] 提防 dīfang take precautions or be on guard against241 感 [gǎn] (=感觉 gǎnjué) feel, (=感情 gǎnqíng) emotion 242 金 [jīn] (=金子 jīnzi) gold, (=金属 jīnshǔ) metals in general 243 何 [hé] what?, where?, how?, ; 任何 rènhé any; 如何 rúhé how?; 几何 jǐhé geometry 244 更 [gèng] more, still/even more, furthermore
[gēng] replace, transform, night watch; (=更改 gēnggǎi) change, alter
{Compare with 吏 lì official and 便 biàn convenient}245 反 [fǎn] turn over, return, revolt, (=反对 fǎnduì) oppose, combat; 反映 fǎnyìng reflect
[bǎn] 反反 bǎnbǎn proper, fitting
{Compare with 友 yǒu friend}246 合 [hé] close, shut, accord with, conform to, be equal to, together, jointly, , (=结合 jiéhé) combine; 合作 hézuò cooperate
[gě] decilitre247 放 [fàng] put, release, set free, give out, expand, blossom, bloom, lend (money) at interest; 解放 jiěfàng liberate, emancipate 248 做 [zuò] do, act, make, produce, write, compose, to have sex; 叫做 jiàozuò be called, be known as; 做法 zuòfǎ method, way of doing
{Sometimes replaceable with 作 zuò do}249 系 [xì] series, department, faculty, (=系统 xìtǒng) system, (F係) (=联系 liánxì) integrate, relate to; 关系 guānxi concern, affect, matter, (F繫) tie, fasten, feel anxious, be concerned
[jì] (F繫) tie, bind250 计(F計) [jì] (=计算 jìsuàn) count, calculate, plot, plan, ; 统计 tǒngjì statistics 251 或 [huò] (=或者 huòzhě) or, (=或许 huòxǔ) perhaps, mayby, (=可能 kěnéng) probably
{Compare with 國=国 guó country}252 司 [sī] 公司 gōngsī company, corporation; 司令 sīlìng commander 253 利 [lì] (=利益 lìyì) interest, benefit, profit, ; 利用 lìyòng utilize; 胜利 shènglì triumph; 意大利 Yìdàlì Italy 254 受 [shòu] receive, endure, (=接受 jiēshòu) accept; 难受 nánshòu unhappy 255 光 [guāng] light, merely; 阳光 yángguāng sunlight; 光荣 guāngróng glory 256 王 [wáng] king; 王国 wángguó kingdom, realm, domain
[wàng] (rare) rule
{Compare with 主 zhǔ lord and 玉 yù jade}257 果 [guǒ] fruit, surely, truly, as expected, (=结果 jiéguǒ) result, consequence, outcome; 如果 rúguǒ if 258 亲(F親) [qīn] close relative, kiss; 母亲 mùqin mother; 父亲 fùqin father; 亲自qīnzì in person
[qìng] 亲家 qìngjia relatives by marriage259 界 [jiè] (=界限 jièxiàn) boundary, limit; 世界 shìjiè world
[gā] 不搭界 bù dāgā have no relation, have nothing to do with
[gà] 半间不界 bàn'gānbùgà neither this nor that, inexplicit, equivocal, mediocre260 及 [jí] reach, come up to, and, in, on, to; 以及 yǐjí as well as; 及时 jíshí promptly 261 今 [jīn] now, this; 今天 jīntiān today 262 京 [jīng] capital city, (=北京 Běijīng) short for Beijing; 南京 Nánjīng; 东京 Dōngjīng Tokyo (or other eastern capital in previous dynasties!) 263 务(F務) [wù] affair, business; 任务 rènwu assignment, task; 服务 fúwù service, serve 264 制 [zhì] work out, (=制度 zhìdù) system, institution, (=控制 kòngzhì) control, dominate, (F製) (=制造 zhìzào) manufacture 265 解 [jiě] separate, explain, untie, undo, take off, dissolve, solution
[jiè] 解送 jièsòng send under guard266 各 [gè] each, every, different, separately; 各有千秋 gèyǒuqiānqiū each has his merits
[gě] 自各 zìgě oneself, by oneself267 任 [rèn] appoint, no matter, serve a position, allow, trust, official post, ; 任务 rènwu task; 任何 rènhé any
[Rén]268 至 [zhì] to, until, extremely, most, arrive, reach; 甚至 shènzhì even (to the point of), so much so that; 至少 zhìshǎo at least 269 清 [qīng] (=清楚 qīngchu) clear; 清洁 qīngjié clean 270 物 [wù] thing, matter; 动物 dòngwù animal; 植物 zhíwù plant; 物理 wùlǐ physics 271 台 [tái] you, (F臺) platform, , (=台湾 Táiwān) short for Taiwan, (F檯) desk, table, (F颱) 台风 táifēng typhoon
[tāi] 天台 Tiāntāi (in eastern Zhejiang)272 象 [xiàng] appearance, likeness, (=大象 dàxiàng) elephant 273 记(F記) [jì] (=记得 jìde) remember, (=记录 jìlù) record
{Compare with the "open" radical 己 jǐ self and not the close 已 yǐ already}274 边(F邊) [biān] on the side of something, margin, limit, , (=旁边 pángbiān) side; 这边 zhèbiān over here 275 共 [gòng] share; 一共 yígòng in all; 共产 gòngchǎn communist; 公共 gōnggòng public; 共和 gònghé republic 276 风(F風) [fēng] wind 277 战(F戰) [zhàn] (=战争 zhànzhēng) war 278 干 [gān] stem; 干涉 gānshè interfere, intervene, (F乾) dry
[gàn] (F幹) do
{天干 tiāngān the Ten Heavenly Stems: 甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸 jiǎ-yǐ-bǐng-dīng-wù-jǐ-gēng-xīn-rén-guǐ (these characters are sometimes used as ordinal numbers}
{Compare with 千 qiān thousand and于 yú at}279 接 [jiē] connect, (=接受 jiēshòu) accept; 接着 jiēzhe catch, next; 直接 zhíjiē direct 280 它 [tā] it, its 281 许(F許) [xǔ] allow, somewhat, , (=也许 yěxǔ) perhaps; 许多 xǔduō a lot
[hǔ] 邪许 yéhǔ yell in unison, yo-ho-ho282 八(A捌) [bā] eight; 八月 Bāyuè August 283 特 [tè] (=特别 tèbié) special, particular; 特点 tèdiǎn characteristic 284 觉(F覺) [jué] perceive
[jiào] (=睡觉 shuìjiào) sleep; 午觉 wǔjiào siesta, afternoon nap285 望 [wàng] look, full moon; 希望 xīwàng hope, wish 286 直 [zhí] straight, directly
{Compare with 真 zhēn true}287 服 [fú] (=服务 fúwù) serve, (=衣服 yīfu) clothes
[fù] dose288 毛 [máo] hair
{Compare with 手 shǒu hand}289 林 [lín] (=森林 sēnlín) forest, ; 桂林 Guìlín (city in Guangxi) 290 题(F題) [tí] topic, problem, inscribe; 问题 wèntí question, problem; 题目 tímù title 291 建 [jiàn] construct, establish; 建议 jiànyì suggest 292 南 [nán] south; 西南 xīnán southwest
[nā] 南无 nāmó 〈Sanskrit〉 to give oneself totally to293 度 [dù] degree, extent, unit (kWh, angle, temperature, etc.), ; 制度 zhìdù system, institution
[duó] 猜度 cāiduó surmise294 统(F統) [tǒng] order, unite, (=系统 xìtǒng) system; 统治 tǒngzhì rule, dominate; 统一 tǒngyī together, unify, unite, integrate 295 色 [sè] (=颜色 yánsè) colour; 脸色 liǎnsè complexion, look, facial expression
[shǎi] colour296 字 [zì] written character; 汉字 Hànzì Chinese character; 名字 míngzi name; 体字 tǐzì style of written Chinese, typface, font
{Compare qith 学 xué study}297 请(F請) [qǐng] please, request, invite; 请求 qǐngqiú ask, request 298 交 [jiāo] join; 交通 jiāotōng traffic; 交换 jiāohuàn exchange 299 爱(F愛) [ài] (=爱情 àiqíng) love; 爱人 àirén spouse, lover 300 让(F讓) [ràng] let, allow 301 认(F認) [rèn] (=认为 rènwéi) consider, (=认识 rènshi) recognize 302 算 [suàn] (=计算 jìsuàn) count, calculate, compute; 算了 suànle forget it, never mind 303 论(F論) [lùn] theory
[Lún] 论语 Lúnyǔ The Confucian Analects304 百(F佰) [bǎi] hundred
[bò] 抄总 chāobòzǒng express/cover everything
{Compare with 白 bái white}305 吃 [chī] eat
[qī] 吃吃 qīqī306 义(F義) [yì] justice, (=意义 yìyì) meaning; 主义 zhǔyì ~ism 307 科 [kē] department; 科学 kēxué science; 外科 wàikē surgery 308 怎 [zěn] (=怎么 zěnme) how? 309 元 [yuán] first, primary, dollar 310 社 [shè] club, organized body, (=社会 shèhuì) society 311 术(F術) [shù] skill, (=艺术 yìshù) art; 技术 jìshù technique
[zhú] 术酒 zhújiǔ medicinal wine312 结(F結) [jié] tie; 结果 jiéguǒ result; 结婚 jiéhūn marry
[jiē] bear fruit313 六(A陆,陸) [liù] six; 六月 liùyuè June
{Compare with 兴 xìng prosper}314 功 [gōng] achievement; 成功 chénggōng succeed; 功夫 gōngfu time (duration), time (when), skill, art, work 315 指 [zhǐ] point, (=指头 zhǐtou) finger, toe; 指甲 zhǐjia finger nail 316 思 [sī] (=思想 sīxiǎng) thought
[si] 意思 yìsi meaning
[sāi] 于思 yúsāi richly bearded317 非 [fēi] not, non-; 非常 fēicháng unusually, extraordinary, special, very, extremely 318 流 [liú] to flow, stream; 电流 diànliú electric current; 交流 jiāoliú to exchange, alternate 319 每 [měi] every, each; 每天 měitiān every day 320 青 [qīng] nature's colour blue/green/black...; 青年 qīngnián youth; 青蛙 qīngwā frog 321 管 [guǎn] tube, (=管理 guǎnlǐ) manage, supervise; 不管 bùguǎn no matter, regardless of 322 夫 [fū] man, (=丈夫 zhàngfu) husband; 工夫 gōngfu time, duration, skill; 大夫 dàifu doctor
[fú] (formal) this/that (person)
{Compare with 天 tiān heaven and 失 shī lose}323 连(F連) [lián] connect, including; 连忙 liánmáng right away; 连续 liánxù continuous 324 远(F遠) [yuǎn] far 325 资(F資) [zī] money, expenses; 资本主义 zīběnzhǔyì capitalism; 投资 tóuzī invest 326 队(F隊) [duì] team, (=部队 bùduì) army, (=队伍 duìwǔ) troops 327 跟 [gēn] heel, follow, with, and 328 带(F帶) [dài] belt, zone, carry, bring, take 329 花 [huā] flower, spend; 花生 huāshēng peanut 330 快 [kuài] fast, sharp, (=快乐 kuàilè, =愉快 yúkuài) happy 331 条(F條) [tiáo] twig, strip, item, ; 条件 tiáojiàn condition, term 332 院 [yuàn] courtyard; 学院 xuéyuàn college; 医院 yīyuàn hospital; 法院 fǎyuàn court 333 变(F變) [biàn] change; 变成 biànchéng become; 变化 biànhuà variation; 改变 gǎibiàn alter 334 联(F聯) [lián] unite, join; 联系 liánxì integrate, relate, link, get in touch with 335 言 [yán] words; 语言 yǔyán language, speech, word 336 权(F權) [quán] right, power 337 往 [wǎng] to, toward; 往往 wǎngwǎng often 338 展 [zhǎn] expand, spread out, ; 发展 fāzhǎn develop, expand, grow; 展览 zhǎnlǎn exhibit, show, display 339 该(F該) [gāi] (=应该 yīnggāi) should 340 领(F領) [lǐng] to lead, collar; 领导 lǐngdǎo, 领袖 lǐngxiù leader; 本领 běnlǐng ability 341 传(F傳) [chuán] pass, pass on; 传统 chuántǒng tradition
[zhuàn] Confucian classic342 近 [jìn] near; 附近 fùjìn vicinity; 最近 zuìjìn recently, lately, soon 343 留 [liú] remain, stay, (=保留 bǎoliú) keep, reserve; 留学 liúxé to study abroad; 遗留 yíliú hand down; 拘留 jūliú arrest 344 红(F紅) [hóng] (=红色 hóngsè) red; 东方红 Dōngfānghóng The East is Red
[gōng] 女红 nǚgōng needlework345 治 [zhì] govern, cure, punish; 政治 zhèngzhì government 346 决(F決) [jué] 解决 jiějué solve, resolve, settle; 决定 juédìng decide, resolve, make up one's mind 347 周 [zhōu] circuit, circumference, cycle, week; 周围 zhōuwéi vicinity, surroundings, entirely; 周身 zhōushēn whole vody 348 保 [bǎo] (=保护 bǎohù) protect; 保证 bǎozhèng ensure, guarantee 349 达(F達) [dá] reach, arrive
[tà] 挑达 tāotà walk casually to and fro350 办(F辦) [bàn] do; 办法 bànfǎ method; 办公室 bàngōngshì office
{Compare with 为 wèi for}351 运(F運) [yùn] carry, transport, (运气 yùnqi) fortune, luck; 运动 yùndòng move, turn around, sports 352 武 [wǔ] military; 武器 wǔqì weapon; 武术 wǔshù martial arts 353 半 [bàn] half, semi~
{Compare with 平 píng even}354 候 [hòu] (=时候 shíhou) time, wait, situation 355 七(A柒) [qī] seven; 七月 qīyuè July 356 必 [bì] (=必须 bìxū) must; 不必 búbì needn't 357 城 [chéng] (=城市 chéngshì) city, wall; 长城 chángchéng Great Wall 358 父 [fù] (=父亲 fùqin) father; 父母 fùmǔ parents
[fǔ] old man359 强(F強,彊) [qiáng] strong
[qiǎng] strive
[jiàng] 倔强 juéjiàng stubborn, unbending360 步 [bù] step; 进步 jìnbù progress, improve; 散步 sànbù take a walk 361 完 [wán] finished, complete 362 革 [gé] leather; 革命 gémìng revolution; 改革 gǎigé reform
[jí] 病革 bìngjí about to die of illness363 深 [shēn] deep; 深刻 shēnkè deep, profound; 深夜 shēnyè deep in the night 364 区(F區) [qū] (=地区 dìqū) area; 区别 qùbié difference
[ōu]365 即 [jí] namely, that is, even if, (=立即 lìjí) immediately, at once 366 求 [qiú] seek, ask; 要求 yāoqiú demand, request, requirement 367 品 [pǐn] (=产品 chǎnpǐn) product; 商品 shāngpǐn merchandise, goods 368 士 [shì] scholar; 博士 bóshì Ph.D; 女士 nǚshì lady, Ms.; 战士 zhànshì soldier
{Compare with 土 tǔ earth}369 转(F轉) [zhuǎn] turn, transfer
[zhuàn] rotate
[zhuǎi] 转文 zhuǎiwén to flaunt one's speach370 量 [liàng] amount; 量词 liàngcí classifier, measure word
[liáng] to measure371 空 [kōng] empty, sky
[kòng] leave empty, free time372 甚 [shèn] very; 甚至 shènzhì even, go so far as to
[shén] (=什 shén) what?; 甚么 = 什么 shénme what?373 众(F眾) [zhòng] crowd, many; 群众 qúnzhòng the masses; 听众 tīngzhòng audience 374 技 [jì] 技术 jìshù technology, technique; 科技 kējì science and technology 375 轻(F輕) [qīng] light (compare with 重 zhòng heavy) 376 程 [chéng] 过程 guòchéng process; 工程 gōngchéng engineering project; 程度 chéngdu level, degree, extent 377 告 [gào] (=告诉 gàosu) tell; 报告 bàogào report, make known
[gù] 告朔 gùshuò distributing feudal calendar378 江 [jiāng] river; 长江 Cháng Jiāng Yangtze River; 江山 jiāngshān landscape 379 语(F語) [yǔ] (=语言 yǔyán) language; 汉语 Hànyǔ Chinese; 语法 yǔfǎ grammar; 成语 chéngyǔ idiom
[yù] tell380 英 [yīng] brave, outstanding person, (=英雄 yīngxióng) hero; 英国 Yīngguó England 381 基 [jī] 基础 jīchǔ base, foundation; 基本 jīběn basic, fundamental, essential 382 派 [pài] faction, send; 党派 dǎngpài political parties
[pā] 派司 pāsi passport, identification383 满(F滿) [mǎn] full; 满足 mǎnzú satisfied, contented 384 式 [shì] (=形式 xíngshì) form; 方式 fāngshì way, pattern; 正式 zhèngshì formal, official 385 李 [lǐ] (=李子 lǐzi) plum, 386 息 [xī] breath, stop
[xi] 消息 xiāoxi news; 休息 xiūxi rest387 写(F寫) [xiě] write; 描写 miáoxiě describe, depict
[xiè] 写意 xiěyǐ freehand brushwork, sketch
{Compare with 与 yǔ and}388 呢 [ne]
[ní] woolen cloth389 识(F識) [shí] know; 认识 rènshi know, recognize; 识别 shíbié tell apart
[zhì] (formal) remember, commit to memory, mark, sign390 极(F極) [jí] extreme, pole; 太极 Tài Jí the Supreme Ultimate (in Chinese cosmology); 太极拳 tǎijíquán shadowboxing 391 令 [lìng] make, cause; 命令 mìnglìng command
[lǐng] ream,
[líng] 脊令 jílíng (=鹡鸰 jílíng) wagtail (a symbol of brotherly friendship)392 黄(F黃) [huáng] (=黄色 huángsè) yellow 393 德 [dé] virtue; 道德 dàodé ethics; 德国 Déguó Germany 394 收 [shōu] gather, (=收到 shōudào) recieve, (=收获 shōuhuò) harvest; 收拾 shōushi put in order; 收音机 shōuyīnjī radio 395 脸(F臉) [liǎn] face 396 钱(F錢) [qián] money, copper coin 397 党(F黨) [dǎng] (political) party, clique; 共产党 Gòngchǎndǎng Communist Party; 国民党 Guómíndǎng Nationalist Party 398 倒 [dǎo] fall down, topple
[dào] invert, (move) backwards, pour, contrary to expectations
[dáo] follow up399 未 [wèi] have not, did not; 未来 wèilái future
{Compare with 末 mò end}400 持 [chí] hold; 坚持 jiānchí persist in, insist on; 保持 bǎochí keep, maintain, preserve 401 取 [qǔ] take, get, fetch 402 设(F設) [shè] set up; 建设 jiànshè build, construct; 设计 shèjì design, plan; 设备 shèbèi equipment, facilities 403 始 [shǐ] (=开始 kāishǐ) begin, start; 始终 shǐzhōng all along 404 版 [bǎn] printing plate, edition; 出版 chūbǎn publish 405 双(F雙) [shuāng] pair, twin, double; 双方 shuāngfāng both sides 406 历 [lì] (F歷) 历史 lìshǐ history; 经历 jīnglì experience, (F曆) 日历 rìlì calendar
{Compare with 厉 lì severe}407 越 [yuè] 越…越… the more... the more... 408 史 [shǐ] (=历史 lìshǐ) history, ; 外史 wàishǐ unofficial history
{Compare with 吏 lì official and 更 gèng more}409 商 [shāng] discuss, business 410 千(F仟) [qiān] thousand
{Compare with 干 gān stem and 于 yú at}411 片 [piàn] slice; 照片 zhàopiàn photo; 片刻 piànkè moment; 卡片 kǎpiàn card
[piān] film412 容 [róng] contain; 容易 róngyì easy; 内容 nèiróng content 413 研 [yán] grind, (=研究 yánjiū) study, research 414 像 [xiàng] resemble, (=肖像 xiàoxiàng) portrait, image 415 找 [zhǎo] look for, seek
{Compare with 我 wǒ me}416 友 [yǒu] (=朋友 péngyǒu) friend; 友好 yǒuhǎo friendship
{Compare with 反 fǎn turn over}417 孩 [hái] (=孩子 háizi, =小孩儿 xiǎoháir) child; 女孩儿 nǚháir girl 418 站 [zhàn] stand; 火车站 huǒchēzhàn train station 419 广(F廣) [guǎng] wide, extensive
[yǎn] (when referring to the radical)420 改 [gǎi] (=改变 gǎibiàn) change; 改革 gǎigé reform 421 议(F議) [yì] (=议论 yìlùn) discuss, confer; 会议 huìyì meeting, conference; 建议 jiànyì suggest, propose 422 形 [xíng] (=形式 xíngshì) form, shape; 形成 xíngchéng to form, take shape 423 委 [wěi] 委员会 wěiyuánhuì committee; 委托 wěituō entrust
[wēi] 虚与委蛇 xūyǔwēiyí to pretend interest and sympathy424 早 [zǎo] early; 早饭 zǎofàn breakfast; 早晨 zǎochen morning 425 房 [fáng] (=房间 fángjiān) room, (=房子 fángzi) building 426 音 [yīn] (=声音 shēngyīn) sound; 音乐 yīnyuè music 427 火 [huǒ] fire; 火车 huǒchē train; 火柴 huǒchái match; 火焰 huǒyàn flame 428 际(F際) [jì] (=边际 biānjì) boundary; 实际 shíjì reality; 国际 guójì international 429 则(F則) [zé] (conjunction); 原则 yuánzé principle; 否则 fǒuzé or else 430 首 [shǒu] head; 首先 shǒuxiān first of all; 首都 shǒudū capital (of a country) 431 单(F單) [dān] alone, single, sheet
[chán] 单于 chányúchief of the Xiongnu
[Shàn]432 据(F據) [jù] seize, depend on, (=根据 gēnjù) according to
[jū] 拮据 jiéjū short of money, hard up433 导(F導) [dǎo] lead; 领导 lǐngdǎo leader 434 影 [yǐng] shadow, image; 电影 diànyǐng movie 435 失 [shī] lose; 失败 shībài be defeated
{Compare with 先 xiān first}436 拿 [ná] hold; 拿来 nálái bring; 拿去 náqù take; 拿给 nágěi hand over 437 网(F網) [wǎng] net; 网球 wǎngqiú tennis; 因特网 yīntèwáng Internet 438 香 [xiāng] perfume, fragrant; 香港 Xiānggǎng Hong Kong 439 似 [sì] similar; 似乎 sìhu it seems
[shì] 似的 shìde alike440 斯 [sī] thus (nowadays used mostly as a phonem in foreign names); 法西斯 fǎxīsī Fascist 441 专(F專,耑) [zhuān] (=专门 zhuānmén) special, (=专家 zhuānjiā) expert; 专政 zhuānzhèng dictatorship 442 石 [shí] (=石头 shítou) stone, rock
[dàn] unit of grain
{Compare with 右 yòu right}443 若 [ruò] seem, as if; 假若 jiǎruò if; 若干 ruògān how much?
[rě] 般若 bōrě buddhist widom, prajna444 兵 [bīng] (=士兵 shìbīng) soldier; 兵力 bīnglì military strength
{Compare with 宾 bīn guest}445 弟 [dì] (=弟弟 dìdi) younger brother
[tì] (=悌)446 谁(F誰) [shuí] who?
[shéi] who?447 校 [xiào] (=学校 xuéxiào) school
[jiào] (=校对 jiàoduì, 校正 jiàozhèng) proofread448 读(F讀) [dú] read
[dòu] pause in reading449 志 [zhì] (=意志 yìzhì) will, (=标志 biāozhì) mark; 同志 tóngzhì comrade, (F誌) 杂志 zázhì magazine 450 飞(F飛) [fēi] fly; 飞机 fēijī airplane 451 观(F觀) [guān] view, contemplation
[guàn] 道观 Dàoguàn Daoist temple452 争(F爭) [zhēng] contend, dispute; 战争 zhànzhēng war, warfare; 斗争 dòuzhēng fight, struggle 453 究 [jiū] 研究 yánjiū study, research; 究竟 jiūjìng after all 454 包 [bāo] bag, wrap 455 组(F組) [zǔ] organize, group; 组织 zǔzhī organization, organize, form 456 造 [zào] (=制造 zhìzào) manufacture, (=创造 chuàngzào) create 457 落 [luò] fall
[là] be missing
[lào] 落色 làoshǎi fade (in colour)
[luō] 空落落 kōngluōluō absolutely nothing left, open/spacious and desolate458 视(F視) [shì] look; 电视 diànshì television 459 济(F濟) [jì] 经济 jīngjì economy; 救济 jiùjì help disaster victims
[jǐ] 济济 jǐjǐ multitudinous, numerous, magnificent460 喜 [xǐ] happiness; 喜欢 xǐhuān like 461 离(F離) [lí] (=离开 líkāi) leave, from 462 虽(F雖) [suī] (=虽然 suīrán) although 463 坐 [zuò] seat, sit, travel by (car/plane/etc.), put a kettle (or similar) on the fire, ; 请坐 qǐngzuò please have a seat; 坐公共汽车 zuò gōngòng qìchē ride a bus 464 集 [jí] (=收集 shōují) collect; 集中 jízhōng centralize 465 编(F編) [biān] weave, organize, (=编辑 biānjí) edit 466 宝(F寶) [bǎo] treasure 467 谈(F談) [tán] talk 468 府 [fǔ] 政府 zhèngfǔ government 469 拉 [lā] pull, drag, haul
[lǎ] 半拉 bànlǎ half
[lá] slit
[là] 拉拉蛄 làlagù mole cricket470 黑 [hēi] (=黑色 hēisè) black; 黑暗 hēi'àn dark 471 且 [qiě] for the time being; 而且 érqiě furthermore
[jū] (only used some personal names)472 随(F隨) [suí] follow; 随便 suíbiàn as you like 473 格 [gé] check, pattern, standard; 格外 géwài especially
[gē], chuckel 474 尽 [jìn] (F盡) use up
[jǐn] (F儘) to max extent; 尽管 jǐnguǎn even though475 剑(F劍) [jiàn] sword; 宝剑 bǎojiàn double-edged sword 476 讲(F講) [jiǎng] speak, explain, discuss, stress 477 布 [bù] cloth, spread 478 杀(F殺) [shā] kill, fight, weaken, reduce, burn (of medicine) 479 微 [wēi] tiny, micro; 微笑 wēixiào smile 480 怕 [pà] (=害怕 hàipà) to fear; 可怕 kěpà horrible 481 母 [mǔ] (=母亲 mǔqin) mother; 父母 fùmǔ parents; 字母 zìmǔ letters of an alpabet 482 调(F調) [diào] shift, tone
[tiáo] adjust483 局 [jú] department, situation; 邮局 yóujú post office 484 根 [gēn] root; 根本 gēnběn essence, foundation, basic, utterly, (not) at all 485 曾 [céng] (=曾经 céngjīng) in the past
[zēng] great- (grandmother)
[cēng] 挨曾儿 āicēngr 〈colloquial〉 to get a scolding486 准 [zhǔn] allow, (F準) certainly, precise; 准备 zhǔnbèi prepare; 标准 biāozhǔn standard 487 团(F團) [tuán] ball, lump, group; 团结 tuánjié unite, rally 488 段 [duàn] section, paragraph; 手段 shǒuduàn method, means (to an end), strategy 489 终(F終) [zhōng] end; 终于 zhōngyú finally; 始终 shǐzhōng all along; 终身 zhōngshēn life-long 490 乐(F樂) [lè] enjoy, be glad, pleasure, (=快乐 kuàilè) happy
[yuè] (=音乐 yīnyuè) music491 切 [qiē] to cut
[qiè] correspond to; 一切 yíqiè all492 级(F級) [jí] grade, level; 阶级 jiējí (social) class, steps, stairs, rank 493 克 [kè] (=克服 kèfú) overcome, gram, (F剋) 克期 kèqī set time limit
[kēi] (=剋) scold494 精 [jīng] perfect; 精神 jīngshén spirit, essence; 酒精 jiǔjīng alcohol 495 哪 [nǎ] what? 哪儿 nǎr where?
[něi] (before classifier) which?
[na] (used in orders and exclamations)
[Né] (in foreign names)496 官 [guān] official; 官僚 guānliáo bureaucrat 497 示 [shì] (=表示 biǎoshì) show, indicate; 指示 zhǐshì point out 498 冲 [chōng] (F沖) rinse, rush, (F衝) rush
[chòng] (F衝) towards499 竟 [jìng] finish, (=竟然 jìngrán) unexpectedly; 究竟 jiūjìng actually, exactly, in the end, after all 500 乎 [hū] 似乎 sìhu it seems; 几乎 jīhū almost 501 男 [nán] male, (=男人 nánrén) man 502 举(F舉) [jǔ] raise; 举行 jǔxíng hold (a meeting); 选举 xuǎnjǔ election; 举例 jǔlì give an example 503 客 [kè] (=客人 kèrén) guest; 客观 kèguān objective; 客气 kèqi polite 504 证(F證,証) [zhèng] prove; 图书证 túshūzhèng library card; 签证 qiānzhèng visa 505 苦 [kǔ] bitter; 艰苦 jiānkǔ arduous; 痛苦 tòngkǔ suffering 506 照 [zhào] shine; 照相 zhàoxiàng photo 507 注 [zhù] pour, (F註) notes; 注意 zhùyì pay attention; 注视 zhùshì gaze 508 费(F費) [fèi] cost; 学费 xuéfèi tuition 509 足 [zú] foot, (=足够 zúgòu) enough; 满足 mǎnzú satisfy 510 尔(F爾) [ěr] you; 尔后 ěrhòu thereafter; 高尔夫 gāo'ěrfū golf 511 招 [zhāo] beckon, recruit, attract; 招待 entertain (guests) 512 群 [qún] crowd, group; 群众 qúnzhòng The Masses 513 热(F熱) [rè] hot 514 推 [tuī] push 515 晚 [wǎn] late; 晚上 wǎnshang evening; 夜晚 yèwǎn night; 晚饭 wǎnfàn dinner 516 响(F響) [xiǎng] sound; 影响 yǐngxiǎng influence 517 称(F稱) [chēng] weigh, name
[chèn] 对称 duìchèn symmetric518 兴(F興) [xìng] 高兴 gāoxìng glad
[xīng] 兴奋 xīngfèn excited
{Compare with 六 liù six}519 待 [dài] treat, entertain, wait for
[dāi] (=呆 dāi) stay520 约(F約) [yuē] approximately, arrange, appointment
[yāo] weigh521 阳(F陽) [yáng] opposite of 阴 yīn; 太阳 tàiyáng the sun 522 哥 [gē] (=哥哥 gēge) older brother 523 惊(F驚) [jīng] surprise 524 吗(F嗎) [ma]
[má] what; 干吗? gàn má? What's up?
[mǎ] 吗啡 mǎfēi morphine525 整 [zhěng] (=整个 zhěnggè) whole; 调整 tiáozhěng adjust; 整齐 zhěngqí neat 526 支 [zhī] branch, support; 支持 zhīchí sustain; 地支 dìzhī the Twelve Terrestrial Branches 527 古 [gǔ] (=古代 gǔdài) ancient
{Compare with 舌 shé tongue}528 汉(F漢) [hàn] Chinese ethnicity; 汉语 hànyu Chinese; 汉字 hànzi Chinese character; 老汉 lǎohàn old man 529 突 [tū] charge forward, stick out; 突然 tūrán suddenly 530 号(F號) [hào] name, number, mark
[háo] yell531 绝(F絕) [jué] cut off, absolute 532 选(F選) [xuǎn] (=选择 xuǎnzé) choose, select; 选举 xuǎnjǔ election 533 吧 [ba] at end of sentence, indicates suggestion
[bā] snap!534 参(F參) [cān] 参加 cānjiā participate
[shēn] 人参 rénshēn ginseng
[cēn] 参差 cēncī uneven, irregular535 刊 [kān] periodical, publication; 报刊 bǎokān periodical publications, the press 536 亚(F亞) [yà] inferior, second; 亚洲 Yàzhōu Asia 537 复 [fù] (F復) 恢复 huīfù recover, (F複) 复杂 fùzá complicated, complex, (F覆) cover 538 伤(F傷) [shāng] wound, injury, injure; 创伤 chuāngshāng trauma 539 类(F類) [lèi] category, kind, type; 类似 lèisì similar 540 备(F備) [bèi] (=准备 zhǔnbèi) get ready, prepare; 设备 shèbèi equipment 541 欢(F歡) [huān] (=欢乐 huānlè) happy, joyous; 喜欢 xǐhuan like 542 另 [lìng] other; 另外 lìngwài other, besides 543 港 [gǎng] harbor; 香港 Xiānggǎng Hong Kong 544 势(F勢) [shì] power; 形势 xíngshì circumstances; 姿势 zīshì posture 545 刻 [kè] carve, quarter hour, moment 546 星 [xīng] star; 火星 huǒxīng Mars; 星期 xīngqī week 547 断(F斷) [duàn] cut off; 不断 búduàn unceasing; 判断 pànduàn judge 548 陈(F陳) [chén] display, explain, stale, (dynasty 557-589) 549 掌 [zhǎng] palm of the hand; 掌握 zhǎngwò grasp 550 农(F農) [nóng] (=农民 nóngmín) farmer, peasant; 农业 nóngyè agriculture 551 夜 [yè] (=夜晚 yèwǎn) night; 半夜 bànyè, 午夜 wǔyè midnight; 夜里 yèlǐ at night 552 般 [bān] sort, kind; 一般 yìbān ordinary
[pán] happy
[bō] 般若 bōrě buddhist wisdom, prajna553 念(F唸) [niàn] miss, read aloud; 观念 guānniàn concept; 念书 niànshū study 554 价 [jià] (F價) (=价值 jiàzhí) value, (=价钱 jiàqian) price
[jie] (F價)
[jiè] servant555 脑(F腦) [nǎo] (=脑子 nǎozi) brain; 脑袋 nǎodai head; 脑壳 nǎoké skull; 电脑 diànnǎo computer 556 规(F規) [guī] 规律 guīlǜ regular pattern; 规定 guīdìng regulations 557 底 [dǐ] bottom; 彻底 chèdǐ thorough; 到底 dàodǐ after all 558 故 [gù] cause, therefore; 故事 gùshi story; 故意 gùyì on purpose 559 省 [shěng] province, economize, omit
[xǐng] 反省 fǎnxǐng introspection560 妈(F媽) [mā] mother, mom; 妈妈 māma mama 561 刚(F剛) [gāng] firm, (=刚才 gāngcái) just (a moment ago) 562 句 [jù] sentence 563 显(F顯) [xiǎn] appear; 显然 xiǎnrán obvious 564 消 [xiāo] disappear; 消息 xiāoxi news; 消灭 xiāomiè perish 565 衣 [yī] (=衣服 yīfu) clothing
[yì] wear (clothing), give (clothing) to others to wear566 陆(F陸) [lù] land; 大陆 continent
[liù] six (= 六 liù)567 器 [qì] utensil, (=机器 jīqi) machine; 武器 wǔqì weapon 568 确(F確) [què] true; 正确 zhèngquè correct; 确实 quèshí indeed; 明确 míngquè explicit 569 破 [pò] smash; 破坏 pòhuài ruin; 破烂 pòlàn worn out 570 具 [jù] 工具 gōngjù tool; 具有 jùyǒu possess; 具体 jùtǐ concrete; 玩具 wánjù toy 571 居 [jū] (=居住 jūzhù) live, reside; 居民 jūmín resident; 居然 jūrán unexpectedly 572 批 [pī] , comment, criticize, refute; 批评 pīpíng criticize 573 送 [sòng] see somebody off, deliver, give 574 泽(F澤) [zé] 沼泽 zhǎozé marsh, swamp; 色泽 sèzé colour and lustre; 毛泽东 Máo Zédōng CCP leader and founder of the PRC 575 紧(F緊) [jǐn] tight; 紧张 jǐnzhāng tense; 要紧 yàojǐn important 576 帮(F幫) [bāng] (=帮助 bāngzhù, 帮忙 bāngmáng) help, gang 577 线(F線) [xiàn] line, thread; 光线 guāngxiàn light ray; 电线 diànxiàn (electric) wire 578 存 [cún] (=存在 cúnzài) exist; 保存 bǎocún preserve 579 愿(F願) [yuàn] wish 580 奇 [qí] marvellous, (=希奇 xīqí) rare, strange
[jī] odd (not even)581 害 [hài] harmful; 害虫 hàichóng destructive insect; 厉害 lìhai fierce 582 增 [zēng] (=增加 zēngjiā, =增长 zēngzhǎng) increase 583 杨(F楊) [yáng] poplar tree; 三角叶杨 sānjiǎoyèyáng cottonwood 584 料 [liào] (=材料 cáiliào) material, expect, anticipate; 资料 zīliào means, data, material 585 州 [zhōu] prefecture; 广州 Guǎngzhōu Canton 586 节(F節) [jié] joint, section, festival, holiday, (=节日 jiérì) holiday
[jiē] knot, link; 节子 jiēzi gnarl, knot (in wood)587 左 [zuǒ] left; 左边 zuǒbiān left side 588 装(F裝) [zhuāng] dress up, load, install, (=假装 jiǎzhuāng) pretend 589 易 [yì] (=容易 róngyì) easy, change; 易经 Yìjīng Book of Changes 590 著 [zhù] write, book
[zhe] (S着)
[zháo] (S着)
[zhuó] (S着)
[zhāo] (S着)591 急 [jí] urgent; 着急 zháojí anxious; 急忙 jímáng in a hurry 592 久 [jiǔ] (for a) long time 593 低 [dī] low; 降低 jiàngdī reduce; 低级 dījí elementary; 高低 gāodī height 594 岁(F歲) [suì] years old; 岁数 suìshu age; 万岁 wànsuì long life, Your/His Majesty, "Banzai" 595 需 [xū] (=需要 xūyào) need; 必需 bìxū essential 596 酒 [jiǔ] wine; 啤酒 píjiǔ beer; 喝酒 hējiǔ drink wine 597 河 [hé] river; 河南省 Hénán shěng Henan Province; 运河 yùnhé canal 598 初 [chū] beginning, first (in order); 初步 chūbù preliminary; 起初 qǐchū at first 599 游 [yóu] (=游泳 yóuyǒng) swim, (=旅游 lǚyóu) travel 600 严(F嚴) [yán] severe, stern 601 铁(F鐵) [tiě] iron; 地铁 dìtiě underground, subway 602 族 [zú] (=民族 mínzú) people, nationality, (=种族 zhǒngzú) race 603 除 [chú] get rid of, divide, (=除了 chúle) except 604 份 [fèn] portion, share, copy, , college degree 605 敢 [gǎn] dare; 勇敢 yǒnggǎn brave 606 胡 [hú] recklessly; 胡说 nonsense (F鬍) (=胡子 húzi) beard (F衚) 胡同 hútòng lane 607 血 [xuè] blood
[xiě] blood608 企 [qǐ] stand on tiptoe, hope for, look forward to; 企业 qǐyè enterprise; 企图 qǐtú attempt; 企鹅 penguin 609 仍 [réng] (=仍然 réngrán, =仍旧 réngjiù) still, yet, as before 610 投 [tóu] throw; 投票 tóupiào vote 611 闻(F聞) [wén] smell, hear; 新闻 xīnwén news 612 斗 [dǒu] 10 liters; 烟斗 yāndǒu tobacco/opium pipe; 北斗星 Běidǒuxīng The Big Dipper, The Plow
[dòu] (F鬥) fight613 纪(F紀) [jì] 世纪 shìjì century; 纪念 jìniàn memento; 纪律 jìlǜ discipline
[Jǐ]614 脚(F腳) [jiǎo] foot; 赤脚 chìjiǎo barefoot; 脚趾 jiǎozhǐ toe
[jué] (=角 jiǎo) role, part, character, actor, actress615 右 [yòu] right; 右边 yòubiān right side; 左右 zuǒyòu around, nearby, more or less
{Compare with 石 shí stone}616 苏(F蘇) [sū] 苏醒 sūxǐng revive; 苏州 Sūzhōu; 苏联 Sūlián USSR 617 标(F標) [biāo] mark; 标准 biāozhǔn standard 618 饭(F飯) [fàn] rice, food 619 云 [yún] say, (F雲) (=云彩 yúncai) cloud 620 病 [bìng] sick; 毛病 máobing malfunction 621 医(F醫) [yī] (=医学 yīxué) medical science; 医生 yīshēng doctor; 医院 yīyuàn hospital 622 阿 [ā] 阿拉伯 ālābó Arab
[ē] 阿弥陀佛ēmítuógó Amitabha = Buddha preserve us623 答 [dá] (=回答 huídá) answer
[dā] 答应 dāying respond, promise624 土 [tǔ] earth, (=土地 tǔdì) land, (=土壤 tǔrǎng) soil
{Compare with 士 shì scholar}625 况(F況) [kuàng] 情况 qíngkuàng circumstances; 况且 kuàngqiě moreover 626 境 [jìng] border, territory; 环境 huánjìng environment 627 软(F軟) [ruǎn] soft; 软件 ruǎnjiàn software 628 考 [kǎo] (=考虑 kǎolǜ) consider, (=考试 kǎoshì) exam 629 娘 [niáng] mother, aunt
[niang] 姑娘 gūniang girl630 村 [cūn] village, rustic; 农村 nóngcūn countryside, village 631 刀 [dāo] knife 632 击(F擊) [jī] beat, strike, knock; 打击 dǎjī strike, hitt, attack, assault 633 仅(F僅) [jǐn] (=仅仅 jǐnjǐn) only, barely 634 查 [chá] examine, investigate; 检查 jiǎnchá inspect
[Zhā]635 引 [yǐn] draw, stretch, (=引起 yǐnqǐ) cause, (=吸引 xīyǐn) attract 636 朝 [cháo] towards, dynasty; 朝鲜 Cháoxiān Korea
[zhāo] (morning)637 育 [yù] raise, educate; 教育 jiàoyù education
[yō] 杭育 hángyō heave-ho, yo-ho638 续(F續) [xù] (=继续 jìxù) continue; 连续 liánxù continuous 639 独(F獨) [dú] only, alone; 独立 dúlì independent 640 罗(F羅) [luó] (=罗网 luówǎng) birdnet; 罗马 Luómǎ Rome; 罗盘 luópán compass
[luō] 罗嗦 luōsuo wordy, troublesome; 哩哩罗罗 līliluōluō the sound of boiling/rumbling/etc.641 买(F買) [mǎi] buy 642 户(F戶) [hù] door, household; 窗户 chuānghù window 643 护(F護) [hù] (=保护 bǎohù) guard, protect; 护士 hùshi nurse 644 喝 [hē] drink
[hè] shout645 朋 [péng] 朋友 péngyǒu friend
{Compare with 丽 lì beautiul and 册 cè book}646 供 [gōng] supply
[gòng] confess647 责(F責) [zé] duty; 责任 zérèn responsibility 648 项(F項) [xiàng] (=项目 xiàngmù) item 649 背 [bèi] back
[bēi] carry on the back650 余 [yú] I, me, (F餘) left-over, extra; 其余 the rest; 余弦 cosine 651 希 [xī] sparse, scattered, watery, this; 希望 xīwàng hope; 希奇 xīqí rare, strange; 希腊 Xīlà Greece 652 卫(F衛) [wèi] 保卫 defend; 卫生 sanitary; 卫星 satellite 653 列 [liè] column, line up; 列车 lièchē train; 排列 páiliè arrange 654 图(F圖) [tú] picture; 地图 dìtú map; 图书馆 túshūguǎn library 655 室 [shì] room; 教室 jiàoshì classroom; 卧室 wòshì bedroom; 办公室 bàngōngshì office 656 乱(F亂) [luàn] chaotic, disorderly, messy; 混乱 hùnluàn chaos 657 刘(F劉) [Liú] 658 爷(F爺) [yé] father; 爷爷 yéye grandpa 659 龙(F龍) [lóng] dragon; 恐龙 kǒnglóng dinosaur 660 咱 [zán] (=咱们 zánmen) we = you and I
[zan] (abbreviation for 早晚 zǎowǎn) all the time, morning and evening, sooner or later661 章 [zhāng] chapter, seal, stamp, medal, badge, rules 662 席 [xí] mat, seat, banquet; 主席 zhǔxí chairperson 663 错(F錯) [cuò] (=错误 cuòwù) mistake; 不错 búcuò not bad, pretty good; 一点儿不错! yìdiǎnr búcuò! perfectly correct! 664 兄 [xiōng] (elder) brother; 兄弟 xiōngdì brothers
{Compare with 儿(F兄) ér child and 只 zhǐ only}665 暗 [àn] (=黑暗 hēi'àn) dark; 暗暗 secretly; 阴暗 gloomy; 暗示 hint 666 创(F創) [chuàng] 创造 chuàngzào create
[chuāng] 创伤 chuāngshāng trauma667 排 [pái] arrange, row, line
[pǎi] 排子车 pǎizìchē handcart668 春 [chūn] (=春天 chūntiān, =春季 chūnjì) spring; 春卷 chūnjuǎn spring roll; 春夏秋冬 chūnxiàqiūdōng the four seasons 669 须 [xū] (F須) (=必须 bìxū) must, (F鬚) (=胡须 húxū) beard 670 承 [chéng] 承认 chéngrèn admit; 继承 jìchéng inherit 671 案 [àn] desk, (law) case; 答案 dá'àn answer or solution to a problem 672 忙 [máng] hurry, busy; 帮忙 help; 连忙 right away 673 呼 [hū] shout, exhale; 呼吸 hūxī breathe; 欢呼 huānhū cheer 674 树(F樹) [shù] tree; 树林 shùlín woods; 树木 shùmù trees; 树干 shùgàn trunk 675 痛 [tòng] painful; 痛苦 tòngkǔ suffering; 痛快 tòngkuai delighted 676 沉 [chén] to sink; 沉重 chénzhòng heavy
[chēn] 黑沉沉 hēichēnchēn pitch-black677 啊 [a] (used as phrase suffix, indicating obviousness/impatience)
[ā] (indicating elation); 啊!我又赢了! ā! Wǒ yòu yíngle! Ha! I've won again!
[á] (indicating doubt or questioning), huh?; 啊?你说什么? ?? Nǐ shuō shenme? Huh? What are you saying?
[ǎ] (indicating puzzled surprise)
[à] (indicating agreement/approval); 啊,好吧! ?, hǎoba! Well, OK!678 灵(F靈) [líng] clever, spirit, soul, elf; 灵活 línghuó nimble, easy 679 职(F職) [zhí] duty; 职工 zhígōng staff; 职业 zhíyè occupation 680 乡(F鄉) [xiāng] countryside, home town 681 细(F細) [xì] thin; 仔细 zǐxì careful; 细胞 xìbāo cell; 详细 xiángxì detailed 682 诉(F訴) [sù] 告诉 gàosu tell; 诉讼 sùsòng lawsuit 683 态(F態) [tài] form; 态度 tàidu manner; 状态 zhuàngtài state 684 停 [tíng] (=停止 tíngzhǐ) stop; 停车场 tíngchēchǎng parking lot 685 印 [yìn] (=印刷 yìnshuā) print, (=印章 yìnzhāng) seal 686 笔(F筆) [bǐ] writing implement; 毛笔 brush; 钢笔 pen; 铅笔 pencil 687 夏 [xià] (=夏天 xiàtiān) summer; 春夏秋冬 chūnxiàqiūdōng the four seasons 688 助 [zhù] (=帮助 bāngzhù) help 689 福 [fú] blessing, good fortune, (=幸福 xìngfú) happiness, happy; 祝福 zhùfú invoke/wish a blessing; 福建 Fújiàn
{It is common to hang calligraphy of this character up-side-down on doors, in order to get people to note that 福倒了 fú dàole = "The 'Fu' is up-side-down", which is pronounced just as 福到了 = "Fortune/happiness has come"}690 块(F塊) [kuài] piece, lump, chunk, (=元 yuán) Chinese dollar 691 冷 [lěng] cold; 冷静 lěngjìng calm 692 球 [qiú] ball; 足球 zúqiú football (soccer); 地球 dìqiú the Earth 693 姑 [gū] 姑娘 gūniang girl 694 划 [huá] row (a boat) (F劃) scratch
[huà] (F劃) (=计划 jìhuà) plan (F畫)695 既 [jì] since, already; 既然 jìrán since, now that 696 质(F質) [zhì] (=物质 wùzhì) matter, substance; 质量 zhìliàng quality, mass 697 巴 [bā] 尾巴 wěiba tail; 嘴巴 zuǐbā mouth; 巴西 Bāxī Brazil
[bà] 嘴巴子 zuǐbàzi mouth, a slap in the face698 致 [zhì] send, convey; 一致 yízhì identical, (F緻) 细致 xìzhì careful 699 湾(F灣) [wān] harbor; 台湾 Táiwān 700 演 [yǎn] (=表演 biǎoyǎn) perform, act, performance 701 木 [mù] tree, (=木头 mùtou) wood;
{Compare with 本 běn root and 大 dà big}702 韦(F韋) [wéi] soft leather, 703 怪 [guài] blame, (=奇怪 qíguài) strange; 怪物 guàiwu monster 704 围(F圍) [wéi] surround; 围棋 wéiqí Japanese "go" 705 静(F靜) [jìng] still, quiet; 静电 jìngdiàn static electricity 706 旁 [páng] (=旁边 pángbiān) side
[bàng] (=傍)707 园(F園) [yuán] (=花园 huāyuán) garden, (=公园 gōngyuán) park 708 否 [fǒu] not; 是否 shìfǒu whether or not, is (it) or is (it) not?
[pǐ] bad, inferior; 臧否 zāngpǐ pass judgment (on people)709 副 [fù] assist, vice-; 副词 fùcí adverb 710 辑(F輯) [jí] 编辑 biānjí edit; 逻辑 luójí logic 711 采 [cǎi] pick, gather (F採)
[cài] (F埰) 采地 càidì fief712 食 [shí] eat, (=食物 shíwù, =食品 shípǐn) food
[sì] feed713 登 [dēng] climb 714 够(F夠) [gòu] enough; 能够 nénggòu be capable of 715 赛(F賽) [sài] contest; 比赛 match, race 716 米 [mǐ] (=米饭 mǐfàn) rice, meter; 玉米 yùmǐ corn 717 假 [jiǎ] false
[jià] (=假期 jiàqī) vacation718 较(F較) [jiào] relatively, quite; 比较 bǐjiào compare, relatively
[jiǎo] (bǐjiǎo = bǐjiào)719 姐 [jiě] (=姐姐 jiějie) older sister; 小姐 xiǎojie young lady 720 楼(F樓) [lóu] story, building; 大楼 mansion; 楼梯 lóutī stairs 721 获 [huò] (F獲) (=获得 huòdé) get, obtain, (F穫) 收获 shōuhuò harvest 722 孙(F孫) [sūn] grandchild; 子孙 zǐsūn children and grandchildren, descendants; 孙悟空 Sūn Wùkōng monkey with supernatural powers in the nobel "Journey to the West"; 孙中山 Sūn Zhōngshān = 孙逸仙 Sūn Yixiān = Sun Yat-sen, leader of the Republican Revolution and the KMT 723 宣 [xuān] (=宣布 xuānbù) declare; 宣传 propaganda 724 穿 [chuān] penetrate, wear 725 诗(F詩) [shī] poem; 诗人 shīrén poet 726 歌 [gē] song; 唱歌 chànggē to sing 727 速 [sù] fast; 速度 sùdù speed 728 忽 [hū] disregard, (=忽然 hūrán) suddenly, (=忽而 hū'ér) now... 729 堂 [táng] hall; 食堂 shítáng dining hall, canteen; 课堂 kètáng classroom
[tāng] 亮堂堂 liàngtāngtāng brightly lit, brilliant730 敌(F敵) [dí] (敌人 dírén) enemy; 敌军 enemy troops 731 试(F試) [shì] try, test; 考试 kǎoshì test, quiz 732 谢(F謝) [xiè] thank; 谢谢 xièxie thanks; 非常感谢 733 央 [yāng] entreat, center; 中央 central; 央求 beg, plead 734 怀(F懷) [huái] bosom, cherish; 怀疑 huáiyí suspect; 怀念 huáiniàn cherish memory 735 顾(F顧) [gù] (=照顾 zhàogu) look after; 顾客 gùkè customer 736 验(F驗) [yàn] (=经验 jīngyàn) experience 737 营(F營) [yíng] camp; 营火 campfire; 营业 do business 738 止 [zhǐ] (=停止 tíngzhǐ) stop 739 姓 [xìng] family name; 姓名 xìngmíng full name (family name and personal name); 您贵姓 Nín guìxìng? (May I ask for) your family name, Sir/Madame? 740 养(F養) [yǎng] raise, nourish; 营养 yíngyǎng nutrition 741 丽(F麗) [lì] 美丽 měilì beautiful; 壮丽 majestic
[Lí] Korea
{Compare with 朋 péng friend and 册 cè book}742 属(F屬) [shǔ] belong to, be subordinate to, born in a specific year acoording to the Chinese calendar
[zhǔ] enjoin743 景 [jǐng] scene, scenery; 风景 fēngjǐng scenery, landscape 744 郭 [guō] outer wall of city, 745 依 [yī] (=依靠 yīkào) depend on, comply with, according to; 依然 yīrán still 746 威 [wēi] 威胁 wēixié threaten, imperil; 示威 shìwēi demonstrate; 挪威 Nuówēi Norway 747 按 [àn] press, (=按照 ànzhào) according to; 按摩 ànmó massage 748 恶(F惡) [è] evil
[wù] (厌恶) hate
[ě] (恶心) nauseous749 慢 [màn] slow 750 座 [zuò] (=座位 zuòwèi) seat, place, stand, pedestal, base, 751 罪 [zuì] crime, guilt 752 维(F維) [wéi] 纤维 xiānwéi fiber; 维护 wéihù safeguard; 思维 síwéi think 753 渐(F漸) [jiàn] (=渐渐 jiànjiàn, =逐渐 zhújiàn) gradually
[jiān] dip/soak in liquid754 胜(F勝) [shèng] (=胜利 shènglì) victory, triumph, win 755 藏 [cáng] store; conceal, hide
[zàng] (=西藏 Xīzàng) Tibet756 皇 [huáng] 皇帝 huángdì emperor; 皇后 huánghòu empress 757 街 [jiē] street; 街道 street, neighborhood; 街头 street-corner 758 激 [jī] surge, dash, (=激动 jīdòng) excite; 激烈 jīliè intense 759 异(F異) [yì] different; 异常 yìcháng unusual 760 摘 [zhāi] pick, take off, select 761 角 [jiǎo] horn, corner, dime
[jué] actor, role762 瞧 [qiáo] look 763 负(F負) [fù] carry on shoulder, suffer, negative 764 施 [shī] carry out; 措施 cuòshī to measure, step; 施工 construction 765 模 [mó] 模范 mófàn model; 模仿 mófǎng imitate
[mú] 模样 múyàng appearance; 模子 múzi mold, pattern, die766 草 [cǎo] grass; 草莓 cǎoméi strawberry 767 某 [mǒu] certain, some; 某人 mǒurén somebody 768 银(F銀) [yín] silver; 银行 yínháng bank 769 露 [lù] (=露水 lùshui) dew, show, reveal, betray
[lòu] reveal770 阵(F陣) [zhèn] battle array, ; 一阵风 yí zhèn fēng a short period of time 771 值 [zhí] (=值得 zhíde) be worth, (=价值 jiàzhí) value 772 班 [bān] class, work; 上班 shàngbān go to work; 值班 zhíbān be on duty 773 层(F層) [céng] layer, level, storey 774 修 [xiū] repair, decorate; 修改 xiūgǎi revise 775 差 [chà] differ, wrong
[chā] 差别 difference
[chāi] 出差
[cī] rank
[cuō] stumble776 味 [wèi] (=味道 wèidao) flavor, taste 777 织(F織) [zhī] weave, knit; 组织 zǔshī organize; 纺织 fǎngzhī spin and weave 778 药(F藥) [yào] medicine, drug 779 馆(F館) [guǎn] building; 饭馆 restaurant 780 密 [mì] thick, dense 781 亮 [liàng] bright, light, shine, loud and clear; 漂亮 piàoliang handsome, beautiful, remarkable, brilliant, smart 782 律 [lǜ] 法律 fǎlǜ law; 律师 lǜshū lawyer; 纪律 jìlǜ discipline; 旋律 xuánlǜ tune, melody 783 习(F習) [xí] 练习 liànxí practice; 学习 xuéxí study; 习惯 xíguàn habit 784 田 [tián] field; 田野 tiányě open country 785 简(F簡) [jiǎn] 简单 jiǎndān simple; 简体字 jiǎntǐzì simple form character 786 免 [miǎn] exempt; 避免 bìmiǎn avoid; 免费 miǎnfèi free 787 毒 [dú] (毒物) poison; (毒品) drug; 病毒 virus 788 归(F歸) [guī] return 789 波 [bō] (=波浪 bōlàng) wave; 波长 bīchánga wavelength 790 型 [xíng] mould, type; 典型 diǎnxíng typical 791 屋 [wū] (屋子 wūzi) room, (=房屋 fángwū) building; 屋顶 roof 792 换(F換) [huàn] change, exchange 793 救 [jiù] help, rescue; 救命 jiùmìng! Help! Save me! 794 寄 [jì] to mail; 寄生虫 jìshēngchóng parasite 795 帝 [dì] emperor; 帝国 dìguó empire; 上帝 Shàngdì God 796 退 [tuì] go backwards, (=后退 hòutuì) retreat; 撤退 chètuì withdraw 797 洋 [yáng] (=海洋 hǎiyáng) ocean; 太平洋 Tàipíng Yáng Pacific Ocean
[yāng] 暖洋洋 nuǎnyāngyāng warm798 丝(F絲) [sī] silk, thread 799 湖 [hú] lake; 湖泊 húpō lakes; 湖南 Húnán; 湖北 Húběi 800 睡 [shuì] (=睡觉 shuìjiào) sleep 801 劳(F勞) [láo] (=劳动 láodòng) labor
[lào] encourage, console802 妇(F婦) [fù] (=妇女 fùnǚ) woman; 夫妇 fūfù married couple 803 伯 [bó] eldest brother, uncle
[bǎi] 大伯子 dàbǎizi eldest brother of one's husband
[bai] 叔伯 shūbai cousinship on father's side
[bà] (=霸)
{Compare with 佰 bǎi hundred}804 尼 [ní] 尼姑 Buddhist nun; 尼加拉瓜 Níjiālāguā Nicaragua; 尼龙 nílóng nylon 805 皮 [pí] (=皮肤 pífū) skin 806 祖 [zǔ] (祖先 zǔxiān) ancestor; 祖母 zǔmǔ grandmother 807 雄 [xióng] powerful, male; 英雄 yīngxióng hero; 雄伟 xióngwěi grand; 雄鸡 xióngjī rooster 808 婚 [hūn] (=结婚 jíehūn) marry; 婚礼 hūnlǐ wedding; 婚姻 hūnyīn marriage 809 康 [kāng] 健康 jiànkāng health; 康熙字典 Kāngxī Zìdiǎn dictionary compiled in the Kangzi period 810 评(F評) [píng] criticize, comment, review 811 追 [zhuī] pursue 812 哈 [hā] exhale, sip, aha!,
[hà] 哈撒 hàsa shake, swing; 哈什蚂 hàshimǎ Chinese forest frog813 络(F絡) [luò] net, twine
[lào] 挂络 guàlào involvement, implication814 店 [diàn] (=商店 shāngdiàn) store, shop; 饭店 fàndiàn restaurant 815 翻 [fān] turn over; 翻译 fānyì translate 816 环(F環) [huán] ring; 环境 huánjìng environment, surroundings 817 礼(F禮) [lǐ] ceremony; 婚礼 hūnlǐ wedding; 礼貌 lǐmào polite 818 跑 [pǎo] run
[páo] paw the earth819 超 [chāo] (=超过 chāoguò) go past, exceed, (=超级 chāojí) super 820 叶 [yè] (F葉) leaf (of a plant)
[xié] harmonize821 压(F壓) [yā] press, pressure
[yà] 压根 yàgēn from the start, in the first place, altogether, entirely, totally, at all, simply822 占 [zhān] fortune telling
[zhàn] occupy; 占领 zhànlǐng capture823 均 [jūn] even; 平均 píngjūn average 824 永 [yǒng] (=永远 yǒngyuǎn) always, forever, eternal
{Compare with 水 shuǐ water}825 烈 [liè] (=强烈 qiángliè) intense; 热烈 ardent; 烈士 martyr 826 奖(F獎) [jiǎng] prize, award; 奖金 bonus; 奖学金 scholarship 827 婆 [pó] old lady; 老婆 lǎopo wife 828 赶(F趕) [gǎn] catch up 829 富 [fù] (=富有 fùyǒu) rich; 丰富 fēngfù abundant; 财富 cáifù wealth 830 兰(F蘭) [lán] 兰花 lánhuā orchid 831 录(F錄) [lù] record; 记录 jìlù take notes; 录音机 tape recorder 832 画(F畫) [huà] draw, picture 833 遇 [yù] meet; 遇到 yùdào encounter 834 顿(F頓) [dùn] to pause, meal 835 艺(F藝) [yì] skill, (=艺术 yìshù) art; 文艺 wényì literature and art 836 普 [pǔ] 普通 pǔtōng common; 普通话 Pǔtōnghuà Common Speach = Mandarin; 普遍 pǔbiàn universal 837 判 [pàn] judge; 批判 pīpàn criticize 838 源 [yuán] (=来源 láiyuán) source, origin; 资源 zīyuán resources 839 亿(F億) [yì] 100 million 840 素 [sù] plain, white, vegetarian; 因素 yīnsù factor, element 841 船 [chuán] boat, ship; 渡船 dùchuán ferry; 宇宙飞船 yǔzhòu fēichuán "cosmic flying boat" = spaceship 842 继(F繼) [jì] (=继续 jìxù) continue; 继承 jìchéng inherit 843 尚 [shàng] esteem; 高尚 gāoshàng noble, lofty
[shang] 和尚 héshang monk844 嘴 [zuǐ] (嘴巴 zuǐba) mouth; 嘴唇 zuǐchún lip 845 察 [chá] 观察 guānchá observe; 警察 jǐngchá police 846 雨 [yǔ] rain; 雨水 rainwater; 暴风雨 bàofēngyǔ rainstorm 847 优(F優) [yōu] excellent; 优良 fine; 优秀 outstanding; 优越 yōuyuè superior 848 您 [nín] you; 您贵姓 Nín guìxìng? (May I ask for) your family name, Sir/Madame? 849 险(F險) [xiǎn] (危险 wēixiǎn) danger; 保险 bǎoxiǎn insurance 850 烟 [yān] (F煙) smoke, cigarette, mist
[yīn] (=氤)851 阶(F階) [jiē] (=台阶) steps; 阶级 class; 军阶 rank; 阶段 phase 852 担(F擔) [dān] carry on a shoulder pole
[dàn] two buckets full, 50 kg.853 散 [sàn] break up, distribute, dispel
[sǎn] fall apart, scattered854 板 [bǎn] board, hard, (F闆) 老板 lǎobǎn shopkeeper, proprietor, boss 855 钟 [zhōng] (F鐘) bell, clock; 三点钟 3 o'clock, (F鍾) 钟爱 zhōng'ài dote on, 856 访(F訪) [fǎng] (=访问 fǎngwèn) visit; 采访 gather material 857 妹 [mèi] (妹妹 mèimei) little sister; 姐妹 jiěmèi sisters
{Compare with 妺 mò = wife of the last ruler of the Xia dynasty}857 伸 [shēn] stretch 859 佛 [Fó] Buddha; 佛教 Fójiào Buddhism
[fú] 仿佛 fǎngfú seem860 限 [xiàn] limit, bounds; 有限 limited; 限制 restrict 861 讨(F討) [tǎo] (=讨论 tǎolùn) discuss; 讨厌 tǎoyàn digusting
{讨口彩 tǎokǒucǎi = 讨个吉利(话) tǎo ge jílì(huà) to ask for something as a token of good omen}862 临(F臨) [lín] overlook, be adjacent to; 临时 temporary 863 吴(F吳) [Wú] , Wu Kingdom (222-280 A.D.) 864 摇(F搖) [yáo] shake 865 跳 [tiào] jump; 跳伞 tiàosǎn parachute; 跳舞 tiàowǔ dance 866 曲 [qū] (=弯曲 wānqū) curved
[qǔ] melody867 练(F練) [liàn] white silk, (=练习 liànxí) practice 868 构(F構) [gòu] 结构 jiégòu structure; 构成 constitute; 构造 869 玩 [wán] play; 玩具 wánjù toy; 好玩儿 hǎowánr fun 870 玉 [yù] (玉石 yùshí) jade; 玉米 yùmǐ corn
{Compare with 王 wáng king}871 犯 [fàn] violate; 犯罪 fànzuì commit a crime; 罪犯 criminal 872 厂(F廠) [chǎng] (=工厂 gōngchǎng) factory 873 肯 [kěn] be willing to, consent; 肯定 kěndìng definitely 874 协(F協) [xié] 协作 xiézuò cooperate 875 幸 [xìng] good fortune, luck; 幸福 xìngfú happy 876 挥(F揮) [huī] wave, wield; command an army; 挥手 wave (one's hand) 877 效 [xiào] (=效果 xiàoguǒ) effect, result; 有效 yǒuxiào effective 878 齐(F齊) [qí] 整齐 zhěngqí neat; 一齐 yìqí together
[zhāi] (=斋)
[zī] (=粢)879 封 [fēng] to seal; 封建 feudal; 信封 envelope 880 温(F溫) [wēn] (=温暖 wēnnuǎn) warm; 温度 wēndù temperature 881 疑 [yí] (怀疑 huáiyí) doubt, suspect; 迟疑 chíyí hesitate 882 肉 [ròu] flesh, meat; 肌肉 jīròu muscle
{Compare with 内 nèi inside}883 攻 [gōng] (=进攻 jìngōng, =攻击 gōngjī) attack; 专攻 specialize in studying 884 纸(F紙) [zhǐ] paper; 报纸 bàozhǐ newspaper 885 策 [cè] plan; 政策 zhèngcè policy 886 充 [chōng] fill; 充分 chōngfèn full, ample; 充满 chōngmǎn full of 887 顶(F頂) [dǐng] top, ; 一顶帽子 yì dǐng màozi a hat 888 寻(F尋) [xún] (=寻找 xúnzhǎo) seek
[xín] 寻思 xínsi889 宁(F寧) [nìng] (=宁愿 nìngyuàn, 宁可 jìngkě) prefer, rather
[níng] 宁静 tranquil890 沙 [shā] sand; 沙漠 shāmò desert; 沙丘 shāqiū dune; 沙发 shāfā sofa 891 防 [fáng] embankment, guard, protect, anti- 892 抓 [zhuā] grab, seize, arrest, attract, scratch 893 例 [lì] (=例子 lìzi) example; 例如 lìrú for instance 894 股 [gǔ] thigh, section 895 卖(F賣) [mài] sell; 苹果怎么卖? Píngguǒ zěnme mài? How much are the apples? 896 顺(F順) [shùn] along, in the same direction as, obey, suitable 897 警 [jǐng] 警察 jǐngchá police; 警告 jǐnggào warn 898 梦(F夢) [mèng] dream 899 剧(F劇) [jù] drama, play, opera; 剧烈 jùliè severe 900 善 [shàn] good; 改善 gǎishàn improve; 善于 be good at 901 蒙 [méng] to cover, ignorant
[mēng] cheat
[Měng] 蒙古 Měnggǔ Mongolia902 票 [piào] ticket 903 良 [liáng] (优良 yōuliáng, 良好) good; 良心 liángxīn conscience 904 范 [fàn] ; (F範) 范围 fànwéi scope, range; 模范 mófàn model, fine example 905 坚(F堅) [jiān] hard, solid, firmly; 坚持 persist; 坚定 firm 906 端 [duān] hold sth. level with both hands, extremity, end 907 靠 [kào] lean on, rely on, keep close to, come up to, near 908 杂(F雜) [zá] mixed; 复杂 fùzá complicated; 杂志 zázhì magazine
[zā] 拉里拉杂 lālilāzā rambling909 贵(F貴) [guì] expensive, valuable 910 怒 [nù] anger, rage 911 稿 [gǎo] stalk of grain, draft, sketch, manuscript 912 拍 [pāi] clap, paddle; 乒乓拍 pīngpāngpāi ping-pong paddle 913 率 [lǜ] rate, proportion; 频率 pínlǜ frequency
[shuài] 率领 shuàilǐng lead, command914 旧(F舊) [jiù] old (not new) (compare with 老 lǎo old, not young; 新 xīn new) 915 掉 [diào] drop, fall 916 啦 [la] corresponding to 了 le plus 啊 a,
[lā] 呼啦啦 hūlālā flapping sound
[lá] 啦啦 lálá chat, gossip, jaw; 啦呱 láguā chat, gossip917 莫 [mò] nothing; not; 莫大 mòdà greatest; 莫名其妙 mòmíngqímiào baffling, inexplicable 918 授 [shòu] award, give; teach; 教授 jiàoshòu professor 919 守 [shǒu] guard; 保守 bǎoshǒu conservative 920 油 [yóu] oil; 汽油 qìyóu gasoline; 酱油 jiàngyóu soy sauce
[yōu] 绿油油 lǜyōuyōu bright/fresh green; 碧油油 bìyōuyōu bluish green921 恩 [ēn] kindness; 周恩来 Zhōu ēnlái 922 积(F積) [jī] accumulate; 积极 jījí positive; 面积 area 923 益 [yì] (=利益 lìyì) advantage, profìt 924 县(F縣) [xiàn] county; 县长 xiànzhǎng county magistrate 925 哭 [kū] cry, weep 926 罢(F罷) [bà] stop; 罢工 strike; 罢了 bàle that's all
[pí] (=疲) tired, weary, exhausted927 庭 [tíng] 家庭 jiātíng family; 法庭 court; 庭院 courtyard 928 窗 [chuāng] (=窗户 chuānghu, =窗口 chuāngkǒu) window; 窗帘 curtain 929 扬(F揚) [yáng] raise; 发扬 fāyáng develop, promote 930 忘 [wàng] (=忘记 wàngjì) forget
[wáng] 忘八931 午 [wǔ] 中午 noon; 上午 morning; 下午 afternoon; 午饭 lunch
{Compare with 牛 niú cow}932 卡 [kǎ] block, calory, card
[qiǎ] checkpoint933 雪 [xuě] snow; 雪花 xuěhuā snowflake; 滑雪 huáxuě to ski 934 菜 [cài] vegetable, dish 935 牌 [pái] tablet, brand, cards, dominoes; 牌子 páizi sign, label, logo 936 牛 [niú] ox, cow, bull; 牛奶 niúnǎi milk
{Compare with 午 wǔ noon}937 脱(F脫) [tuō] take off; 脱离 tuōlí break away 938 博 [bó] abundant, plentiful; 博士 Ph.D.; 博爱 universal love; 博物馆 bóqùguǎn museum 939 丈 [zhàng] 10 chǐ = 3 1/3 meters, to measure land, male elder relative/person; 丈夫 zhàngfu husband 940 弹(F彈) [dàn] 炸弹 bomb; 子弹 bullet
[tán] 弹吉他 play guitar941 洲 [zhōu] continent; 亚洲 Yàzhōu Asia; 欧洲 ōuzhōu Europe; 非洲 Fēizhōu Africa 942 松 [sōng] pine tree; 松鼠 squirrel, (F鬆) loose 943 坏 [huài] (F壞) bad
[pī] (=坯)944 邓(F鄧) [Dèng] 945 鲜(F鮮) [xiān] fresh
[xiǎn] few, rare; 朝鲜 Korea946 短 [duǎn] short (opposite of 长 cháng) 947 毕(F畢) [bì] 毕业 bìyè graduate; 毕竟 bìjìng after all 948 置 [zhì] put, place; 位置 wèizhi position 949 楚 [chu] 清楚 qīngchu clear
[chǔ] 苦楚 kǔchǔ misery950 欧(F歐) [ōu] 欧洲 ōuzhōu Europe; 欧姆 ōumǔ ohm 951 略 [lüè] brief, slight; 略微 lüèwēi slightly 952 智 [zhì] 智慧 zhìhuì wisdom; 智力 zhìlì intellegence 953 岛(F島) [dǎo] island 954 抗 [kàng] (=抵抗 dǐkàng) resist; 反抗 revolt; 抗议 protest 955 妻 [qī] (=妻子 qīzi) wife 956 抱 [bào] hug, embrace 957 载(F載) [zài] carry, be loaded with
[zǎi] 记载 put down in writing958 败(F敗) [bài] (失败 shībài) lose, be defeated; 腐败 fǔbài corrupt 959 枪(F槍) [qiāng] gun
[chēng] 欃枪 chánchēng comet960 适(F適) [shì] 合适 héshì suitable, appropriate
[dí] 适从 dícóng follow, go to961 虚(F虛) [xū] empty, void; 谦虚 qiānxū modest; 虚心 xūxīn open-minded; 空虚 kōngxū hollow 962 预(F預) [yù] 预备 prepare; 预先 beforehand; 预报 forecast 963 睛 [jīng] eye
[jing] 眼睛 yǎnjing eye964 刺 [cì] thorn, prick, stab, irritate, (=刺杀 cìshā) assassinate
[cī] wham965 爹 [diē] dad; 爹爹 diēdie daddy; 爹地 diēdì daddy 966 纷(F紛) [fēn] 纷纷 one after another; 纠纷 jiūfēn dispute; 纷乱 967 介 [jiè] 介绍 jièshào introduce; 介词 preposition 968 括 [kuò] 包括 bāokuò include; 概括 gàikuò generalize 969 销(F銷) [xiāo] melt (metal), remove, sell; 脱销 sold out 970 降 [jiàng] fall, descend
[xiáng] 投降 tóuxiáng surrender971 鱼(F魚) [yú] fish; 金鱼 jīnyú goldfish; 鲨鱼 shāyú shark 972 奔 [bēn] run fast, flee
[bèn] go straight towards973 忍 [rěn] endure, tolerate; 忍不住 rénbuzhù can't bear, can't resist 974 宗 [zōng] ancestor, clan, faction; 宗教 religion; 祖宗 ancestry 975 盘(F盤) [pán] disk, tray; 算盘 suànpán abacus; 棋盘 chessboard 976 耳 [ěr] (=耳朵 ěrduo) ear; 耳机 earphone, headphones 977 野 [yě] wild 978 讯(F訊) [xùn] interrogate; 通讯 tōngxùn news report 979 配 [pèi] match, deserve; 分配 distribute; 配合 pèihé cooperate 980 禁 [jìn] (禁止 jìnzhǐ) prohibit
[jīn] endure; 不禁 bùjīn can't resist (doing something)981 索 [suǒ] rope; 思索 sīsuǒ think deeply; 索性 suǒxìng simply, just 982 赵(F趙) [Zhào] 983 默 [mò] silent; 默默 mòmò silently; 沉默 chénmò reticent; 幽默 yōumò humor 984 徒 [tú] on foot, follower; 徒弟 túdi apprentice; 匪徒 fěitú gangster 985 架 [jià] frame, rack, shelf, put up, ; 一架飞机 yí jià fēijī an aeroplane; 书架 shūjià bookshelf 986 灯(F燈) [dēng] lamp 987 峰 [fēng] mountain peak 988 状(F狀) [zhuàng] (=状态 zhuàngtài, =状况 zhuàngkuàng) condition, state of affairs 989 款 [kuǎn] fund 990 移 [yí] (=移动 yídòng) move; 转移 shift, transform; 移植 transplant 991 爸 [bà] dad; 爸爸 bàba daddy 992 托 [tuō] hold in the palm, rely on; 委托 wěituō entrust 993 洪 [hóng] (=洪水 hóngshuǐ) flood, vast, ; 洪亮 hóngliàng loud and clear, magnanimity 994 升 [shēng] liter, rise, ascend 995 伙 [huǒ] , group of people. (=伙伴 huǒbàn) partner; 家伙 jiāhuo fellow 996 订(F訂) [dìng] conclude (compare with 定 dìng decide) 997 毫 [háo] long fine hair, milli-; 毫不 háobù not at all 998 狐 [hú] 狐狸 húli fox 999 镇(F鎮) [zhèn] town, press down, calm, cool 1000 床 [chuáng] bed; 床单 chuángdān sheet; 河床 river bed 1001 互 [hù] 互相 hùxiāng each other; 相互 xiānghù mutually, reciprocal 1002 套 [tào] set, cover; 手套 glove; 一套衣服 yí tào yīfu a (full) suit (of clothing) 1003 旅 [lǚ] (=旅行 lǚxíng) travel; 旅馆 lǚguǎn inn; 旅行社 lǚxíngshè travel agency 1004 逃 [táo] (逃跑 táopǎo) escape, flee 1005 骂(F罵) [mà] curse; 妈妈骂马吗? Māma mà mǎ ma? Does mama curse the horse? 1006 输(F輸) [shū] transport, lose (compare with 赢 yíng win) 1007 唱 [chàng] sing; 唱歌 1008 靖 [jìng] 绥靖 suíjìng pacify, appease 1009 秘 [mì] 秘密 mìmì secret; 秘书 secretary
[bì] 秘鲁 Peru1010 词(F詞) [cí] word; 词典 cídiǎn dictionary; 动词 dòngxí verb; 词汇 cíhuì vocabulary 1011 困 [kùn] (=困难 kùnnán) difficult, (F睏) tired 1012 泪(F淚) [lèi] (眼泪, 泪水) tear; 泪珠 teardrop 1013 熟 [shú] cooked, ripe, familiar; 熟悉 shúxī know well
[shóu]1014 财(F財) [cái] wealth; 发财 fācài get rich 1015 鬼 [guǐ] ghost; (魔鬼 móguǐ) devil; 鬼子 guǐzi foreign devil 1016 骨 [gǔ] (骨头 gǔtou) bone
[gū] 骨碌 gūlu roll1017 申 [shēn] explain
{Compare with 甲 jiǎ helmet and 由 yóu from}1018 欲 [yù] desire, wish; 欲望 yùwàng desire, lust 1019 征 [zhēng] journey; 长征 The Long March, attack, (F徵) evidence, levy 1020 私 [sī] (私人) personal, (=私有 sīyǒu) privately owned, be private, (=自私 zìsī) selfish 1021 舞 [wǔ] (跳舞 tiàowǔ) dance 1022 秋 [qiū] autumn, fall; 春夏秋冬 chūnxiàiūdōng the four seasons 1023 巨 [jù] (=巨大 jùdà) huge, gigantic 1024 迎 [yíng] (欢迎 huānyíng) welcome 1025 秀 [xiù] 优秀 yōuxiù excellent; 秀才 xiùcai scholar 1026 搞 [gǎo] do 1027 丁 [dīng] 4th in a series, cubes (in food preparation),
[zhēng] 丁丁 zhēngzhēng clang, clank1028 吸 [xī] inhale; 呼吸 hūxī breathe; 吸收 xīshōu absorb; 吸引 xīyǐn attract 1029 审(F審) [shěn] 审判 shěnpàn bring to trial; 审问 interrogate 1030 遍 [biàn] all over, everywhere; 普遍 universal, ; 再说一遍! Zài shuō yí biàn! Say (it) once more! 1031 墙(F牆) [qiáng] (=墙壁 qiángbì) wall 1032 朱 [zhū] vermilion, bright red 1033 圣(F聖) [shèng] holy; 圣人 sage, saint; 圣诞节 Shèngdànjié Christmas 1034 避 [bì] (避免 bìmiǎn) avoid; 逃避 táobì escape, evade 1035 跃(F躍) [yuè] leap 1036 忌 [jì] envy, avoid, quit; 忌讳 jìhui taboo 1037 桌 [zhuō] table; 一张桌子 yì zhāng zhuōzi one table 1038 执(F執) [zhí] hold in hand; 执行 zhíxíng carry out 1039 悲 [bēi] 悲哀 grieved; 悲观 pessimistic; 悲剧 tragedy 1040 域 [yù] (math:) field; 领域 territory; 流域 valley; 区域 region 1041 晓(F曉) [xiǎo] dawn; (晓得 xiǎode) know 1042 弄 [nòng] do; 弄臣 nòngchén court jester
[lòng] 里弄 alley1043 亡 [wáng] flee, lose, die 1044 桥(F橋) [qiáo] bridge 1045 辈(F輩) [bèi] generation; 先辈 older generation, ancestors 1046 闪(F閃) [shǎn] (闪开) get out of the way, flash; 闪电 lightning 1047 隐(F隱) [yǐn] hidden; 隐约 yǐnyuē faint, indistinct 1048 劲(F勁) [jìn] strength, energy, spirit
[jìng] 强劲1049 闹(F鬧) [nào] (热闹) noisy; 闹钟 alarm clock 1050 恐 [kǒng] (=恐怕 kǒngpà) I'm afraid; 恐怖 kǒngbù terror 1051 呀 [ya]
[yā] ah, oh1052 付 [fù] pay 1053 敬 [jìng] (尊敬 zūnjìng) respect 1054 监(F監) [jiān] 监狱 prison; 监督 supervise
[jiàn] eunuch1055 厅(F廳) [tīng] hall; 餐厅 cāntīng dining room 1056 库(F庫) [kù] warehouse; 数据库 shùjùkù database 1057 震 [zhèn] shake, shock; 地震 earthquake 1058 材 [cái] (=材料 cáiliào) material; 教材 jiàocái teaching material 1059 冰 [bīng] ice; 冰箱 bīngxiāng refrigerator; 冰凉 bīngliáng ice-cold; 冰岛 Bīngdǎo Iceland; 冰淇淋 bīngqilín icecream 1060 醒 [xǐng] become sober, wake up; 提醒 remind 1061 庆(F慶) [qìng] 庆祝 qìngzhù celebrate; 庆贺 qìnghè congratulate; 庆幸 qìngxìng rejoice 1062 绿(F綠) [lǜ] (绿色 lǜsè) green
[lù] (in some place names)1063 腿 [tuǐ] leg; 腿脚 ability to walk; 腿腕子 ankle; 大腿 thigh 1064 述 [shù] state, narrate; 描述 describe; 上述 above-mentioned 1065 徐 [xú] slowly, gently, 1066 尊 [zūn] (尊重, 尊敬) respect 1067 硬 [yìng] hard; 硬件 yìngjiàn hardware 1068 额(F額) [é] (前额) forehead; 定额 quota 1069 误(F誤) [wù] (=错误 cuòwù) mistake 1070 借 [jiè] borrow, lend 1071 纳(F納) [nà] receive, accept, enjoy, pay, sew 1072 折 [zhé] fold; break; change direction
[shé] break
[zhē] turn over1073 售 [shòu] sell; 售货 sell goods 1074 遗(F遺) [yí] 遗传 yíchuán inherit; 遗憾 yíhàn regret
[wèi] give1075 暴 [bào] violent, sudden; 暴露 expose
[pù] (=曝)1076 缺 [quē] (缺乏quēfá) lack, be short of; 缺点 quēdiǎn shortcoming 1077 迷 [mí] be lost; 我迷了路 Wǒ míle lù I am lost; 迷信 míxìn superstition, blind faith/worship 1078 鲁(F魯) [lǔ] ; (鲁莽 lǔmǎng) rude; dull 1079 探 [tàn] (=探索 tànsuǒ) explore 1080 货(F貨) [huò] (=货物 huòwù) goods; 货币 huòbì money, currency 1081 童 [tóng] 儿童 értóng children 1082 缓(F緩) [huǎn] (缓慢 huǎnmàn) slow 1083 伟(F偉) [wěi] (伟大) great, mighty; 宏伟 hóngwěi, 雄伟 xióngwěi grand 1084 君 [jūn] (=君主 jīnzhǔ) monarch, sovereign, (=君子 jūnzǐ) gentleman; 暴君 tyrant 1085 庄(F莊) [zhuāng] village; 庄稼 zhuāngjia crops; 庄严 solemn 1086 凡 [fán] ordinary; (凡是 fánshì) every; 非凡 extraordinary 1087 危 [wēi] 危险 dangerous; 危机 crisis; 危害 endanger 1088 烧(F燒) [shāo] roast, cook, burn (compare with 炒 chǎo stir-fry) 1089 彩 [cǎi] (色彩 sècǎi) colour; 彩色 cǎisè multicolour 1090 抢(F搶) [qiǎng] rob; snatch; scrape
[qiāng] 呼天抢地1091 控 [kòng] (控诉 kòngsù) accuse, (=控制 kòngzhì) control 1092 胸 [xiōng] (胸膛, 胸脯) chest; (胸怀) heart, mind 1093 戏(F戲) [xì] (戏剧 xìjù) drama, play; 游戏 yóuxì game 1094 篇 [piān] sheet of paper, piece of writing 1095 趣 [qù] interest, fun; 兴趣 interest; 趣味 interest, taste 1096 束 [shù] bundle; 束缚 shùfù tie up; 结束 jiéshù finish 1097 谓(F謂) [wèi] call; 所谓 so-called 1098 概 [gài] 大概 roughly, most likely; 概念 concept; 气概 spirit 1099 射 [shè] shoot, fire, send out; 注射 inject; 射箭 archery 1100 课(F課) [kè] lesson; 课本 kèběn textbook 1101 洞 [dòng] hole, cave 1102 麻 [má] hemp, (=芝麻 zhīma) sesame; 麻烦 máfan bother
[mā] 麻麻黑 māmahēi dusk; 乱麻麻 luànmāmā messy, disorderly1103 杯 [bēi] cup; 干杯 gānbēi cheers 1104 透 [tòu] penetrate, thorough; 透镜 tòujìng lens; 透明 transparent 1105 邮(F郵) [yóu] 邮局 yóujú post office; 邮票 yóupiào stamp 1106 荣(F榮) [róng] (=光荣 guāngróng, =荣誉 róngyù) glory, honor 1107 懂 [dǒng] understand 1108 拥(F擁) [yōng] embrace, crowd; 拥护 yōnghù support; 拥挤 yōngjǐ crowded 1109 献(F獻) [xiàn] donate; 贡献 gòngxiàn contribution 1110 洗 [xǐ] wash; 洗澡 xǐzǎo bath, shower
[Xiǎn]1111 休 [xiū] stop, (=休息 xiūxi) rest; 退休 retire; 休养所 rest home 1112 迫 [pò] compel; 压迫 yāpò oppress; 被迫 bèipò be compelled
[pǎi] 迫击炮 pǎijīpào mortar1113 叹(F嘆) [tàn] sigh 1114 狗 [gǒu] dog; 猎狗 liègǒu hound; 疯狗 fēnggǒu mad dog 1115 偷 [tōu] steal; 小偷 xiǎotōu thief 1116 阴(F陰) [yīn] opposite of 阳 yáng; 阴沉, 阴天 cloudy; 阴暗 gloomy 1117 汽 [qì] vapor, steam; 汽由 qìyóu gasoline; 汽车 qìchē car 1118 拜 [bài] honor, worship; 礼拜 lǐbài week
[bái] 拜拜 báibai bye-bye1119 横(F橫) [héng] horizontal
[hèng] perverse1120 鼓 [gǔ] beat, play, drum, arouse
[gū] 胖鼓鼓 pànggūgū fat, plump, full, bulging1121 健 [jiàn] 健康 jiànkāng health 1122 厚 [hòu] thick, deep, kind, rich (food) (compare with 薄 báo thin) 1123 签(F簽) [qiān] 签订 qiāndìng conclude and sign (treaty, etc); 签名 qiānmíng signature 1124 丹 [dān] cinnabar, red; 丹田 dāntián pubic region; 丹麦 Dānmài Denmark 1125 洛 [Luò] name of a river in 河南 Hénán and 陕西 Shǎnxī 1126 喊 [hǎn] (=喊叫 hǎnjiào, 呼喊 hūhǎn, 叫喊 jiàohǎn) shout, cry out 1127 蓉 [róng] (=城都 Chéngdū); 芙蓉 fúróng lotus, cottonrose hibiscus 1128 轮(F輪) [lún] wheel 1129 岸 [àn] shore 1130 奶 [nǎi] breasts, milk 1131 淡 [dàn] thin, light; 淡蓝 dànlán (= 浅蓝 qiǎnlán) light blue 1132 潮 [cháo] tide; (=潮湿 cháoshī) moist; 高潮 gāocháo climax 1133 训(F訓) [xùn] lesson 1134 圆(F圓) [yuán] round, circle; (sometimes used for 元 yuán dollar) 1135 卷 [juǎn] roll; 春卷 spring roll (F捲)
[juàn] volume, book, exam paper
[quán] (=鬈 quán) curly hair1136 释(F釋) [shì] 解释 jiěshì explain; 释放 shìfàng release 1137 诸(F諸) [zhū] all, various, 1138 妙 [miào] wonderful, subtle; 莫名其妙 mòmíngqímiào be baffled 1139 唯 [wéi] 唯物主义 wéiwùzhǔyì materialism
[wěi]1140 夺(F奪) [duó] force one's way; 夺取 seize, capture; 争夺 fight for 1141 逐 [zhú] expel, pursue, one by one; 逐渐 gradually; 逐步 step by step 1142 燕 [yàn] (=燕子 yànzi) swallow (bird)
[Yān]1143 呆 [dāi] stupid, silly, foolish, stay; 呆板 dāibǎn stiff
[ái] 呆板 áibǎn stiff1144 测(F測) [cè] (测量 cèliáng) survey, measure; 观测 guāncè observe 1145 浪 [làng] (=波浪 bōlàng) wave (of water); 浪费 waste 1146 抽 [chōu] take out; shrink; whip; 抽烟 smoke tobacco 1147 盖(F蓋) [gài] cover, shell; 盖子 lid 1148 偏 [piān] slanting, leaning; stubbornly; unfortunately 1149 阅(F閱) [yuè] experience, pass through, review; (阅读 yuèdú) read 1150 购(F購) [gòu] (购买 gòumǎi) purchase 1151 途 [tú] way, route; 前途 prospect; 途经 via 1152 纵(F縱) [zòng] longitudinally; 操纵 cāozòng operate; 纵对 zòngduì column, file 1153 耶 [yé] , (=爷 yé) grandfather
[Yē] 耶稣 Yēsū Jesus1154 摸 [mō] feel, stroke; 摸索 mōsuo grope; 捉摸 zhuōmō fathom 1155 挂(F掛) [guà] hang, put up 1156 航 [háng] sail, fly; 航行 hángxíng navigate; 航空 aviation 1157 择(F擇) [zé] (=选择 xuǎnzé) choose
[zhái] choose1158 恨 [hèn] hate 1159 舍 [shè] 宿舍 sùshè dormitory
[shě] (F捨) give up, abandon; 舍不得 shěbùdé be loathe to leave at home1160 拳 [quán] box (with fists); 太极拳 tàijíquán Taiji shadowboxing 1161 竹 [zhú] bamboo 1162 唐 [táng] , Tang Dynasty, boastfull, exaggerated; (唐突 tángtū) rude 1163 誉(F譽) [yù] praise; 荣誉 róngyù honor; 名誉 míngyù fame 1164 乘 [chéng] ride (a vehicle); multiply
[shèng] chariot1165 弱 [ruò] weak; 微弱 wēiruò faint; 软弱 ruǎnruò feeble 1166 检(F檢) [jiǎn] (=检查 jiǎnchá) inspect 1167 宫(F宮) [gōng] palace, temple, ; 子宫 zǐgōng womb 1168 仪(F儀) [yí] ceremony, rite, gift, (=仪表 yíbiǎo) appearance, bearing, (=仪器 yíqì) instrument, apparatus 1169 旗 [qí] flag 1170 含 [hán] keep in mouth, contain 1171 袁 [Yuán] 1172 址 [zhǐ] foundation of a building; 地址 dìzhǐ address 1173 摆(F擺) [bǎi] put, arrange, sway, wave; 摇摆舞 yáobǎiwǔ "shake-sway-dance", waggle dance (of bees), rock 'n' roll 1174 奥(F奧) [ào] 奥秘 àomì secret, mystery; 奥妙 àomiào profound, secret 1175 番 [fān] ; 番茄 fānqié tomato
[Pān] 番禺 Pānyú county in Guǎngdōng1176 混 [hùn] mix up; 混乱 hùnluàn chaos
[hún] muddy, muddled1177 灭(F滅) [miè] extinguish; 消灭 eliminate; perish; 歼灭 annihilate 1178 握 [wò] hold, grasp; 掌握 comprehend 1179 牙 [yá] (=牙齿 yáchǐ) tooth 1180 虑(F慮) [lǜ] (考虑 kǎolǜ) consider; 忧虑 yōulǜ worry about 1181 召 [zhào] 召开 zhàokāi convene 1182 猛 [měng] fierce 1183 宽(F寬) [kuān] wide, broad, extend, relax 1184 盛 [chéng] fill; contain
[shèng] flourishing; 茂盛 luxuriant1185 核 [hé] pit, nucleus; 核桃 hétao walnut
[hú] 核儿 húrpit 1186 袋 [dài] bag, pocket 1187 绍(F紹) [shào] 介绍 jièshào introduce 1188 补(F補) [bǔ] mend 1189 典 [diǎn] 典型 diǎnxíng typical; 古典 classical; 词典 dictionary 1190 圈 [quān] circle
[juàn] pen, sty
[juān] shut up in a pen1191 丰 [fēng] good-looking (F豐) 丰富 fēngfù abundant 1192 雅 [yǎ] 文雅 wényǎ cultured, refined; 雅致 yǎzhi elegant
[yā] 鸦片 yāpiàn opium1193 吉 [jí] lucky, auspicious 1194 赞(F贊) [zàn] 赞成 approve of; 称赞 praise 1195 茶 [chá] tea; 茶叶 cháyè tea leaves; 红茶 hóngchá "red tea" = black tea 1196 亦 [yì] also; 反之亦然 fǎnzhīyìrán and vice-versa 1197 谷 [gǔ] (山谷) valley; (F穀) (=谷物 gǔwù) grain; 谷子 gǔzi millet 1198 稳(F穩) [wěn] (稳定 wěndìng) stable, steady; 稳当 wěndang reliable 1199 汇 [huì] (F彙) gather together; 汇报 guìbào to report; 词汇 cíhuì vocabulary; (F匯) converge, remit 1200 厉(F厲) [lì] 厉害 lìhai terrible, formidable,
[lài] name of an ancient country
{Compare with 历 lì experience}1201 届(F屆) [jiè] to fall due, 1202 迹(F跡) [jì] (=痕迹 hénjì) mark, trace, vestige; 奇迹 qíjì miracle 1203 雷 [léi] thunder; 雷雨 thunderstorm; 雷达 radar 1204 序 [xù] 秩序 zhìxu order; 程序 procedure; 次序 order 1205 寒 [hán] (寒冷) cold 1206 附 [fù] enclose, attach; 附近 fùjìn vicinity, nearby 1207 鸡(F雞) [jī] chicken; 宫保鸡丁 gōngbǎo jīdīng spicy diced chicken 1208 遭 [zāo] meet with disaster 1209 挑 [tiāo] (挑选) choose
[tiǎo] poke; 挑战 challenge
[tāo] 挑达 tāotà walk casually to and fro1210 肩 [jiān] (肩膀 jiānbǎng) shoulder; (肩负 jiānfù) take on 1211 忆(F憶) [yì] (记忆 jìyì, 回忆 huíyì) remember, recall; memory 1212 柔 [róu] yielding; 柔软 róuruǎn soft; 柔和 róuhe gentle 1213 戴 [dài] put on; 戴眼镜 dài yǎnjìng wear glasses; 戴上帽子 dàishang màozi put on a hat 1214 惜 [xī] (珍惜) cherish; 可惜 kěxī it's too bad; 不惜 bùxī not hesitate 1215 隔 [gé] separate, stand between; 隔壁 next door 1216 豪 [háo] (=毫不 hǎobù, =好不 hǎobù) not at all 1217 诚(F誠) [chéng] (诚实) honest 1218 瑞 [ruì] auspicious, good omen; 瑞雪 timely snow 1219 减(F減) [jiǎn] subtract; 减少 jiǎnshǎo decrease 1220 播 [bō] sow, seed; 广播 broadcast; 传播 disseminate 1221 麼 [me] (S么)
[mó] 麽(F麼) 幺麽 yāomó petty, insignificant1222 针(F針) [zhēn] needle; 方针 policy; 针刺 zhēncì acupuncture 1223 棋 [qí] board game; 象棋 chess; 围棋 Go; 跳棋 Checkers 1224 竞(F競) [jìng] 竞争 jìngzhēng compete; 竞赛 contest 1225 臂 [bì] (手臂 shǒubì) arm
[bei] 胳臂 gēbei arm1226 挺 [tǐng] quite, very; endure, stand; 挺立 stand upright 1227 操 [cāo] conduct, grasp; 操纵 cāozòng operate
[cào] make trouble1228 腰 [yāo] waist 1229 狂 [kuáng] (疯狂 fēngkuáng) crazy 1230 替 [tì] in place of; (代替 dàitì) replace, substitute 1231 梅 [méi] plum, prune; 梅花 plum blossom; 梅林 plum grove 1232 固 [gù] 巩固 gǒnggù consolidate; 固定 gùdìng fixed 1233 伦(F倫) [lún] 伦理 lúnlǐ ethics 1234 宋 [Sòng] the Song dynasty (960-1279); 宋体字 Sòng tǐzì "Song"-typeface 1235 钢(F鋼) [gāng] steel; 钢笔 fountain pen; 钢琴 piano
[gàng] sharpen1236 诺(F諾) [nuò] 诺言 nuòyán a promise 1237 残(F殘) [cán] injure, barbarous, incomplete, remnant 1238 延 [yán] (延长 yáncháng) prolong 1239 虎 [hǔ] (老虎 lǎohǔ) tiger
[hū] 马马虎虎 mǎmahūhū
[hù] 虎不拉 hùbulǎshrike 1240 迅 [xùn] 迅速 xùnsù rapid, swift 1241 灾(F災) [zāi] (灾难 zāinàn, 灾害 zāihài) disaster 1242 悄 [qiāo] 悄悄 qiāoqiāo quietly
[qiǎo] 悄声 qiǎoshēng quietly1243 岳 [yuè] high mountain, wife's parents, 1244 乔(F喬) [qiáo] ; 乔木 qiáomù arbor 1245 川 [chuān] river; 四川省 Sìchānshěng Sichuan Province; 冰川 bīngchuān glacier 1246 仇 [chóu] revenge, hatered, ; 报仇 bàochóu get revenge
[qiú] mate,1247 季 [jì] (=季节 jìjié) season; 冬季 dōngjì winter; 四季 sìjì four seasons 1248 吹 [chuī] blow 1249 粮(F糧) [liáng] (粮食 liángshi) grain, food 1250 聚 [jù] gather, get together; 核聚变 héjùbiàn nuclear fusion 1251 译(F譯) [yì] (翻译 fānyì) translate 1252 珠 [zhū] (珠子 zhūzi) pearl, bead; 眼珠子 eyeball; 泪珠 teardrop 1253 叔 [shū] (=叔叔 shūshu) uncle, father's younger brother 1254 谋(F謀) [móu] scheme; 阴谋 conspiracy 1255 础(F礎) [chǔ] 基础 jīchǔ foundation, base, basis; 础石 chǔshí plinth 1256 仁 [rén] benevolence, humanity 1257 损(F損) [sǔn] decrease; damage; 损失 sǔnshī lose, loss 1258 融 [róng] (融化) melt (ice or snow; cf 熔 róng) 1259 辆(F輛) [liàng] 车辆 car; 两辆车 liǎng liàng chē two cars 1260 净(F凈) [jìng] clean, complete; only; 干净 gānjìng clean 1261 敏 [mǐn] 敏捷 mǐnjié agile; 敏感 mǐngǎn sensitive; 敏锐 mǐnruì acute 1262 伊 [yī] , he or she; 伊斯兰 Yīsīlán Islam 1263 仙 [xiān] fairy, saint, immortal celestial being; 仙女 fairy maiden 1264 巧 [qiǎo] clever, coincidentally; 巧妙 qiǎomiào ingenious 1265 零 [líng] zero; 零件 língjiàn spare part; 零钱 spare change
[līng] 孤零零 gūlīnglīng solitary, all alone; 丁零零 dīnglīnglīng tinkle, jingle1266 累 [lèi] tired; work hard
[lěi] 积累 accumulate
[léi] (F纍)1267 享 [xiǎng] (=享受 xiǎngshòu) enjoy (compare with 亨 hēng) 1268 伴 [bàn] accompany; 伙伴, 同伴 companion 1269 荡(F蕩) [dàng] swing, sway; loaf about; 扫荡 wipe out; 震荡 shake 1270 珍 [zhēn] (珍宝) treasure: 珍珠 pearl; 珍贵 precious 1271 勇 [yǒng] 勇敢 yǒnggǎn brave; 勇气 courage; 勇士 brave warrior 1272 末 [mò] end, minor details; 末儿 mòr powder; 周末 zhōumò weekend
[me] (=么 me); 什末 shénme what?
{Compare with 未 wèi haven't}1273 奋(F奮) [fèn] 奋斗 fèndòu struggle; 兴奋 xīngfèn excited 1274 胆(F膽) [dǎn] gallbladder, guts, bravery, internal parts 1275 弃(F棄) [qì] (放弃 fàngqì, 抛弃 pāoqì) abandon, give up 1276 烦(F煩) [fán] be vexed; 麻烦 máfan trouble, bother; 不耐烦 bú nàifán impatient 1277 糊 [hú] paste; 糊涂 hútu muddled
[hū] plaster
[hù] paste1278 犹(F猶) [yóu] still, yet; 犹豫 yóuyù hesitate; 犹如 yóurú as if 1279 税(F稅) [shuì] tax 1280 培 [péi] 培养 foster, train, develop; 培育 cultivate, breed 1281 抵 [dǐ] support; (抵抗 dǐkàng) resist 1282 僧 [sēng] monk 1283 锋(F鋒) [fēng] 锋利 sharp; 冲锋 charge, assault; 先锋 vanguard 1284 乃 [nǎi] be, so, only then, you 1285 遥(F遙) [yáo] distant, remote; long 1286 摩 [mó] 按摩 ànmó massage; 摩擦 mócā rub; friction
[mā] 摩挲 māsa gently stroke, smooth rub, massage1287 坦 [tǎn] 平坦 level; 坦然 calm; 坦克 tank 1288 後(S后) [hòu] after 1289 眉 [méi] eyelash; 眉头 brows; 眉毛 eyebrow; 眉目 looks 1290 餐 [cān] meal 1291 惯(F慣) [guàn] be used to; 习惯 xíguàn be used to, habit, custom 1292 凭(F憑) [píng] lean on, based on, (= 不论 búlùn) no matter 1293 冠 [guān] hat, crown
[guàn] first place; 冠军 guànjūn champion1294 抬 [tái] lift, raise, carry 1295 碰 [pèng] bump into; 碰见 happen to meet 1296 币(F幣) [bì] money, currency; 硬币 coin; 人民币 rénmínbì RMB. 1297 启(F啟) [qǐ] open; start; enlighten; 启发 arouse, inspire 1298 码(F碼) [mǎ] ; 两码事 liǎng mǎ shì two entirely differeint things/matters; 码头 mǎtou wharf, dock; 号码 hàomǎ (serial) number, code 1299 冒 [mào] emit, risk, pretend to be, ; 感冒 catch a cold 1300 汗 [hàn] (汗水 hànshuǐ) sweat, perspiration
[hán] 可汗 kèhán1301 俗 [sú] common, rustic, vulgar, custom; 俗话 proverb, saying 1302 灰 [huī] ash, dust, grey, disheartened 1303 督 [dū] 监督 jiāndū supervise 1304 穷(F窮) [qióng] poor; 无穷 wúqióng infinite 1305 颇(F頗) [pō] quite, rather 1306 倾(F傾) [qīng] lean; 倾向 tendency, prefer; 倾斜 slant 1307 尖 [jiān] point, tip; 尖锐 jiānruì sharp 1308 韩(F韓) [Hán] ; (old name for Korea) 1309 贸(F貿) [mào] 贸易 màoyì trade 1310 仿 [fǎng] resemble, be like, (=模仿 mófǎng) imitate, copy; 仿佛 seem; 仿造 copy 1311 孤 [gū] alone; 孤儿 orphan; 孤立 isolated; 孤独 lonely 1312 飘(F飄) [piāo] float in the air, flutter; 飘扬 flutter, wave 1313 漫 [màn] overflow; 漫长 endless; 浪漫 làngmàn romantic 1314 予 [yǔ] (=予以 yǔyǐ, =给予 jǐyǔ) give, grant
[yú](=吾 wú) I, me 1315 紫 [zǐ] purple, violet 1316 侧(F側) [cè] side
[zhāi] 侧歪 zhāiwai slant1317 沿 [yán] along; 沿海 yánhǎi coastal; 沿儿 yánr water's edge 1318 拔 [bá] raise, pull; 提拔 promote; 海拔 elevation 1319 袖 [xiù] (袖子) sleeve; 领袖 leader; 袖珍 pocket-sized; 短袖 duǎnxiù T-shirt 1320 梁 [liáng] bridge, roof beam; 桥梁 bridge; 脊梁骨 backbone 1321 赏(F賞) [shǎng] reward, admire; 欣赏 xīnshǎng enjoy, appreciate 1322 幕 [mù] curtain; act (of play); 屏幕 píngmù screen 1323 壁 [bì] wall, cliff; 墙壁 qiángbì wall (la pared) 1324 旦 [dàn] dawn; 一旦 in one day; once; 元旦 New Year's Day 1325 晨 [chén] (早晨 zǎochen) morning 1326 纯(F純) [chún] (纯洁 chúnjié) pure; (单纯 dānchún) simple 1327 闭(F閉) [bì] shut 1328 凉(F涼) [liáng] cool, cold
[liàng] make cool1329 扫(F掃) [sǎo] sweep; 打扫 dǎsǎo clean up
[sào] 扫帚 sàozhou broom1330 尤 [yóu] fault; outstanding; 尤其 yóuqí especially 1331 炮 [pào] cannon; 炮弹 shell
[bāo] quick-fry
[páo] 炮制 concoct1332 碗 [wǎn] bowl 1333 贴(F貼) [tiē] stick, paste, glue, stay close to 1334 插 [chā] insert, stick in; 插头 plug 1335 滚(F滾) [gǔn] roll, boil 1336 缘(F緣) [yuán] 缘故 cause, reason; 边缘 edge; 绝缘 insulate 1337 寺 [sì] temple, Buddhist monastery 1338 贝(F貝) [bèi] shellfish; cowrie; (money); 贝壳 bèiké shell
{Compare with 见 jiàn see}1339 润(F潤) [rùn] 湿润 shīrùn moist; 利润 lìrùn profit; 润滑 rùnhuá lubricate 1340 氏 [shì] surname, family name, (=氏族 shìzú) clan
[zhī] 月氏 Yuèzhī Indo-Scyths (nomadic people in Central Asia)1341 冬 [dōng] (=冬天 dōngtiān, =冬季 dōngjì) winter; 冬眠 dōngmián hibernation; 春夏秋冬 chūnxiàqiūdōng the four seasons 1342 扩(F擴) [kuò] 扩大 kuòdà enlarge, expand 1343 栏(F欄) [lán] fence, railing 1344 荒 [huāng] desolate, wasteland, famine; 荒谬 huāngmiù absurd 1345 哲 [zhé] 哲学 zhéxué philosophy 1346 逼 [bī] force, compel; close in on 1347 吓(F嚇) [xià] frighten, scare
[hè] (=恐吓 kǒnghè) threaten,1348 堆 [duī] pile, heap
[zuī] 归里包堆 guīlibāozuī altogether, all in all1349 撞 [zhuàng] collide, run into 1350 郎 [láng] young man; 新郎 bridegroom.
[làng] 屎壳郎1351 俩(F倆) [liǎ] two, both; 我们俩 wǒmen liǎ the two of us
[liǎng] 伎俩 jìliǎng trick, intrigue, maneuver, skill, dexterity, craft1352 蓝(F藍) [lán] (蓝色) blue 1353 闲(F閑) [xián] idle, free time; 闲话 digression, complaint 1354 辛 [xīn] suffering; 辛苦 xīnkǔ work hard 1355 镜(F鏡) [jìng] (=镜子 jìngzi) mirror, lens; 眼镜 yǎnjìng glasses 1356 陪 [péi] (=陪同 péitóng) accompany; 陪嫁 péijià dowry 1357 骑(F騎) [qí] ride (horse/bike)
[jì] 乘骑 chéngjì saddle horse; rider1358 蛋 [dàn] egg; 鸡蛋 chicken egg; 蛋白质 protein 1359 促 [cù] urge; urgent; 促进 cùjìn promote; 促使 cùshǐ impel, urge 1360 羊 [yáng] sheep; 山羊 shānyáng goat; 羊年 yángnián year of the Sheep = 8th year 1361 宜 [yí] (=适宜 shìyí) suitable
[yi] 便宜 piányi cheap1362 嘛 [ma]
[má](=吗 ma) 1363 颜(F顏) [yán] 颜色 yánsè colour; 颜面 yánmiàn face 1364 贫(F貧) [pín] (=贫苦 pínkù, =贫穷 píngqióng) poor 1365 幅 [fú] width of cloth, size, ; 一幅画 a picture 1366 驻(F駐) [zhù] stay, halt, be stationed 1367 萍 [píng] (=浮萍 fúpíng) duckweed 1368 污 [wū] foul; 污染 wūrǎn pollution 1369 杰(F傑) [jié] 杰出 outstanding; 杰作 masterpiece 1370 扑(F撲) [pū] pounce on; flap wings; 扑灭 pūmiè extinguish; 扑克 pūkè Poker 1371 壮(F壯) [zhuàng] robust, magnificent; 壮丽 majestic; 壮族 1372 萨(F薩) [sà] 菩萨 púsà bodhisattva, benevolent being, 1373 刑 [xíng] punishment 1374 忧(F憂) [yōu] worry, grieve; 忧郁 yōuyù sad; 忧虑 worry about 1375 貌 [mào] (面貌) appearance; 礼貌 polite 1376 狱(F獄) [yù] lawsuit; (监狱 jiānyù) prison, jail 1377 塞 [sāi] fill in, stuff, cork
[sè] (=堵塞 dǔsè) block up, obstruct
[sài] place of strategic importance, border pass1378 凤(F鳳) [fèng] male phoenix (fabulous bird of good omen) 1379 孔 [kǒng] hole; 孔子 Kǒngzǐ Confucius; 面孔 miànkǒng face 1380 触(F觸) [chù] touch; 接触 jiēchù get in touch; 触角 antenna 1381 恋(F戀) [liàn] 恋爱 love (as in love affair) 1382 岂(F豈) [qǐ] (rhetorical adverb); 岂有此理 qǐyǒucǐlǐ What kind of reasoning is that?, Nonsence! 1383 森 [sēn] (=森林 sēnlín) forest 1384 繁 [fán] numerous; 繁殖 fánzhí breed; 繁荣 flourishing; 繁体字 fán tǐzì full forms of simplified characters 1385 碎 [suì] smash to pieces 1386 津 [jīn] ferry crossing, ford, saliva, sweat, moist, damp; 津津有味 jīnjīnyǒuwèi (to do someting) with pleasure, to be appetizing 1387 侠(F俠) [xiá] 侠客 xiákè chivalrous warrior; 侠义 chivalrous 1388 隆 [lóng] 隆重 lóngzhòng grand; 隆起 lóngqǐ swell
[lōng] 轰隆隆 hōnglōnglōng tumble, roll1389 迟(F遲) [chí] tardy; 迟到 arrive late; 迟疑 hesitate; 推迟 put off
[zhì] 迟旦 zhìdàn dawn, daybreak1390 辉(F輝) [huī] shine; 光辉 radiance, glory; 辉煌 huīhuáng brilliant 1391 狠 [hěn] ruthless 1392 析 [xī] 分析 fēnxī analyse 1393 缩(F縮) [suō] shrink 1394 穴 [xué] cave, hole, den, grave, acupuncture point 1395 萧(F蕭) [xiāo] desolate 1396 怨 [yuàn] resentment, complain 1397 磨 [mó] rub, wear down
[mò] mill, grind(stone)1398 伏 [fú] bend over, subside; 伏天 hot summer days; 起伏 rise and fall 1399 辞(F辭) [cí] take leave; diction, poetry, language 1400 泥 [ní] mud; 泥土 soil
[nì] putty1401 龄(F齡) [líng] (年龄) age; duration 1402 径(F徑) [jìng] path, way; (直径 zhíjìng) diameter; 途径 tújìng channel, way, through 1403 鼻 [bí] (=鼻子 bízi) nose; 鼻孔 bíkǒng nostril 1404 赖(F賴) [lài] rely; hang around; blame falsely; deny error 1405 仰 [yǎng] face upward; 信仰 xìnyǎng (religious) faith 1406 愤(F憤) [fèn] (=气愤 qìfèn, =愤怒 fènnù) angry 1407 慕 [mù] 羡慕 xiànmù envy; admire; 爱慕 àimù adore 1408 俄 [é] very soon, suddenly; 俄国 ?guó Russia 1409 映 [yìng] shine 1410 询(F詢) [xún] 询问 xúnwèn ask about, inquire 1411 惨(F慘) [cǎn] tragic; savage 1412 麦(F麥) [mài] wheat, etc; 麦片 màipiàn oatmeal; 麦克风 màikèfēng microphone 1413 宿 [sù] stay overnight,
[xiǔ]; 住一宿 zhù yì xiǔ stay one night
[xiù] constellation in Chinese astronomy1414 倍 [bèi] times; 三倍 three times (as much) 1415 粗 [cū] thick, rough, coarse 1416 腾(F騰) [téng] jump, gallop, vacate; 沸腾 boiling
[tēng] thump1417 稍 [shāo] (稍稍, 稍微) a little, a bit, slightly
[shào] 稍息1418 截 [jié] cut, stop; section, length; 半截 half a section 1419 染 [rǎn] to dye; catch (disease); 染料 dye; 污染 pollution 1420 乌(F烏) [wū] (=乌鸦 wūyā) crow, (=乌黑 wūhēi) black; 乌龟 wūguī tortoise
{Compare with 马 mǎ horse and 鸟 niǎo bird}1421 愈 [yù] heal, get better; 愈…愈… (like 越 yuè) 1422 岗(F崗) [gǎng] mound, sentry
[gāng] 花岗石 huāgāngshí granite
[gàng] 岗口 gànkǒu delicious sweet1423 柳 [liǔ] willow 1424 铺(F鋪) [pū] spread, unfold; pave
[pù] shop, store; plank bed; 卧铺1425 涉 [shè] wade, ford, go through, involve; 干涉 gānshè interfere 1426 疾 [jí] (=疾病 jíbìng) illness; 疾苦 jíkǔ hardship 1427 挡(F擋) [dǎng] ward off, block, gear (of car)
[dàng] 摒挡 bìngdàng arrange, get ready1428 奉 [fèng] accept, offer; 奉命 receive orders; 奉承 flatter 1429 踏 [tà] step on; 糟蹋 (=糟蹋 zāota) zāota ruin, waste, insult, affront
[tā] (=塌 tā) collapse, sink, calm down1430 忠 [zhōng] faithful 1431 伍 [wǔ] (=五 wǔ) five, ; 队伍 duìwǔ troops 1432 躲 [duǒ] hide (oneself), avoid, dodge 1433 籍 [jí] book, registry, native place, membership; 国籍 guójí nationality 1434 努 [nǔ] 努力 nǔlì try hard 1435 朗 [lǎng] 爽朗 shuǎnglǎng, 明朗 bright and clear; 朗讼 recite 1436 箱 [xiāng] box 1437 裁 [cái] cut cloth or paper; reduce; decide; sanction 1438 帐(F帳) [zhàng] curtain; 蚊帐 mosquito net; 帐篷 tent; account 1439 兼 [jiān] double; simultaneously: 兼容 compatible 1440 彼 [bǐ] 彼此 bǐcǐ each other 1441 霞 [xiá] rosy clouds 1442 猪(F豬) [zhū] pig; 猪年 zhūnián the year of the pig = the 12th year 1443 悉 [xī] 熟悉 shúxī know well, be familiar with 1444 扎 [zhā] prick
[zhá] 挣扎 zhēngzhá struggle
[zā] 包扎1445 劝(F勸) [quàn] advise 1446 薄 [báo] thin
[bó] slight; 薄弱 weak
[bò] 薄荷 bòhe peppermint1447 筑(F築) [zhù] build, construct; 建筑学 architecture 1448 俊 [jùn] handsome, pretty; 英俊 brilliant, talented 1449 鞋 [xié] shoe 1450 距 [jù] (距离 jùlí) distance 1451 侵 [qīn] (=侵略 qīnlüè, =侵入 qīnrù) invade, intrude into 1452 欣 [xīn] 欣赏 xīnshǎng enjoy 1453 挤(F擠) [jǐ] squeeze; crowd; push, jostle; 拥挤 yōngjǐ crowded 1454 媒 [méi] go-between, matchmaker; 媒介 medium, intermediary 1455 吐 [tǔ] spit
[tù] (呕吐 ǒutù) vomit1456 魂 [hún] (灵魂 línghún) soul, spirit, mood 1457 洁(F潔) [jié] (=纯洁 chúnjié) pure, (=清洁 qīngjié) clean, sanitay; 洁白 jiébái pure white, spotless 1458 枝 [zhī] branch
[qí] (=歧 qí) fork, brach, divergent1459 盈 [yíng] full; 盈利 yínglì profit, have a surplus 1460 阻 [zǔ] block; 阻止 zǔzhǐ prevent; 电阻 diànzǔ resistance 1461 陷 [xiàn] pit, trap; cave in; 陷入 sink/fall into 1462 甲 [jiǎ] helmet; 指甲 zhījia fingernail; 甲虫 beetle
{Compare with 申 shēn explain and 由 yóu from}1463 郑(F鄭) [zhèng] ; 郑重 zhèngzhòng serious, solemn 1464 鸣(F鳴) [míng] cry of birds, animals, insects; ring, sound; express 1465 倘 [tǎng] (=倘若 tǎngruò) if, supposing 1466 剩 [shèng] be left over, remain, (=剩余 shèngyú) surplus, left over, remain 1467 颗(F顆) [kē] grain, small round object, ; 一颗珠子 yì kē zhūzi one pearl 1468 拖 [tuō] pull, drag; procrastinate 1469 舒 [shū] stretch; 舒服 shūfu comfortable; 舒畅 shūchàng carefree 1470 惠 [huì] 恩惠 ēnhuì favor, kindness; 贤惠 xiánhuì virtuous (女) 1471 昏 [hūn] dusk, dark, to faint 1472 振 [zhèn] shake, stimulate; 振动 vibration; 振奋 inspire 1473 戒 [jiè] forbid; 戒严 jièyán enforce martial law; 戒指 jièzhi ring 1474 丧(F喪) [sàng] lose (by death), lose (sth. important); 丧失 sàngshī forfeit
[sāng] mourning; 丧事 sāngshì funeral arrangements1475 焦 [jiāo] burnt; (焦炭) coke; 焦急 jiāojí anxious; 焦点 focus 1476 爬 [pá] crawl, climb
[pā] 矮爬爬 ǎipāpā squat, short1477 凌 [líng] insult; encroach; draw near; 凌晨 língchén before dawn 1478 慧 [huì] 智慧 zhìhuì wisdom 1479 偶 [ǒu] (偶然 ǒurán) by chance, even number
{Compare with 奇 jī odd}1480 晃 [huàng] (摇晃 yáohuang) shake, sway
[huǎng] dazzle
[huāng]1481 桃 [táo] (桃子) peach; 桃花 peach blossom; 樱桃 yīngtáo cherry 1482 赤 [chì] red, bare; 赤道 chìdào equator; 赤脚 chìjiǎo barefoot 1483 烂(F爛) [làn] messy; 灿烂 cànlàn splendid
[lān]1484 骗(F騙) [piàn] (欺骗) deceive; cheat, swindle; 骗局 hoax; 骗子 swindler 1485 措 [cuò] arrange; 措施 cuòshī measure, step 1486 页(F頁) [yè] page 1487 凶 [xiōng] terrible; 凶恶 xiōng'è fiendish; 凶猛 xiōngměng ferocious 1488 泰 [tài] peace, quiet; 泰国 Thailand; 泰山 Tàishān Mount Tai, something of great importance 1489 尸(F屍) [shī] corpse, 尸体 shītǐ dead body 1490 坡 [pō] slope, hillside; 坡度 pōdù slope, gradient 1491 勒 [lēi] tie or strap tightly
[lè] 勒索 lèsuǒ1492 疗(F療) [liáo] treat, cure; 疗法 therapy 1493 塔 [tǎ] pagoda, tower
[da] 泥圪塔; 树圪塔1494 尘(F塵) [chén] (灰尘 huīchén) dust 1495 躺 [tǎng] lie down 1496 殊 [shū] 特殊 tèshū special, particular 1497 慰 [wèi] 安慰 comfort, console; 慰问 express sympathy for 1498 坛 [tán] (F壇) altar, raised plot of ground; (F罈) jar, jug 1499 甘 [gān] sweet; 甘蔗 gānzhe sugarcane; 甘肃 Gānsù
{Compare with 日 rì sun}1500 咬 [yǎo] bite; bark; pronounce 1501 拒 [jù] resist; (拒绝 jùjué) refuse 1502 彪 [biāo] young tiger 1503 炸 [zhà] (爆炸 bàozhà) explode, blow up
[zhá] deep fry1504 井 [jǐng] (water) well, 1505 崇 [chóng] worship, high, sublime 1506 饮(F飲) [yǐn] drink
[yìn] give animals water to drink1507 祝 [zhù] express good wishes; 庆祝 qìngzhù celebrate; 祝贺 zhùhè congratulate; 祝福 zhùfú invoke/give blessing 1508 汪 [wāng] 汪汪 wāngwāng tearful, bow-wow; 汪洋 boundless (ocean) 1509 牢 [láo] firm, durable; (牢房 láofáng) prison; 牢固 láogù sturdy 1510 桂 [guì] laurel (bay) tree; 桂林 Guìlín 1511 尾 [wěi] (=尾巴 wěiba) tail
[yǐ] 后尾 hòuyǐend, behind 1512 漂 [piāo] float
[piào] 漂亮 paiòliang beautiful
[piǎo] 漂白 piǎobái bleach1513 聊 [liáo] just, slightly; 无聊 wúliáo bored, silly; 聊天儿 liáotiānr chat, gossip 1514 撒 [sā] cast, let go
[sǎ] scatter, sprinkle1515 恰 [qià] (恰当 qiàdàng) appropriate, suitable; 恰好 qiàhǎo just right 1516 凝 [níng] 混凝土 hùnníngtǔ concrete; 凝视 níngshì stare; 凝固 nínggù solidify 1517 矛 [máo] spear; 矛盾 máodùn "spear-shield" = contradiction 1518 於 [Yū]
[wū]sigh and exclaim
[yú] (S于) in, at, to, from, by, than1519 宾(F賓) [bīn] guest; 宾馆 bīnguǎn hotel
{Compare with 兵 bīng soldier}1520 绪(F緒) [xù] 情绪 qíngxù mood, depression; 头绪 tóuxù lead, clue 1521 彭 [Péng] 1522 肚 [dù] (肚子 dùzi) stomach
[dǔ] tripe1523 匆 [cōng] urgent, rushed; 匆匆 cōngcōng hurriedly, obviously, apparently; 匆忙 cōngmáng in a hurry 1524 描 [miáo] trace, touch up; 描写 miáoxiě describe 1525 粉 [fěn] powder; 洗衣粉 xǐyīfěn laundry detergent; 粉红色 fěnhóngsè pink 1526 贼(F賊) [zéi] thief 1527 乏 [fá] (=缺乏quēfá) lack; 疲乏 pífá tired; 贫乏 pínfá poor 1528 盾 [dùn] shield; 矛盾 máodùn "spear-shield" = contradiction 1529 愁 [chóu] worry 1530 斜 [xié] slanting; 斜边 xiébiān hypoteneuse; 斜率 xiélǜ slope 1531 裂 [liè] split, crack: 分裂 fēnliè split, divide, break up, fission
[liě] crack open1532 滑 [huá] slip, slide, smooth, slippery; 滑冰 huábīng ice-skate 1533 斐 [fěi] to possess literary talent; 斐然 fěirán brilliant (of literature); 斐济 Fěijì Fiji 1534 废(F廢) [fèi] waste 1535 寂 [jì] 寂寞 jìmò lonely; 寂静 jìjìng quiet (place); 沉寂 chénjì quiet 1536 涌 [yǒng] gush, pour, rise, surge; 汹涌 xiōngyǒng turbulent 1537 详(F詳) [xiáng] 详细 xiángxì detailed; 端详 duānxiáng details; 安详 ānxiáng serene 1538 汤(F湯) [tāng] hot water, soup
[shāng] 汤汤 shāngshāng to flow turbulently1539 彻(F徹) [chè] 彻底 chèdǐ thorough; 贯彻 guànchè carry out, implement 1540 玄 [xuán] black, dark, profound, abstruse; 玄学 xuánxué metaphysics 1541 斤 [jīn] half a kilogram; 公斤 gōngjīn kilogram 1542 轰(F轟) [hōng] bang, boom, rumble, bomb, attack, drive out; 轰轰烈烈 hōnghōnglièliè grand, spectacular 1543 奸 [jiān] treacherous, traitor; (F姦) adultery; 强奸 qiángjiān rape 1544 怜(F憐) [lián] 可怜 kělián poor, pitiful 1545 朵 [duǒ] (=朵儿 duǒr) flower, ; 一朵花 yì duǒ huā; 一朵云
[duo] 耳朵 ěrduo ear1546 佳 [jiā] good, beautiful 1547 皆 [jiē] all, everyone 1548 鸟(F鳥) [niǎo] bird
[diǎo] (=屌)
{Compare with 乌 wu crow}1549 邦 [bāng] nation, state, country; 城邦 chéngbāng city-state; 乌托邦 wūtuōbāng utopia 1550 扶 [fú] support with the hand, help 1551 毁(F毀) [huǐ] destroy; 毁灭 huǐmiè exterminate 1552 聪(F聰) [cōng] 聪明 cōngming clever, intelligent, bright 1553 辩(F辯) [biàn] (辩论 biànlùn) debate, argue; 辩证 diagnosis 1554 瓶 [píng] (=瓶子 píngzi) bottle 1555 饿(F餓) [è] hungry 1556 蛇 [shé] snake
[yí] 虚与委蛇 xūyǔwēiyí pretended interest and sympathy1557 捕 [bǔ] catch; 逮捕 dàibǔ arrest 1558 搬 [bān] move; 搬家 move house 1559 沈 [Shěn] , liquid essence; (F瀋) 沈阳 Shěnyáng; 墨沈未干 mòshěnwèigān "before the ink is dry"
[chén] (=沉) to sink1560 枫(F楓) [fēng] Chinese sweet gum (tree); maple 1561 舅 [jiù] 舅舅 jiùjiu uncle, mother's brother 1562 幽 [yōu] 幽静 secluded; 幽默 humor; 幽暗 gloomy; 幽灵 ghost 1563 魔 [mó] evil spirit, (=恶魔 èmó, =魔鬼 móguǐ) demon; 魔术 móshù magic 1564 琴 [qín] zither-like instrument; 钢琴 piano; 小提琴 violin 1565 挣(F掙) [zhèng] struggle; earn
[zhēng] 挣扎 zhēngzhá struggle1566 聘 [pìn] engage; 聘请 pìnqǐng engage, invite 1567 弯(F彎) [wān] curve, bend 1568 墓 [mù] (=坟墓 fénmù) grave, tomb 1569 欺 [qī] (=欺骗 qīpiàn) cheat, deceive, (=欺负 qīfu) bully 1570 悟 [wù] realize; 觉悟 consciousness; 孙悟空 1571 蒋(F蔣) [Jiǎng] 1572 臣 [chén] high official, overseer, (=大臣 dàchén) minister 1573 返 [fǎn] (=返回 fǎnhuí) return, go back 1574 违(F違) [wéi] disobey, (=违反 wéifǎn, =违背 wéibèi) violate; 违法 wéifǎ break the law 1575 亏(F虧) [kuī] lose (money); 吃亏 chīkuī suffer a loss, come to grief, treat unfairly; 幸亏 xìngkuī fortunately, luckily 1576 丢(F丟) [diū] lose, misplace 1577 援 [yuán] hold, help; 支援 zhīyuán support; 援助 yuánzhù help 1578 赫 [Hè] , hertz 1579 魏 [Wèi] one of the Three Kingdoms, name of several dynasties, 1580 耐 [nài] be able to endure; 有耐心 yǒubàixīn patient; 不耐烦 bú nàifán impatient 1581 佩 [pèi] wear (at the waist), admire, pendant waist ornament; 佩服 pèifu admire; 敬佩 jìngpèi esteem 1582 酸 [suān] sour, acid 1583 盟 [méng] (联盟 liánméng) alliance, pact
[míng] 盟誓 míngshì oath of alliance1584 胖 [pàng] fat, plump
[pán]easy and comfortable 1585 傻 [shǎ] stupid, idiotic; 傻子 shǎzi, 傻瓜 shǎguā idiot 1586 绕(F繞) [rào] wind, coil, move around; 围绕 wéirào surround 1587 哼 [hēng] groan, snort, hum
[hng] humph1588 秦 [Qín] the Qin Dynasty 221-207 B.C., 1589 屈 [qū] bend, submit, injustice; 屈服 qūfú surrender, yield; 委屈 wěiqu feel wronged, srong somebody 1590 辱 [rǔ] 侮辱 wǔrǔ insult, humiliate; 耻辱 chǐrǔ shame 1591 昨 [zuó] (=昨天 zuótiān) yesterday; 昨晚 zuówǎn yesterday evening
{Compare with 咋 zǎ how}1592 瘦 [shòu] thin, lean, frail, skinny 1593 暂(F暫) [zàn] (=暂时 zànshí) temporary 1594 箭 [jiàn] arrow; 火箭 huǒjiàn rocket; 箭头 jiàntóu arrowhead 1595 署 [shǔ] (=署名 shǔmíng, =签署 qiānshǔ) sign one's name; 部署 bùshǔ deploy 1596 赴 [fù] go to, attend 1597 递(F遞) [dì] hand over, pass, give; 递交 dìjiāo deliver, hand on, present, submit 1598 猜 [cāi] guess; 猜想 cāixiǎng suppose 1599 潜(F潛) [qián] 潜水艇 qiánshuǐtǐng submarine; 潜力 qiánlì latent ability 1600 鸿(F鴻) [hóng] (鸿雁 hóngyàn) swan, wild goose, vast 1601 绩(F績) [jì] 成绩 grade, achievement; 功绩 merits and achievements 1602 耀 [yào] shine, dazzle 1603 涂(F塗) [tú] spread on; 涂料 túliào coating
[tu] 糊涂 hútu muddled
[tū] 糊里八涂 húlibātū confused, muddle-headed1604 割 [gē] cut; 收割 shōugē to harvest 1605 豆 [dòu] bean; 豆腐 dòufu tofu; 大豆 dàdòu soybean; 豌豆 wāndòu pea 1606 闷(F悶) [mēn] muffled (of sound), stuffy, cut off from air circulation
[mèn] bored, depressed1607 亭 [tíng] (=亭子 tíngzi) pavilion, kiosk 1608 祥 [xiáng] (=吉祥 jíxiáng) auspicious; 慈祥 cíxiáng kindly, mercy 1609 励(F勵) [lì] 鼓励 gǔlì, 激励 jīlì encourage; 奖励 jiǎnglì reward 1610 宇 [yǔ] eaves, universe; 宇宙 yǔzhòu cosmos; 庙宇 miàoyǔ temple 1611 泛 [fàn] flood; 广泛 guǎngfàn wide, extensive; 泛滥 fànlàn overflow 1612 狼 [láng] wolf, greedy and cruel person; 狼狈 lángbèi in a difficult position 1613 悔 [huǐ] (=后悔 hòuhuǐ) regret, repent 1614 搭 [dā] put up, hang over, lift together
[dá] 搭茬儿 dáchár pursue another's utterance; 哪搭 nǎdá where, wherever1615 舰(F艦) [jiàn] (=军舰 jūnjiàn) warship; 航空母舰 hángkōngmǔjiàn aircraft carrier 1616 浮 [fú] float 1617 牵(F牽) [qiān] lead along (by hand, halter, etc.); 牵牛下地 qiānniú xià dì 1618 符 [fú] 符合 fúhé conform to; 符号 fúhào mark, symbol 1619 肃(F肅) [sù] 严肃 yánsù serious, solemn; 肃清 sùqīng eliminate 1620 奴 [nú] (=奴隶 núlì) slave 1621 爆 [bào] (=爆炸 bàozhà) explode, (=爆发 bàofā) erupt, burst; 爆竹 bàozhú firecracker 1622 姊 [zǐ] elder sister; 姊妹 zǐmèi sisters 1623 幼 [yòu] young, children; 幼稚 yòuzhì childish; 幼儿 child 1624 夹(F夾) [jiā] press, squeeze, clip
[jiá] lined (clothing)
[gā] 夹肢窝 gāzhiwō armpit1625 邀 [yāo] (邀请 yāoqǐng) invite 1626 疯(F瘋) [fēng] crazy 1627 允 [yǔn] 允许 yǔnxǔ permit, allow 1628 恼(F惱) [nǎo] 恼火 nǎohuǒ angry, annoyed 1629 租 [zū] rent; 出租汽车 chūzūqìchē taxi 1630 椅 [yǐ] (椅子 yǐzi) chair 1631 尺 [chǐ] ruler, one-third of a meter; 英尺 yīngchǐ (English) foot
[chě] 工尺 gōngchě traditional Chinese musical notation1632 侍 [shì] 侍候 shìhòu wait upon, look after 1633 腐 [fǔ] rotten; 豆腐 tofu; 腐蚀 corrode; 腐败 corrupt 1634 颤(F顫) [chàn] quiver; 颤抖 chàndǒu tremble; 颤动 chàndòng vibrate
[zhàn] tremble, shudder1635 扭 [niǔ] twist, turn around, seize; 别扭 bièniu awkward
[niū] 吱扭 zīniū squeak1636 菲 [fěi] 菲薄 fēibó humble
[fēi] luxuriant; 菲律宾 Fěilǜbīn Philippines1637 瓦 [wǎ] tile; (瓦特 wǎtè) Watt
[wà] to tile a roof
[wā] 蓝瓦瓦 lánwāwā dazzling blue1638 擦 [cā] rub, wipe, scrape 1639 辣 [là] spicy; 辣椒 làjiāo hot pepper; 毒辣 dúlà sinister
[lā] 热辣辣 rèlālā burning hot, impassioned, passionate1640 奏 [zòu] play music; 演奏 yǎnzòu perform music; 节奏 jiézòu rhythm 1641 殷 [yīn] rich,
[yān] (=殷红 yānhóng) blackish red, dark red1642 埋 [mái] bury, cover up
[mán] 埋怨 mányuàn blame, complain1643 摔 [shuāi] fall down; 摔交 shuāijiāo wrestling 1644 盼 [pàn] look, (=盼望 pànwàng) hope for, look forward to 1645 吟 [yín] chant, recite
[yīn] 笑吟吟 xiàoyīnyīn smilingly1646 渡 [dù] cross a river/sea/etc., tide over, ferry across; 渡船 dùchuán ferry 1647 衫 [shān] (=衬衫 chènshān) shirt 1648 跨 [kuà] step, stride, straddle, go beyond 1649 醉 [zuì] drunk 1650 艰(F艱) [jiān] (=艰难 jiānnán) difficult, (=艰苦 jiānkǔ) arduous 1651 掩 [yǎn] hide, sneak attack; 掩护 yǎnhù to shield; 掩盖 yǎngài conceal 1652 荷 [hé] lotus; 荷花 héhuā lotus flower
[hè] carry, load1653 苍(F蒼) [cāng] dark green or blue; 苍天 blue sky; 苍松 green pine; 苍蝇 cāngying fly, mosquito; 苍白 cāngbái pale, lifeless, grayish 1654 旋 [xuán] spin; 旋转 xuánzhuǎn rotate
[xuàn] whirl, lathe1655 揭 [jiē] uncover 1656 桑 [sāng] mulberry tree; 桑蚕 sāngcán silkworm; 桑叶 sāngyè mulberry leaves 1657 仗 [zhàng] battle, war; 打仗 dǎzhàng wage a war, fight a battle 1658 莲(F蓮) [lián] lotus, water lilly 1659 钻(F鑽) [zuān] drill, get into, study
[zuàn] drill, auger, diamond, watch jewel1660 宏 [hóng] 宏伟 hóngwěi magnificient; 宏大 hóngdà great; 宏观 hóngguān macroscopic 1661 幻 [huàn] unreal, imaginary, magical; 科幻小说 kēhuàn xiàoshuō science fiction novel 1662 刃 [rèn] (=刀刃 dāorèn) sharp edge of knife or sword, kill with knife or sword 1663 峡(F峽) [xiá] (=峡谷 xiágǔ) gorge, canyon; 海峡 hǎixiá strait, channel; 三峡 Sān Xiá the Three Gorges of the Yangtze river 1664 辽(F遼) [liáo] 辽阔 liáokuò vast, extensive; 辽宁 Liáoníng (a province) 1665 娃 [wá] (娃娃 wáwa) baby 1666 凯(F凱) [kǎi] 凯歌 kǎigē song of triumph 1667 患 [huàn] worry, anxiety, disaster; 患病 huànbìng fall ill 1668 障 [zhàng] barrier, obstacle, (=障碍 zhàng'ài) obstruct; 保障 bǎozhàng ensure 1669 丐 [gài] (=乞丐 qǐgài) beggar 1670 衡 [héng] weighing equipment, (=衡量 héngliang) weigh, measure, judge 1671 猫(F貓) [māo] cat; 熊猫 xióngmāo panda; 猫头鹰 māotóuyīng owl
[máo] 猫腰 máoyāo stoop, crouch1672 丑 [chǒu] second Earthly Branch, a clown in an opera, ; (F醜) 丑陋 chǒulòu ugly, disgraceful, scandalous 1673 涛(F濤) [tāo] great waves 1674 暖 [nuǎn] warm up, (=温暖 wēnnuǎn) warm; 暖和 nuǎnhuo nice and warm 1675 溜 [liū] slide, sneak away
[liù] swift current of water1676 锅(F鍋) [guō] pot, wok, frying pan; 锅贴 guōtiē pot sticker 1677 奈 [nài] what?, how?; 无可奈何 wúkěnàihé have no alternative 1678 罚(F罰) [fá] (=惩罚 chéngfá) punish, (=罚款 fákuǎn) penalty 1679 拾 [shí] pick up from the ground, ten (=十 shí); 收拾 shōushi put in order
[shè] 拾级 shèjí climb stairs1680 浓(F濃) [nóng] dense, thick, concentrated; 浓度 nóngdù consistency 1681 键(F鍵) [jiàn] key; 键盘 jiànpán keyboard (piano or typewriter) 1682 脉(F脈) [mài] vein, pulse; 山脉 shānmài mountain range
[mò] 脉脉 mòmò lovingly1683 锁(F鎖) [suǒ] lock 1684 邻(F鄰) [lín] (=邻居 línjū) neighbor 1685 臭 [chòu] stinking
[xiù] sniff, smell1686 芳 [fāng] perfume, (=芳香 fāngxiāng) fragrant; 芳龄 fānglíng age (when speaking of a young woman) 1687 垂 [chuí] hang down, droop; 垂直 chúizhí vertical, perpendicular 1688 捉 [zhuō] clutch, grasp, catch; 捉迷藏 zhuō mícáng to play "hide-and-seek" 1689 恢 [huī] 恢复 huīfù recover, restore 1690 姆 [mǔ] nurse 1691 砍 [kǎn] cut, chop, hack; 砍柴 kǎnchái cut firewood 1692 驾(F駕) [jià] (驾驶 jiàshǐ) drive, fly, sail; 劳驾 láojià excuse me... 1693 恭 [gōng] respect; 恭贺新禧 gōnghèxīnxǐ Happy New Year 1694 挨 [āi] get close to, be next to, in sequence
[ái] suffer1695 祸(F禍) [huò] misfortune 1696 曹 [Cáo] 1697 慈 [cí] 慈祥 cíxiáng kindly; 慈爱 cí'ài love, kindness; 慈悲 cíbēi mercy 1698 抖 [dǒu] (=发抖 fādǒu, =颤抖 chàndǒu) shiver, tremble 1699 泉 [quán] spring, (=喷泉 pēnquán) fountain; 源泉 yuánquán source 1700 览(F覽) [lǎn] 展览 zhǎnlǎn exhibition; 游览 yóulǎn go sightseeing 1701 澳 [ào] bay, inlet (used in place names); 澳门 Aomen; 澳大利亚 1702 脏 [zāng] (F髒) dirty
[zàng] (F臟) 心脏 xīnzàng heart1703 疼 [téng] sore, painful 1704 铜(F銅) [tóng] copper (Cu); 青铜 qīngtóng bronze 1705 羞 [xiū] (=羞耻 xiūchǐ) shame, shy; 羞愧 xiūkuì feel ashamed 1706 档(F檔) [dàng] shelves; 档案 dàng'àn files, archives
[dǎng] 骂档子 mà dǎngzi target of scolding; 逻辑档 luójidǎng logical data files1707 抛(F拋) [pāo] throw; 抛弃 pāoqì abandon; 抛锚 pāomáo drop anchor 1708 苗 [miáo] seedling, young plant, vaccination; 火苗 huǒmiáo flame 1708 惑 [huò] 疑惑 yíhuò uncertain
[huo] 迷惑 míhuo perplex1710 肥 [féi] (=肥胖) fat, fertile, (=肥料) fertilizer; 肥皂 féizào soap 1711 驱(F驅) [qū] 驱逐 qūzhú drive out, expel 1712 窝(F窩) [wō] nest; 窝棚 wōpeng shack 1713 裤(F褲) [kù] (=裤子) pants 1714 估 [gū] 估计 gūjì estimate, guess
[gù] 估衣 gùyi secondhand clothes1715 胞 [bāo] womb, placenta; 细胞 xìbāo cell 1716 柄 [bǐng] handle 1717 阔(F闊) [kuò] wide; 广阔 guǎngkuò vast; 宽阔 kuānkuò broad; 辽阔 liáokuò extensive 1718 杜 [dù] ; 杜鹃 dùjuān cuckoo, azalea; 杜绝 dùjué stop, cut off 1719 勤 [qín] (勤劳 qínláo) diligent, hardworking 1720 舟 [zhōu] boat, ship 1721 帽 [mào] (=帽子 màozi) hat, headgear, cap 1722 玛(F瑪) [mǎ] 玛瑙 mǎnǎo agate; 玛雅 Mǎyǎ Maya 1723 撤 [chè] remove, take away, withdraw, evacuate 1724 频(F頻) [pín] frequently; 频率 pínlǜ frequency 1725 禅(F禪) [chán] meditation, Zen, Dhyana
[shàn] 禅让 shànràng abdicate1726 柯 [kē] stalk, branch, 1727 莱(F萊) [lái] 莱菔 láifú radish; 文莱 Wénlái Brunei 1728 堪 [kān] may, endure; 不堪 bùkān can't stand; 难堪 nánkān intolerable 1729 寸 [cùn] inch 1730 哀 [āi] grief; 悲哀 sorrowful; 哀求 āiqiú entreat, implore 1731 熊 [xióng] bear, ; 熊猫 xióngmāo panda 1732 腹 [fù] belly, stomach, abdomen; 腹地 hinterland 1733 尝(F嘗) [cháng] taste 1734 敲 [qiāo] knock, strike; 敲门 qiāo mén knock on a door; 敲锣 qiāo luó beat a gong 1735 勃 [bó] suddenly; 勃勃 bóbó vigorous 1736 巡 [xún] patrol; 巡视 xúnshì make a tour of inspection 1737 盗(F盜) [dào] (=盗窃 dàoqiè) steal; 强盗 qiángdào robber 1738 筹(F籌) [chóu] chip, counter, prepare, plan 1739 扣 [kòu] button up; 纽扣儿 niǔkòur button; 扣子 kòuzi knot, button 1740 池 [chí] pond, , (=池塘 chítáng) pool; 游泳池 yóuyǒngchí swimming pool; 电池 diànchí battery 1741 浅(F淺) [qiǎn] shallow, light 1742 柴 [chái] firewood; 火柴 huǒchái match; 柴油 cháiyóu diesel oil 1743 埃 [āi] dust, angstrom; 埃及 Aījí Egypt 1744 嫁 [jià] marry (referring to a woman) 1745 枚 [méi] 1746 稀 [xī] scarce, watery; 稀饭 xīfàn rice porridge, rice soup 1747 雕 [diāo] vulture, (=雕刻 diāokè) carve, engrave; 浮雕 fúdiāo relief sculpture 1748 厌(F厭) [yàn] (=讨厌 tǎoyàn, =厌恶 yànwù) detest; 厌烦 yànfán boring
[yān] (=恹 yān) 恹恹 yānyān weak and weary thrugh illness1749 瓜 [guā] melon, gourd; 西瓜 xīguā watermelon; 傻瓜 shǎguā idiot; 黄瓜 huánggua cucumber 1750 寿(F壽) [shòu] longevity; 寿命 shòumìng life-span 1751 跌 [diē] fall, tumble 1752 扯 [chě] pull, tear, chat 1753 董 [dǒng] director; 古董 gǔdǒng antique 1754 锦(F錦) [jǐn] brocade; 什锦 shíjǐn fancy; 素什锦 sùshíjǐn assorted vegetables 1755 鉴(F鑒) [jiàn] reflect, mirror, inspect, examine, take as a lesson, ancient bronze mirror, warning, object lesson; 鉴定 jiàndìng appraise; 借鉴 jièjiàn draw lessons from 1756 刷 [shuā] brush, to brush, to paint, swish
[shuà] 刷选 shuàxuǎn choose, pick, select; 刷白 shuàbái white, pale, brush over1757 趋(F趨) [qū] walk fast, hurry, (=趋向 qūxiàng) tend, incline to; 趋势 qūshì tendency 1758 捐 [juān] contribute, relinquish, tax 1759 傲 [ào] (骄傲 jiāo'ào) proud, arrogant 1760 贯(F貫) [guàn] 贯彻 guànchè carry out; 一贯 yíguàn consistent 1761 殿 [diàn] hall, palace 1762 拨(F撥) [bō] poke, turn, stir; 拨钟 bōzhōng set a clock; 拨电话 bō diànhuà dial a phone 1763 逊(F遜) [xùn] 谦逊 qiānxùn modest 1764 踢 [tī] kick; 踢足球 tī zúqiú play football 1765 赔(F賠) [péi] compensate, pay for, lose money; 赔不是 péi bùshi apologize 1766 姿 [zī] appearance, gesture, (=姿势 zīshì, =姿态 zītài) posture 1767 迁(F遷) [qiān] move, change; 变迁 biànqiān changes; 迁就 qiānjiù yield to 1768 黎 [lí] mulititude, ; 黎明 límíng daybreak 1769 祭 [jì] sacrifice; 祭器 jìqì sacrificial utensil 1770 滴 [dī] drip, drop 1771 袭(F襲) [xí] make a surprise attack, carry on as before 1772 慌 [huāng] flustered, confused; 慌忙 huāngmáng in a flurry 1773 鞭 [biān] whip 1774 茫 [máng] 茫茫 mángmáng vast, boundless and indistinct 1775 逢 [féng] meet 1776 屠 [tú] butcher, kill 1777 昆 [kūn] 昆虫 kūnchóng insect; 昆明 Kūnmíng 1778 柏 [bǎi] (=柏树 bǎishù) cypress
[Bó] 柏林 Bólín Berlin
[bò] (=檗) 黄柏 huángbò the bark of a cork tree, golden cypress1779 驶(F駛) [shǐ] sail, move along quickly (speaking fo vehicles), (=驾驶 jiàshǐ) drive 1780 咐 [fù] 吩咐 fēnfù tell, instruct; 嘱咐 zhǔfu enjoin, tell 1781 植 [zhí] to plant; 植物 zhíwù plant 1782 惧(F懼) [jù] fear, dread 1783 纽(F紐) [niǔ] 纽扣儿 niǔkòur button, knob, handle, tie 1784 捷 [jié] 敏捷 mǐnjié quick, agile; 轻捷 qīngjié nimble, spry 1785 圳 [zhèn] irrigation ditch; 深圳 Shēnzhèn (place name) 1786 牲 [shēng] 牺牲 xīshēng sacrifice; 牲口 shēngkou beasts of burden 1787 踪(F蹤) [zōng] 跟踪 gēnzōng follow closely; 失踪 shīzōng be missing; 踪迹 zōngjì trace 1788 丛(F叢) [cóng] crowd; 丛书 cóngshū series of books; 丛林 cónglín jungle 1789 漠 [mò] 沙漠 shāmò desert; 漠然 mòrán apathetically 1790 锐(F銳) [ruì] 尖锐 jiānruì sharp pointed, acute; 锐利 ruìlì sharp, keen 1791 喇 [lǎ] 喇叭 lǎba musical wind instrument; 喇嘛 lǎma lama
[lā] 喇喇 lāla drip (water/etc.); 哗啦 huālā sound of rustling/crashing/etc.
[lá] 哈喇子 hālázi saliva; 咋喇 zhālá harangue, shoot off the mouth1792 乾 [qián] heaven; 乾道 qiándào ways of heaven, natural law; 乾坤 qiánkūn heaven and earth, the universe
[gān] (S干) dry, hollow1793 霍 [huò] suddenly 1794 湿(F濕) [shī] moist 1795 睁(F睜) [zhēng] open the eyes 1796 仔 [zǐ] 仔细 zǐxì careful
[zǎi] young animal
[zī] 仔肩 zījiān burdens, responsibility1797 吵 [chǎo] make noise
[chāo] 吵吵 chāochao make noise1798 悠 [yōu] long, drawn-out, leisurely; 悠久 yōujiǔ age-old 1799 沟(F溝) [gōu] gulley, trench 1800 墨 [mò] ink stick, (=墨水 mòshuǐ) ink; 墨子 Mòzǐ (a philosopher) 1801 串 [chuàn] string together, bunch, cluster; 羊肉串 yángròuchuàn sheep meat kebab 1802 俱 [jù] all; 俱乐部 jùlèbù club
[jū] together1803 陶 [táo] pottery; 陶瓷 táocí ceramics 1804 贡(F貢) [gòng] 贡献 gòngxiàn contribute 1805 浑(F渾) [hún] 浑身 húnshēn from head to foot, all over 1806 赢(F贏) [yíng] win 1807 屁 [pì] flatulence, fart, nonsence, rubbish, (=屁股 pìgu) buttocks 1808 驰(F馳) [chí] gallop, speed, spread; 驰名 chímíng well-known 1809 棒 [bàng] stick, bat, excellent; 棒球 bàngqiú baseball 1810 匹 [pǐ] ; 三匹马 sān pǐ mǎ three horses 1811 拼 [pīn] (拼凑 pīncòu) piece together; 拼音 pīnyīn; 拼写 pǐnxiě spell, transliterate 1812 恒(F恆) [héng] permanent 1813 邪 [xié] evil,
[yé] (=耶 yé)1814 脆 [cuì] brittle, crisp; 干脆 gāncuì simply; 清脆 qīngcuì clear; 脆弱 cuìruò fragile 1815 糟 [zāo] rotten; 糟糕 zāogāo bad luck! 糟踏 zāota waste, spoil 1816 扮 [bàn] dress up as, disguise as; put on an expression 1817 贤(F賢) [xián] 贤惠 xiánhuì virtuous and dutiful (woman); 贤人 xiánrén virtuous person 1818 饰(F飾) [shì] decoration, dress up, impersonate 1819 偿(F償) [cháng] repay, (=赔偿 péicháng) compensate, pay for 1820 拆 [chāi] take apart, dismantle
[cā] 〈collquial〉 excrete1821 缠(F纏) [chán] to wind, tie up, tangle, bother 1822 摄(F攝) [shè] absorb, photograph; 拍摄 pāishè take a picture 1823 拟(F擬) [nǐ] (=拟定 nǐdìng) draft; 比拟 bǐnǐ comparison; 模拟 mónǐ imitate 1824 滋 [zī] 滋味 zīwèi flavor; 滋长 zīzhǎng grow 1825 嘿 [hēi] hey 1826 旨 [zhǐ] 意旨 yìzhǐ intention 1827 闯(F闖) [chuǎng] rush, charge 1828 贺(F賀) [hè] 祝贺 zhùhè congratulate; 庆贺 qìnghè celebrate 1829 翠 [cuì] emerald green; 翠鸟 cuìniǎo kingfisher 1830 缝(F縫) [féng] sew
[fèng] seam, crack1831 饱(F飽) [bǎo] full (after meal) 1832 劫 [jié] rob, disaster 1833 抚(F撫) [fǔ] pat, soothe, foster; 抚摸 fǔmō stroke 1834 挖 [wā] dig, excavate 1835 册(F冊) [cè] book; 手册 shǒucè handbook; 地图册 dìtúcè atlas
{Compare with 丽 lì beautiful and 朋 péng friend}1836 叛 [pàn] 叛徒 pàntú traitor 1837 肖 [xiào] 肖像 xiàoxiàng portrait
[Xiāo]1838 熙 [xī] splendid, (=缉熙 jīxī) bright, brilliand; 康熙字典 Kāngxī Zìdiǎn Kangxi dictionary (1716 A.D.) 1839 炼(F煉) [liàn] smelt, refine, temper metal; 锻炼 duànliàn exercise 1840 宪(F憲) [xiàn] 宪法 xiànfǎ constitution; 宪兵 xiànbīng military police 1841 庙(F廟) [miào] temple 1842 碧 [bì] green jade, bluish green; 碧绿 dark green; 碧蓝 dark blue; 雪碧 Xuěbì "7up", "Sprite" 1843 盒 [hé] (=盒子 hézi) box 1844 谊(F誼) [yì] 友谊 yǒuyì friendship 1845 储(F儲) [chǔ] 储量 chǔliàng reserves; 存储 cúnchǔ memory 1846 冯(F馮) [píng] swift-running horse
[Féng]1847 唤(F喚) [huàn] (=叫唤 jiàohuan) call out 1848 贪(F貪) [tān] corrupt; 贪心 tānxīn greedy 1849 卧(F臥) [wò] lie down; 卧室 wòshì bedroom 1850 翼 [yì] wing 1851 扰(F擾) [rǎo] harass, bother, trouble; 扰乱 rǎoluàn disturb 1852 胁(F脅) [xié] upper part of side of person's body, coerce 1853 跪 [guì] kneel 1854 碑 [bēi] upright stone tablet (monument, etc); 墓碑 mùbēi tombstone 1855 呵 [hē] breathe out (mouth open), scold; 呵欠 hēqiàn yawn 1856 甜 [tián] sweet; 甜菜 tiáncài beet 1857 洒 [sǎ] (F灑) sprinkle
[xiǎn] 洒如 xiǎnrú respectful, deferential; (F灑) 洒然 xiǎnrán alarmed, surprised, shocked, frightened, cold1858 谱(F譜) [pǔ] table, chart, manual, music score, (=谱写 pǔxiě) compose (music etc.) 1859 莎 [shā] (used in names)
[suō] 摩莎 mósuō stroke, caress1860 娜 [nuó] 婀娜 ēnuó graceful (woman) 1861 阁(F閣) [gé] pavilion, cabinet 1862 庸 [yōng] usual, ordinary; 中庸 Zhōngōng Doctrine of the Golden Mean 1863 鹏(F鵬) [péng] roc (a giant mythical bird) 1864 覆 [fù] (=覆盖 fùgài) cover; 顛覆 diānfù subvert; (S复) 反覆 fǎnfù repeatedly, again and again 1865 玲 [líng] 玲珑 línglóng clever and nimble 1866 侯 [hóu] marquis, 1867 抹 [mā] slip something off, 〈colloquial〉 wipe
[mǒ] apply, smear, brush/wipe off, exclude, play (cards/etc.); 抹布 mǒbù cloth, rag; 抹杀 mǒshā obliterate
[mò] daub, plaster, skirt, bypass1868 卢(F盧) [Lú] ; 觚卢 gūlú calabash 1869 碍(F礙) [ài] 障碍 zhàng'ài get in the way; 妨碍 fáng'ài hinder 1870 综(F綜) [zōng] 综合 zōnghé synthesize
[zèng] heddle1871 丘 [qiū] mound, grave; 丘陵 qiūlíng hills; 沙丘 shāqiū dune 1872 晕(F暈) [yūn] faint, swoon; 头晕 tóuyūn dizzy
[yùn] dizzy, faint, halo; 红晕 hóngyùn blush1873 拦(F攔) [lán] block the way 1874 燃 [rán] (燃烧 ránshāo) burn; 燃料 ránliào fuel 1875 昌 [chāng] prosperous 1876 吞 [tūn] swallow, gulp down, annex; 吞没 tūnmò embezzle 1877 嫌 [xián] suspicion, dislike 1878 狄 [Dí] 1879 押 [yā] pawn, detain; 押送 yāsòng send under escort; 押韵 yāyùn rhyme 1880 舌 [shé] (=舌头 shétou) tongue
{Compare with 古 gǔ ancient}1881 琳 [lín] beautiful jade 1882 雾(F霧) [wù] fog; 烟雾 yānwù smoke, mist 1883 曼 [màn] prolonged, graceful 1884 耻(F恥) [chǐ] (=耻辱 chǐrǔ) shame, humiliation; 可耻 kěchǐ shameful; 无耻 wǔchǐ shameless 1885 柜 [guì] (F櫃) (=柜子 guìzi) cabinet; 柜台 guìtái counter; 掌柜 zhǎngguì shopkeeper
[jǔ] 柜柳 jǔliǔ tree of the willow family,large tree good for making furniture/etc.1886 摊(F攤) [tān] spread out, unfold, take a share in, vendor's stall 1887 削 [xuē] 剥削 bōxuē to exploit
[xiāo] 切削 qiēxiāo cut1888 戚 [qī] 亲戚 qīnqī relative; 休戚 xiū-qī joy and sorrow 1889 杆 [gān] pole
[gǎn] (F桿) shaft1890 岩 [yán] rock, cliff; 岩石 yánshí rock; 砂岩 shāyán sandstone; 熔岩 róngyán melted rock = lava 1891 喂 [wèi] hey, hello, (=喂养 wèiyǎng) feed, raise 1892 扔 [rēng] throw, toss; 扔球 rēngqiú throw a ball (compare with 接球 jiēqiu catch a ball) 1893 逝 [shì] 逝世 shìshì pass away, die; 消逝 xiāoshì fade away, elapse 1894 诞(F誕) [dàn] 诞生 dànshēng be born; 圣诞节 Shèngdànjié Christmas 1895 悬(F懸) [xuán] hang, unresolved, worry; 悬崖 xuányá cliff 1896 爽 [shuǎng] 爽朗 shuǎnglǎng bright, clear, frank; 凉爽 liángshuǎng pleasantly cool 1897 崔 [cuī] ; 崔嵬 cuīwéi rocky mound, otwering; 崔巍 cuīwēi lofty, towering 1898 廷 [tíng] royal court 1899 凑(F湊) [còu] gather together, happen by chance 1900 痴 [chī] idiotic; 痴心 infatuation 1901 盆 [pén] basin, tub, pot; 盆地 péndì basin (of land) 1902 御 [yù] imperial; (F禦) 防御 fángyù defense; 抵御 dǐyù resist 1903 酷 [kù] (=残酷 cánkù) cruel, cool 1904 艾 [ài] Chinese mugwort; 艾绒 àiróng moxa
[yì] 怨艾 yuànyì resentment1905 唉 [ài] oh!
[āi] yes?1906 姥 [lǎo] 姥姥 lǎolao maternal grandmother
[mǔ]old lady 1907 笼(F籠) [lóng] (=笼子 lóngzi) cage, coop
[lǒng] 笼罩 lǒngzhào shroud, envelop1908 颠(F顛) [diān] jolt, fall, summit; 颠倒 diāndǎo turn upside down 1909 姻 [yīn] marriage; 婚姻 hūnyīn marriage, realated by marriage 1910 携(F攜) [xié] (携带 xiédài) carry, take along; 携手 xiéshǒu hand in hand 1911 愧 [kuì] (惭愧 cánkuì) ashamed 1912 芬 [fēn] fragrance; 芬芳 fēnfāng fragrant; 芬兰 Fēnlán Finland 1913 穆 [mù] 静穆 jīngmù solemn and quiet, ; 穆罕默德 Mǔhǎnmòdé Mohammed 1914 扇 [shàn] a fan, slap, ; 一扇门 yí shàn mén
[shān] to fan, slap, incite1915 郁 [yù] ; fragrant; elegant; (F鬱) luxuriant; 忧郁 yōuyù melancholy 1916 掷(F擲) [zhì] throw, cast 1917 怔 [zhēng] terrified, panic-stricken
[zhèng] 發怔 fāzhèng stare blankly1918 芯 [xīn] rush pith
[xìn] 岩芯 yánxìn core1919 鼠 [shǔ] (=老鼠 lǎoshǔ) mouse, rat; 鼠年 shūnián year of Rat = 1st year 1920 纠(F糾) [jiū] 纠正 jiūzhèng rectify; 纠缠 jiūchán get entangled 1921 疆 [jiāng] 边疆 biānjiāng border region; 新疆 Xīnjiāng 1922 曰 [yuē] say
{Compare with 日 rì sun}1923 傅 [fù] 师傅 shīfu master (term of respect) 1924 袍 [páo] (=袍子 páozi) robe, gown 1925 唇 [chún] (=嘴唇 zuǐchún) lip; 唇膏 chúngāo lipstick 1926 稣(F穌) [sū] revive, come to; 耶稣 Yēsū Jesus 1927 捧 [pěng] hold, carry in both hands; 捧着一个西瓜 pěngzhe yí gè xīguā carrying a watermelon 1928 勾 [gōu] cross out, evoke, gang up with
[gòu] 勾当 gòudang shady deal/business1929 牧 [mù] herd, tend; 牧场 mùchǎng grazing land, pasture; 牧民 mùmín herdsman, govern the people 1930 儒 [rú] Confucianism, scholar; 儒家 Rújiā Confucianists; 儒林 Rúlín (Confucian) scholars 1931 慨 [kǎi] 慷慨 kāngkǎi generous, vehement 1932 筋 [jīn] tendon, muscle, fiber; 脑筋 nǎojīn brains, mind, head; 橡皮筋 xiàngpíjīn rubber band 1933 柱 [zhù] pillar, post, cylinder 1934 卑 [bēi] low, inferior, modest, humble; 卑鄙 bēibǐ base, despicable, vulgar; 卑劣 bēiliè despicable 1935 咽 [yàn] to swallow
[yān] pharynx
[yè] 呜咽 wūyè sob, whimper1936 吨(F噸) [dūn] ton, 〈slang〉 one thousand yuan (RMB) 1937 虫(F蟲) [chóng] worm, insect; 爬虫 páchóng reptile; 书虫 shūchóng bookworm 1938 绳(F繩) [shéng] (=绳子 shéngzi, =绳索 shéngsuǒ) rope, cord 1939 厨(F廚) [chú] 厨房 chúfáng kitchen 1940 冤 [yuān] injustice; 冤枉 yuānwang do wrong, treat unjustly 1941 涨(F漲) [zhǎng] rise, go up
[zhàng] swell1942 皱(F皺) [zhòu] to wrinkle; 皱纹 zhòuwén wrinkles 1943 疲 [pí] 疲劳 píláo exhausted, fatigued; 疲倦 píjuàn tired 1944 赌(F賭) [dǔ] gamble, bet 1945 饶(F饒) [ráo] rich, plentiful, have mercy, give extra 1946 矿(F礦) [kuàng] (=矿石 kuàngshí) ore; (矿山 kuàngshān) mine; 矿物 kuàngwù mineral 1947 畅(F暢) [chàng] smooth, free; 舒畅 shūchàng happy, worry-free; 畅快 chàngkuài cheerfull, carefree; 畅通 chàngtōng unimpeded, unblocked 1948 煤 [méi] coal; 煤油 méiyóu kerosene 1949 腕 [wàn] (=手腕 shǒuwàn) wrist; 腿腕子 tuǐwànzi ankle 1950 喷(F噴) [pēn] spurt, spray; 打喷嚏 dǎ pēntì sneeze
[pèn] crop, in season, high season1951 遣 [qiǎn] 派遣 pàiqiǎn send, dispatch; 先遣 xiānqiǎn sent in advance 1952 浩 [hào] 浩荡 hàodàng vast, mighty; 浩大 hàodà huge 1953 翁 [wēng] old man, 1954 咨 [zī] 咨询 zīxún consult, seek advice from 1955 镖(F鏢) [biāo] dartlike weapon; 保镖 bǎobiāo bodyguard 1956 屏 [píng] 屏幕 píngmù screen
[bǐng] 屏息 bǐngxī hold breath
[bīng] 屏营 bīngyíng with fear and trepidation1957 仲 [zhòng] second, middle (of 3 months or brothers); 仲春 zhòngchūn 2nd month of spring, middle of spring; 仲兄 zhòngxiōng 2nd eldest brother 1958 嘻 [xī] exclamation of surprise, Alas!, My! (=嘻嘻 xīxī) sound of giggling 1959 吩 [fēn] 吩咐 fēnfù tell, instruct 1960 棉 [mián] cotton 1961 孟 [mèng] eldest son, first month of season, 1962 撑(F撐) [chēng] prop up, support, keep up, fill to bursting 1963 炉(F爐) [lú] (=炉子 lúzi) stove, oven, furnace 1964 泄 [xiè] leak, drain, divulge, release
[yì] 泄沓 yìtà garrulous and disorderly, easygoing1965 葬 [zàng] (=埋葬 máizàng) bury (the dead); 葬礼 zànglǐ funeral 1966 搜 [sōu] search; 搜集 sōují collect; 搜查 sōuchá search; 搜索 sōusuǒ look for 1967 添 [tiān] add, increase 1968 遵 [zūn] obey; 遵守 zūnshǒu comply with; 遵照 zūnzhào obey, conform to 1969 迪 [dí] enlighten, guide 1970 伪(F偽) [wěi] false, fake; 虚伪 xūwěi false, hypocritical; 伪币 wěibì counterfeit money 1971 兆 [zhào] omen, million, mega 1972 欠 [qiàn] owe, lack, lean forward; 哈欠 hāqiàn yawn 1973 谅(F諒) [liàng] (=原谅 yuánliàng) forgive 1974 炎 [yán] (=炎热 yánrè) burning hot, (=发炎 fāyán) inflammation 1975 氛 [fēn] 气氛 qìfēn atmosphere 1976 杖 [zhàng] cane, caning, flogging, (=手杖 shǒuzhàng) staff, walking stick 1977 瞎 [xiā] become blind, pointlessly; 瞎子 xiāzi blind person 1978 钓(F釣) [diào] (=钓鱼 diàoyú) to fish; 钓钩 diàogōu fishing hook 1979 肠(F腸) [cháng] intestine 1980 披 [pī] drape over one's shoulders, open 1981 剥(F剝) [bāo] shell, peel
[bō] 剥削 bōxuē exploitation1982 誓 [shì] (=发誓 fāshì) swear; 誓言 shìyán oath 1983 赚(F賺) [zhuàn] gain, profit
[zuàn] cheat1984 役 [yì] labor, required service, (=战役 zhànyì) battle; 兵役 bīngyì military service; 奴役 núyì enslave 1985 泡 [pào] soak, bubble; 泡菜 pàocài pickle; 泡沫 pàomò foam
[pāo] spongy1986 逆 [nì] go against, disobey, be contrary to; 汉英逆引词典 Hanyǔ nì yǐn cídiǎn Reverse Chinese-English dictionary 1987 矮 [ǎi] short (not tall), low; 矮子 ǎizi dwarf 1988 吊 [diào] hang, lift up, let down with rope, crane, mourn, revoke 1989 填 [tián] fill, stuff, fill in (form) 1990 嘉 [jiā] good, fine, praise 1991 烛(F燭) [zhú] 蜡烛 làzhú candle 1992 厦(F廈) [shà] 大厦 dàshà tall building, mansion
[Xià] 厦门 Xiàmén Amoy1993 夕 [xī] evening, sunset; 夕阳 xīyáng the setting sun 1994 衰 [shuāi] 衰弱 shuāiruò weak, feeble; 衰老 shuāilǎo decrepit; 衰退 shuāituì fail, decline
[cuī] 等衰 děngcuī rank, grade1995 液 [yè] fluid, (=液体 yètǐ) liquid 1996 薛 [Xuē] 1997 仆 [pū] fall forward; 颠仆 diānpū fall (down), fall into disgrace
[pú] (F僕) 仆人 púrén servant1998 迈(F邁) [mài] step, stride, old 1999 齿(F齒) [chǐ] (=牙齿 yáchǐ) tooth 2000 谨(F謹) [jǐn] (=谨慎 jǐnshèn) cautious, sincerely 2001 呈 [chéng] to present; 呈现 chéngxiàn appear; 呈报 chéngbào submit a report 2002 昂 [áng] (=昂首 ángshǒu) hold one's head high, high, soaring 2003 抄 [chāo] copy search and confiscate; 抄写 chāoxiě transcribe 2004 弥(F彌) [mí] 弥漫 mímiàn fill the air; 弥补 míbǔ make up for, remedy 2005 渴 [kě] (=口渴 kǒukě) thirsty; 渴望 kěwàng thirst for, long for 2006 梯 [tī] (=梯子 tīzi) ladder, (=楼梯 lóutī) stairs 2007 疏 [shū] sparse, scanty; 疏忽 shūhu carelessness 2008 耗 [hào] (=消耗 xiāohào, =耗费 hàofèi) consume; 耗子 hàozi mouse, rat 2009 瞪 [dèng] open (one's eyes) wide, stare, glare; 瞪眼 dèngyǎn stare, stare down 2010 斥 [chì] 排斥 páichì reject; 驳斥 bóchì refute, denounce, reject, 斥责 chìzé denounce 2011 夸(F誇) [kuā] brag; 夸大 kuādà exaggerate 2012 蒂 [dì] stem of a fruid; 烟蒂 yāndì cigarette butt; 阴蒂 yīndì clitoris 2013 剪 [jiǎn] (=剪刀 jiǎndāo) scissors 2014 娶 [qǔ] marry (a woman), take a wife, get married 2015 痕 [hén] 痕迹 hénjì mark, trace, vestige; 伤痕 shānghén scar 2016 弗 [fú] not 2017 姚 [Yáo] 2018 债(F債) [zhài] debt 2019 妥 [tuǒ] appropriate, ready 2020 璃 [lí] 玻璃 bōli glass; 琉璃 liúlí coloured glaze 2021 掏 [tāo] pull out, fish out (from pocket, etc.), dig 2022 刹(F剎) [shā] (=刹车) brake, stop
[chà] 刹那 chànà instant, split second2023 晶 [jīng] bright; 水晶 shuǐjīng (rock) crystal; 晶体管 jīngtǐguǎn transistor; 晶营 jīngyíng sparkling 2024 衷 [zhōng] inner feelings, middle; 衷心 zhōngxīn wholehearted; 无动于衷 wú dòng yú zhōng indifferent, unconcerned 2025 肤(F膚) [fū] (=皮肤 pífu) skin; 肤色 fūsè color of skin 2026 鹿 [lù] deer 2027 拓 [tà] make rubbings from stone/bronze
[tuò] open up, develop2028 卓 [zhuó] tall, , (=卓越 zhuóyuè) outstanding 2029 症(F癥) [zhèng] disease; 健忘症 jiànwàngzhèng amnesia
[zhēng] 症结 zhēngjié crucial reason, obstruction of the bowels2030 糖 [táng] sugar, (=糖果 tángguǒ) candy; 糖醋 tángcù sweet and sour 2031 钦(F欽) [qīn] by the emperor himself, respect, (=钦佩 qīnpèi) admire; 钦差 qīnchāi imperial envoy 2032 绵(F綿) [mián] 连绵 unbroken; 海绵 sponge
[miān] 软绵绵 soft2033 哩 [lī]
[lǐ] (=英里 Yīnglǐ) Britittish mile2034 诱(F誘) [yòu] guide, lead, lure 2035 枯 [kū] withered, dried up, dull 2036 歇 [xiē] have a rest; 间歇 jiànxiē intermission 2037 塑 [sù] model, mould; 塑料 sùliào plastic; 塑像 sùxiàng statue 2038 妨 [fáng] (=妨碍 fáng'ài) hinder, impede, harm; 不妨 bùfáng might as well, no harm in... 2039 豫 [yù] short name for Henan; 犹豫 yóuyù hesitate 2040 抑 [yì] press down, restrain; 抑制 yìzhì restrain, inhibition 2041 珊 [shān] 珊瑚 shānhú coral; 珊瑚礁 shānhújiāo coral reef 2042 棍 [gùn] (棍子) rod, stick; 拐棍 guǎigùn walking stick 2043 晋(F晉) [jìn] enter, advance, promote, a dynasty (265-420), , short name for Shanxi province 2044 淋 [lín] pour, drench; 冰淇淋 bīngqilín ice cream
[lìn] strain, filter
[līn] 湿淋淋 shīlīnlīn drenched2045 悦(F悅) [yuè] (=喜悦 xǐyuè) happy, joyful, delighted 2046 敦 [dūn] 敦厚 dūnhòu honest, sincere; 敦煌 Dūnhuáng (in Gansu)
[duì] ancient vessel2047 艳(F艷) [yàn] beauteous, amorous, (=艳丽 yànlì) gorgeous, respendent; 鲜艳 xiānyàn bright (color) 2048 玻 [bō] 玻璃 bōli glass 2049 砸 [zá] strike, smash, break 2050 嚷 [rǎng] shout, yell
[rāng] 嚷嚷 rāngrang shout2051 盲 [máng] (=盲目 mángmù) blind, unable to distinguish; 盲动 mángdòng act blindly 2052 辨 [biàn] distinguish, differentiate 2053 葛 [gé] kudzu vine, grass-cloth
[Gě]2054 罕 [hǎn] rarely, seldom
[han] 希罕 xīhan rare, cherish2055 矩 [jǔ] (carpenter's square); 矩阵 jǔzhèn matrix 2056 泳 [yǒng] 游泳 yóuyǒng swim 2057 宅 [zhái] residence, house 2058 贷(F貸) [dài] borrow, (=贷款 dàikuǎn) lend, loan 2059 膀 [bǎng] upper arm, (=肩膀 jiānbǎng) shoulder; 翅膀 chìbǎng wing;
[pāng] swell
[páng] 膀胱 pángguāng urinary bladder2060 捏 [niē] hold between the fingers, knead, fabricate 2061 颈(F頸) [jǐng] (=颈项 jǐngxiàng) neck
[gěng] 脖颈儿 bógěngr nape2062 践(F踐) [jiàn] 实践 put into practice; 践踏 trample 2063 脖 [bó] (=脖子 bózi) neck 2064 贾(F賈) [gǔ] merchant
[Jiǎ]2065 轿(F轎) [jiào] sedan chair; 轿车 jiàochē car 2066 脾 [pí] spleen; 脾气 píqi (bad-) temper 2067 堡 [bǎo] (=堡垒 bǎolěi), fort, fortress; 城堡 chéngbǎo castle
[bǔ] (=堡子 bǔzi) walled town/village (used mostly in place names)
[pù] walled town/village (used mostly in place names)2068 娇(F嬌) [jiāo] graceful, delicate; 娇嫩 jiāonèn tender and lovely 2069 浙 [Zhè] 浙江省 Zhèjiāngshěng Zhejiang Province 2070 劣 [liè] bad, inferior, minor 2071 潇(F瀟) [xiāo] deep and clear water; 潇洒 xiāosǎ natural & unrestrained 2072 赐(F賜) [cì] give, grant, gift (from superior to inferior) 2073 陀 [tuó] 陀螺 tuóluó top (spiraling toy); 陀螺仪 tuóluóyí gyroscope 2074 蓄 [xù] store, save, grow; 积蓄 jīxù save; 储蓄 chǔxù deposit 2075 坟(F墳) [fén] grave, tomb 2076 颂(F頌) [sòng] praise, song, ode; 歌颂 gēsòng sing the praises of 2077 漏 [lòu] (=漏水 lòushuǐ) leak out 2078 杭 [Háng] 杭州 Hángzhōu 2079 茅 [máo] straw, thatch; (茅草 máocǎo) grass for thatching; 白茅 báimáo edible wild grass 2080 砖(F磚) [zhuān] brick 2081 瞬 [shùn] wink; 瞬间 shùnjiān a moment, in the twinkling of an eye 2082 鹤(F鶴) [hè] crane (emblem of longevity) 2083 辟 [bì] monarch; 复辟 fùbì restore a dethored monarch or old order
[pì] 开辟 kāipì open up, start2084 渔(F漁) [yú] to fish; 渔民 yúmín fisherfolk; 渔业 yúyè fishery 2085 乖 [guāi] clever, (=乖乖 guāiguāi) obedient, well-behaved 2086 霸 [bà] overlord, tyrant, dominate; 霸占 bàzhàn sieze 2087 襄 [xiāng] (=襄助 xiāngzhù) assist, help 2088 炒 [chǎo] stir fry, saute; 炒饭 chǎofàn fried rice; 炒面 chǎomiàn "chow mein", fried noodles 2089 哑(F啞) [yǎ] mute, dumb, hoarse
[yā], ah, oh 2090 浦 [pǔ] riverside, river mouth (mostly used in place names), 2091 饼(F餅) [bǐng] cake; 饼干 bǐnggān cracker, cookie 2092 牺(F犧) [xī] sacrificial animal; 牺牲 xīshēng sacrifice 2093 滩(F灘) [tān] (=海滩 hǎitān) beach, sands 2094 钉(F釘) [dīng] a nail, to follow closely
[dìng] to nail2095 吁 [yù] plead, (=呼吁 hūyù) appeal
[xū] 吁吁 xūxū panting, puffing hard
[yū]2096 锡(F錫) [xī] tin (Sn) 2097 赠(F贈) [zèng] (=赠送 zèngsòng) give as a present 2098 哄 [hōng] hubbub
[hǒng] fool, coax
[hòng] horseplay2099 铃(F鈴) [líng] bell 2100 顽(F頑) [wán] stupid, stubborn, naughty; 顽强 wánqiáng indomitable; 顽固 wángù obstinate 2101 殖 [zhí] propagate, (=繁殖 fánzhí) breed, reproduce, colonize; 殖民地 zhímíndì colony
[shi] 骨殖 gǔshi skeleton2102 鹰(F鷹) [yīng] hawk, eagle 2103 蔡 [Cài] , sacrificial tortoise 2104 催 [cuī] urge, hurry, hasten 2105 芙 [fú] 芙蓉 fúróng cottonrose hibiscus, lotus 2106 彬 [bīn] 彬彬 bīnbīn refined, urbane 2107 拚 [pīn] (= 拼) put/piece together, spell, risk life
[pàn] abandon and ignore2108 轨(F軌) [guǐ] track, rail, course, path; 轨道 guǐdào orbit 2109 哟(F喲) [yō] Oh!
[yāo] ouch2110 歉 [qiàn] apology; 道歉 dàoqiàn apologize; 抱歉 bàoqiàn regret, be sorry 2111 盯 [dīng] stare at 2112 硕(F碩) [shuò] very large; 硕士学位 shuòshìxuéwèi Master's degree 2113 惹 [rě] offend, ask for (trouble); 惹麻烦 rě máfán excite or invite trouble 2114 契 [qì] (=契约 qìyuē) contract, legal agreement
[qiè] 契阔 qièkuò long separation, to be separated from one another2115 愚 [yú] make a fool of, dupe, (=愚蠢 yúchǔn) foolish, stupid 2116 帅(F帥) [shuài] commander in chief, graceful 2117 惶 [huáng] afraid, fearful, (=惶恐 huángkǒng) alarmed, anxious, uneasy, (= 忧惶 yōuhuáng, (= 惶惑 huánghuò) apprehensive; 惊惶 scared, alarmed 2118 憾 [hàn] (=遗憾 yíhàn) regret, sorry 2119 懒(F懶) [lǎn] lazy, sluggish; 伸懒腰 shēn lǎnyāo stretch oneself 2120 姨 [yí] aunt (mother's sister), sister-in-law (wife's sister) 2121 喘 [chuǎn] (=喘气 chuǎnqì) pant, gasp for breath; 气喘 qìchuǎn asthma 2122 兽(F獸) [shòu] beast, wild animal, (=野兽 yěshòu) beastly, crude, uncivilized 2123 陌 [mò] path between fields, (=陌生 mòshēng) strange; 陌生人 mòshēngrén stranger 2124 罩 [zhào] cover, hood, overalls, cage 2125 猎(F獵) [liè] (=打猎 dǎliè) hunt, chase; 猎人 lièren hunter; 猎狗 liègǒu hound 2126 嵩 [sōng] lofty (mountain); 嵩山 Sōngshān mountain in Hénán 2127 盐(F鹽) [yán] salt 2128 饥(F飢) [jī] starve, be hungry, famine; 饥饿 jī'è hunger, starvation 2129 凄 [qī] cold, chilly, sad; 凄凉 qīliáng desolate; 凄惨 qīcǎn wretched 2130 喉 [hóu] (=喉咙 hóulóng) throat, larynx 2131 宴 [yàn] (=宴会 yànhuì) banquet 2132 腔 [qiāng] cavity, tune, pitch, accent, speech 2133 翰 [hàn] writing brush, writing 2134 膝 [xī] (=膝盖 xīgài) knee 2135 陵 [líng] hill, mound, tomb; 十三陵 Shísānlíng the 13 Ming tombs 2136 蜂 [fēng] bee, wasp; 蜜蜂 mìfēng honeybee; 蜂房 fēngfáng beehive 2137 逻(F邏) [luó] patrol; 逻辑 luóji logic 2138 劈 [pī] chop, split
[pǐ] divide, split2139 廉 [lián] honest, clean, low-priced 2140 裹 [guǒ] bind, wrap; 包裹 bāoguǒ bundle, package 2141 骄(F驕) [jiāo] severe, (=骄傲 jiāo'ào) arrogant, proud 2142 贩(F販) [fàn] 贩子 fànzi dealer; 贩卖 fànmài deal in, traffic, peddle 2143 绘(F繪) [huì] paint, draw; 绘画 huìhuà drawing, painting 2144 崖 [yá] (=崖壁 yábì) precipice, cliff 2145 辰 [chén] time, day, occasion, celestial bodies, 2-hr period; 星辰 xīngchén star 2146 涯 [yá] 天涯 tiānyá edge of world; 生涯 shēngyá career, profession 2147 戈 [gē] ancient Chinese weapon similar to dagger axe or halberd 2148 坑 [kēng] hole, pit 2149 遮 [zhē] cover, hide, block 2150 擒 [qín] capture, catch, seize 2151 蛮(F蠻) [mán] quite, very, fierce, (=野蛮 yěmán) barbaric; 蛮横 mánhèng unreasonable 2152 芷 [zhǐ] 白芷 báizhǐ root of Dahurian Angelica 2153 堵 [dǔ] stop up, block, , ; 一堵墙 yì dǔ qiáng a wall 2154 雇 [gù] (=雇佣 gùyōng) hire, employ; 雇主 gùzhǔ employer; 雇员 gùyuán employee 2155 挽 [wǎn] draw, pull, roll up; 挽救 wǎnjiù rescue; (F輓) pull (cart/carriage); lament 2156 眠 [mián] (睡眠 shuìmián) sleep; 冬眠 dōngmián hibernate 2157 吻 [wěn] kiss, animal's mouth, muzzle, lips 2158 孝 [xiào] filial, filial piety, mourning 2159 泊 [bó] at anchor, moor, berth
[pō] 湖泊 húpō lakes2160 撕 [sī] rip, tear; 撕毁 sīhuǐ tear apart
[xī] 提撕 tíxī arouse attention, help and guide2161 虹 [hóng] (=彩虹 cǎihóng) rainbow
[jiàng]rainbow 2162 叙(F敘) [xù] chat, (=叙述 xùshù, =叙事 xùshì) narrate, relate 2163 粹 [cuì] (=纯粹 chúncuì) pure, unadulterated 2164 勉 [miǎn] make an effort; 勉强 miǎnqiǎng force; with difficulty 2165 竭 [jié] (=竭力 jiélì) do one's utmost, (=竭尽 jiéjìn) use up, exhaust 2166 歪 [wāi] crooked, askew, inclined, devious 2167 慎 [shèn] cautious, careful 2168 棵 [kē] ; 一棵树 yí kè shù a tree 2169 朴 [pǔ] (F樸) (=朴素 pǔsù) simple
[pò] 朴树 pòshù Chinese hackberry
[pō] 朴刀 pōdāo a type of long knife2170 械 [xiè] machinery, (=机械 jīxiè) mechanical; 器械 qìxiè apparatus 2171 溪 [xī] (=溪流 xīliú) brook, small stream 2172 莉 [lì] 茉莉 mòli jasmine; 茉莉花茶 mòli huāchá jasmine tea 2173 斑 [bān] spot, speck, stripe; 斑马 bānmǎ zebra 2174 磕 [kē] knock against; 磕头 kētóu kowtow; 磕碰 kēpèng collide with 2175 寡 [guǎ] few, scant, tasteless; 寡妇 guǎfu widow; 沉默寡言 chénmòguǎyán habitually silent 2176 循 [xún] follow, abide by; 循环 xúnhuán circulate, cycle 2177 斩(F斬) [zhǎn] chop 2178 掠 [lüè] take by force, (=掠夺 lüèduó) pillage, plunder; (掠过 lüèguò) sweep past
[lüě] sweep/brush past, snatch away2179 吕(F呂) [Lǚ] 2180 昔 [xī] (=昔日 xīrì) former times, the past; 往昔 wǎngxī in the past 2181 郊 [jiāo] (=郊区 jiāoqū, =郊外 jiaowài) suburbs, outskirts 2182 爵 [jué] rank of nobility, peerage; 爵士 juéshì knight; 爵士音乐 juéshì yīnyuè jazz 2183 徽 [huī] emblem, badge, insignia; 安徽省ānhuī shěng Anhui Province 2184 磁 [cí] magnetism; 磁铁 cítiě magnet; 磁带 cídài (magnetic) tape 2185 俯 [fǔ] bow (one's head), bend down; 俯冲 fǔchōng dive; 俯瞰 fǔkàn look down at, overlook 2186 谭(F譚) [tán] talk, ; 天方夜谭 tiānfāngyètán the story of Arabian Nights 2187 鼎 [dǐng] ancient cooking vessel, tripod 2188 拂 [fú] stroke, touch lightly, whisk, flick, go against (somebody's wishes); 拂晓 fúxiǎo before daybreak
[bì] (=弼) assist2189 俺 [ǎn] I, we; 俺们 ǎnmen we (refers to speakers only) 2190 嫂 [sǎo] (=大嫂 dàsǎo) elder brother's wife, sister-in-law 2191 帕 [pà] kerchies, (=手帕 shǒupà) handkerchief 2192 嗯 [ńg] What?, Huh?
[ňg] How come?, Why?
[?g] O.K., Agreed!2193 冻(F凍) [dòng] freeze 2194 婉 [wǎn] gentle, (=婉转 wǎnzhuǎn) tactful, agreeable 2195 桐 [tóng] parasol tree; 桐油 tóngyóu tung oil 2196 骆(F駱) [luò] (=骆驼 luòtuo) camel 2197 泼(F潑) [pō] splash, spoll, sprinkle; rude and unreasonable; 活泼 huópo lively 2198 匠 [jiàng] artisan
[jiang] 木匠 mùjiang carpenter; 铁匠 tiějiàng blacksmith2199 艇 [tǐng] light boat 2200 谦(F謙) [qiān] 谦虚 qiānxū, 谦逊 qiānxùn modest 2201 妓 [jì] (=娼妓 chāngjì) prostitute, female performer 2202 菩 [pú] 菩萨 púsà bodhisattva, benevolent being 2203 厕(F廁) [cè] (=厕所 cèsuǒ) toilet
[si] (=茅厕 máosi) latrine2204 俘 [fú] capture, (=俘虏 fúlǔ) prisoner, captive 2205 毅 [yì] resolute; 毅力 yìlì willpower; 坚毅 jiānyì determined 2206 岭(F嶺) [lǐng] mountain, (=山岭 shānlǐng) mountain range, ridge; 峻岭 jùnlǐng high mountains 2207 丫 [yā] fork, bifurcation; 丫头 yātou girl, maid, servant, salve girl 2208 畏 [wèi] fear, respect; 畏惧 wèijù dread; 畏缩 wèisuō flinch 2209 湘 [Xiāng] short name for 湖南 Húnán; 湘江 Xiāng Jiāng a river in Hunan 2210 桶 [tǒng] bucket 2211 嗓 [sǎng] (=嗓子 sǎngzi) throat, (=嗓音 sǎngyīn) voice, (=嗓门儿 sǎngménr) larynx, voice 2212 煌 [huáng] bright, brilliant; 敦煌石窟 Dūnhuáng Shíkū Gansu Caves 2213 鲍(F鮑) [bào] , (=鲍鱼 bàoyú) abalone 2214 粒 [lì] grain, granule; 粒子 lìzǐ particle 2215 巷 [xiàng] lane, alley
[hàng] 巷道 hàngdào tunnel (in a mine)2216 帘 [lián] flag as shop sign; (F簾) curtain 2217 秃(F禿) [tū] bald, bare, blunt, incomplete 2218 腊 [là] (F臘) (=腊月 làyuè) 12th lunar month, cured (fish/meat/etc.); 腊肠 làcháng sausage; 希腊 Xīlà Greece
[xī] dried meat2219 仓(F倉) [cāng] warehouse 2220 拐 [guǎi] (=拐弯 guǎiwān) turn, change direction, limp, swindle, abduct; 拐棍 guǎigùn walking stick 2221 绑(F綁) [bǎng] bind, tie; 绑架 bǎngjià kidnap 2222 啥 [shá] (=啥子 sházi) what? (= 什么 shénme) 2223 荐(F薦) [jiàn] recommend, grass, straw 2224 倪 [ní] , (=端倪 duānní) clue 2225 瑟 [sè] musical instrument with 25 strings 2226 廊 [láng] hall 2227 鸭(F鴨) [yā] (=鸭子 yāzi) duck; 唐老鸭 Táng lǎoyā Donald Duck 2228 蜜 [mì] (=蜂蜜 fēngmì) honey; 蜜蜂 mìfēng honeybee 2229 诊(F診) [zhěn] 诊断 zhěnduàn diagnose; 诊所 zhěnsuǒ clinic 2230 棚 [péng] shed, shack, canopy; 窝棚 wōpeng shack 2231 掀 [xiān] lift (a cover, etc.), surge 2232 筒 [tǒng] tube; 电筒 diàntǒng flashlight 2233 媳 [xí] (=媳妇 xífù) daughter-in-law; 童养媳 tóngyǎngxí child bride 2234 纹(F紋) [wén] lines, veins, (wood) grain 2235 秒 [miǎo] second (1/60 of a 分 minute) 2236 沾 [zhān] moisten, soak, touch 2237 庞(F龐) [páng] (=庞大 pángdà) colossal, huge 2238 蹲 [dūn] squat on the heels, stay 2239 骚(F騷) [sāo] (=骚动 sāodòng, =骚乱 sāoluàn) disturb, harass 2240 歧 [qí] (of roads:) fork, branch, divergent; 歧视 qíshì discriminate 2241 艘 [sōu] ; 两艘油船 liǎng sōu yóuchuán two oil tankers 2242 芝 [zhī] iris; 哗芝麻 zhīma sesame 2243 哗(F嘩) [huá] clamor, hubbub, (=喧哗 xuānhuá) noise, clamor
[huā]2244 亩(F畝) [mǔ] sixth of an acre (0.0667 hectares) 2245 券 [quàn] ticket, certificate; 入场券 rùchǎngquàn admission ticket
[xuàn] 拱券 gǒngxuàn span of an arch2246 趟 [tàng]
[tāng] (=蹚 tāng) ford, wade2247 巾 [jīn] piece of cloth; 毛巾 máojīn towel; 餐巾 cānjīn napkin; 围巾 wéijīn scarf 2248 淫 [yín] excessive, over, wanton, lewd, licentious 2249 谎(F謊) [huǎng] lie, prevaricate 2250 寞 [mò] quiet; 寂寞 jìmò lonely 2251 灌 [guàn] pour; 灌溉 guàngài irrigate; 灌木 guànmù bush 2252 篮(F籃) [lán] basket; 篮球 lánqiú basketball 2253 妄 [wàng] absurd, rash; 妄想狂 wàngxiǎngkuáng paranoia 2254 搁(F擱) [gē] put
[gé] endure2255 侄 [zhí] brother's son, nephew; 侄女 zhúnǚ brother's daughter, neice 2256 厢(F廂) [xiāng] wing of a house, side, railway carriage 2257 叉 [chā] (=叉子 chāzi) fork, intersection, (=交叉 jiāochā) intersect
[chá] obstruct, jam up
[chǎ] the distance between thumb and middle minger on an outstretched hand
[chà] fork, diverge; 叉路 chàlù crossroad2258 俞 [Yú] , small boat
[shù] (=腧)2259 伐 [fá] fell, cut down, attack 2260 宰 [zǎi] slaughter, butcher, govern; 宰割 zǎigē invade and oppress 2261 瞒(F瞞) [mán] hide the truth from 2262 宙 [zhòu] 宇宙 yǔzhòu cosmos 2263 肿(F腫) [zhǒng] swollen; 肿瘤 zhǒngliú tumor; 红肿 red and swollen 2264 漆 [qī] lacquer, paint; 油漆 yóuqī paint; 漆黑 qīhēi pitch-black 2265 怖 [bù] fear, frightening; 恐怖 kǒngbù terror 2266 吾 [wú] (=予 yǔ) I, me 2267 吼 [hǒu] roar, howl 2268 侨(F僑) [qiáo] 华侨 Huáqiáo overseas Chinese; 侨胞 compatriots abroad 2269 叠(F疊) [dié] pile up, repeat; (折叠 zhédié) fold 2270 啸(F嘯) [xiào] 呼啸 hūxiào whistle, scream, whizz 2271 罐 [guàn] (罐头 guàntou) can; jar 2272 肆 [sì] (=四sì) four, (=肆意 sìyì) wantonly, shop 2273 裙 [qún] (裙子 qúnzi) skirt 2274 泣 [qì] (=哭泣 kūqì) cry, weep, (=抽泣 chōuqì) sob 2275 胀(F脹) [zhàng] (=膨胀 péngzhàng) swell, expand 2276 赋(F賦) [fù] (赋于) bestow on; compose; 赋税 taxes 2277 熬 [áo] boil, stew; endure
[āo] boil, cook in water2278 趁 [chèn] take advantage of; while; 趁机会 chèn jīhuì take advantage of an opportunity 2279 咳 [hāi] hey
[ké] 咳嗽 késou cough2280 愉 [yú] 愉快 yúkuài delighted 2281 恳(F懇) [kěn] 诚恳 chéngkěn, 恳切 kěnqiè sincere; 恳求 plead 2282 辜 [gū] 辜负 gūfù let down, disappoint 2283 肌 [jī] 肌肉 jīròu muscle 2284 婴(F嬰) [yīng] (=婴儿 yīng'ér) baby, infant 2285 羽 [yǔ] (=羽毛 yǔmáo) feather; 羽毛球 yúmáoqiú badminton 2286 躬 [gōng] personally; bend at the waist 2287 毙(F斃) [bì] execute (kill); 枪毙 qiāngbì execute by shooting 2288 拘 [jū] (=拘留 jūliú) arrest, detain; 拘束 jūshù restrict; 拘谨 jūjiň overcautious 2289 叮 [dīng] sting, bite; say/ask again, verify 2290 哇 [wa]
[wā] wah! (sound of crying)2291 晴 [qíng] (晴朗 qínglǎng) fine, sunny; 晴天霹雳 qíngtiānpīlì a bolt from the blue 2292 谜(F謎) [mí] (谜语 míyǔ) riddle
[mèi] 谜儿 riddle2293 淮 [Huái] a river in 河南 and 安徽 2294 旺 [wàng] prosperous, flourishing; 旺盛 vigorous, exuberant 2295 逸 [yì] leisure, escape; 安逸 ānyì comfortable, leisurely 2296 琼(F瓊) [qióng] beautiful jade; 琼脂 agar 2297 姜 [jiāng] ginger 2298 呜(F嗚) [wū] (sound of whistling, zooming); 呜咽 wūyè sob, whimper 2299 窜(F竄) [cuàn] flee, scurry; exile; change wording 2300 颁(F頒) [bān] proclaim, (=颁发 bānfā) promulgate, issue 2301 薪 [xīn] firewood, fuel, (=薪水 xīnshui) salary 2302 寨 [zhài] stockade, camp 2303 尿 [niào]
[suī] urine, urinate2304 颊(F頰) [jiá] jaw; cheek 2305 逮 [dài] 逮捕 dàibǔ arrest
[dǎi] catch; 猫逮老鼠 māo dǎi lǎoshǔ a cat catching a mouse2306 卜 [bǔ] fortune telling
[bo] 胡萝卜 húluóbo carrot2307 昭 [zhāo] clear, obvious; 昭雪 zhāoxuě rehabilitate 2308 浸 [jìn] soak 2309 刮 [guā] scrape; 刮胡子 guā húzi shave; (F颳) (wind) blow
[kā] 刮吃 kāchi 〈colloquial〉 scrape, sponge on2310 宛 [wǎn] 宛如 wǎnrú just like; 宛然 wǎnrán as if; [yuān] 大宛 2311 嘱(F囑) [zhǔ] (=嘱咐 zhǔfu) advise, enjoin, urge, exhort 2312 囊 [náng] bag; 鼓鼓囊囊 gǔgunāngnāng bulging
[nāng] 囊膪 nāngchuài pork near the pig's nipples2313 寓 [yù] reside, live; 寓所 yùsuǒ residence; 寓言 fable, allegory 2314 驳(F駁) [bó] contradict; 驳斥 bóchì denounce; 反驳 fǎnbó refute 2315 倡 [chàng] 倡议 chàngyì propose
[chāng] 倡优 chāngyōu entertainer2316 浴 [yù] (=沐浴 mùyù) take a bath; 浴室 yùshì bath/shower room 2317 咕 [gū] coo, cluck (bird sounds) 2318 挪 [nuó] (挪动 nuódong) move; remove 2319 搏 [bó] 搏斗 bódòu fight, wrestle; 脉搏 màibó pulse 2320 蓬 [péng] bitter fleabane, (=蓬松 péngsōng) fluffy, ; 蓬勃 péngbó vigorous 2321 晌 [shǎng] part of the day; noon 2322 渠 [qú] canal, ditch, channel; 渠道 irrigation ditch 2323 兜 [dōu] pocket, bag 2324 喃 [nán] 喃喃 nánnán mutter 2325 夷 [yí] smooth; wipe out, raze 2326 沪(F滬) [Hù] name for 上海 Shanghai 2327 贱(F賤) [jiàn] inexpensive, cheap, lowly, humble, worthless 2328 魄 [pò] 气魄 qìpò boldness
[bó] 落魄
[tuò] 落魄2329 舵 [duò] rudder; helm; 舵手 steersman, helmsman 2330 晰 [xī] 清晰 qīngxī clear, distinct 2331 僵 [jiāng] stiff; numb; deadlocked; 僵硬 stiff, rigid 2332 糕 [gāo] pudding, (=蛋糕 dàngāo) cake 2333 裔 [yì] descendents, posterity; borderland 2334 秩 [zhì] 秩序 zhìxù order, sequence 2335 倚 [yǐ] (倚靠 yǐkào) lean on; rest against; rely on 2336 塌 [tā] collapse; sink; calm down 2337 恍 [huǎng] suddenly, as if 2338 钩(F鉤) [gōu] (钩子 gōuzi) hook 2339 嘲 [cháo] 嘲笑 cháoxiào ridicule, laugh at; 嘲讽 cháofěng sneer at, taunt, mock; 嘲弄 cháonòng mock, deride 2340 傍 [bàng] be close to; 傍晚 bàngwǎn toward evening, at nightfall 2341 裕 [yù] abundant, affluent; 富裕 fùyù rich, wealthy, opulent 2342 煮 [zhǔ] boil, cook 2343 乳 [rǔ] milk, breast; 哺乳 bǔrǔ breast-feed; 乳酪 rǔlào cheese 2344 勿 [wù] do not! 2345 竖(F豎) [shù] vertical, perpendicular; vertical stroke "丨" 2346 惩(F懲) [chéng] chastise, punish, correct, repress; restrain oneself 2347 睹 [dǔ] look at, observe; 目睹 mùdǔ see with one's own eyes 2348 株 [zhū] tree-trunk; 守株待兔 shǒuzhūdàitù guarding a tree-trunk to wait for a rabbit 2349 绣(F繡) [xiù] embroider; 绣像 embroidered portrait 2350 妖 [yāo] (妖魔 yāomó) demon; 妖娆 yāoráo charming, enchanting 2351 讶(F訝) [yà] 惊讶 amazed 2352 咖 [kā] (used in transliterations) 咖啡 kāfēi coffee
[gā] 咖喱 gālí curry2353 纲(F綱) [gāng] fishing net rope; guiding principle; 纲领 program 2354 胎 [tāi] foetus, birth, (=轮胎 lúntāi) tire (of a wheel) 2355 滨(F濱) [bīn] 海滨 seashore; 滨临 bīnlín to be close to (a body of water) 2356 耕 [gēng] to plough, till 2357 嗤 [chī] sneer 2358 舱(F艙) [cāng] (ship) cabin 2359 娱(F娛) [yú] 娱乐 yúlè amuse, amusement, recreation 2360 匪 [fěi] (=土匪 tǔfěi) bandit, brigand, robber; 匪徒 fěitú gangster 2361 鸦(F鴉) [yā] 乌鸦 wūyā crow; 鸦片 yāpiàn opium 2362 胃 [wèi] stomach; 胃口 wèikǒu appetite 2363 躁 [zào] rash, impetuous 2364 狮(F獅) [shī] (=狮子 shīzi) lion 2365 砰 [pēng] bang (sound) 2366 妮 [nī] 妮儿 nīr girl 2367 凛(F凜) [lǐn] cold; strict; afraid; shiver, tremble with cold or fear 2368 龟(F龜) [guī] (乌龟) tortoise; 海龟 turtle
[jūn] 龟裂 jūnlì fissure (of parched earth)
[Qiū] 龟兹 Qiūcí Kucha, a historic town at the northern rim of the Taklamakan Desert2369 裸 [luǒ] 裸体 luǒtǐ nude; 赤裸裸 stark-naked; 裸露 exposed 2370 嫣 [yān] handsome, beautiful; 嫣红 bright red 2371 甫 [fǔ] only, curtesy name 2372 窑(F窯) [yáo] kiln; (窑洞) cave dwelling 2373 塘 [táng] dike, (=池塘 chítáng, =水塘 shuǐtáng) pool 2374 纤(F纖) [xiān] 纤维 fiber
[qiàn] rope for towing boat2375 宠(F寵) [chǒng] love, bestow favor on 2376 链(F鏈) [liàn] (链子 liànzi) chain; 拉链 zipper; 铰链 hinge 2377 拱 [gǒng] arch, cup one hand in other before chest, push with no hands 2378 尹 [yǐn] ancient title for government official; (surname) 2379 掘 [jué] dig, excavate 2380 坝(F壩) [bà] dam; dyke, embankment 2381 狭(F狹) [xiá] (=狭窄 xiázhǎi, =狭隘 xiá'ài) narrow 2382 铭(F銘) [míng] engrave, carve; 铭刻 míngkè inscription, engrave on one's mind 头 2383 淳 [chún] 淳朴 chúnpǔ honest, simple, unsophisticated 2384 沐 [mù] wash one's hair; 沐浴 mùyù bathe 2385 馨 [xīn] pervasive fragrance 2386 潘 [Pān] 2387 甩 [shuǎi] swing back and forth, toss, get rid of, leave behind
{Compare with 用 yòng use}2388 榜 [bǎng] posted list of names, announcement, notice; 榜样 example, model
[bàng] (=搒) oar, whip, rod2389 渊(F淵) [yuān] 深渊 shēnyuān abyss 2390 羡 [xiàn] 羡慕 xiànmù envy, admire 2391 侮 [wǔ] 侮辱 wǔrǔ insult, humiliate 2392 卿 [qīng] minister or high official in ancient times 2393 兀 [wù] (书) towering; bald 2394 喧 [xuān] 喧闹 make noise; 喧呼 xuānhū shout loudly 2395 履 [lǚ] shoes 2396 猴 [hóu] (=猴子 hóuzi) monkey 2397 枉 [wǎng] crooked; pervert; 冤枉 yuānwang do wrong, treat unjustly 2398 衬(F襯) [chèn] line, to place underneath, lining; 衬衫 chènshān shirt 2399 畔 [pàn] border of a field; shore, side, bank 2400 凳 [dèng] stool, bench; 板凳 2401 缅(F緬) [miǎn] remote, long ago; 缅甸 Miǎndiàn Burma 2402 弦 [xián] string of musical instrument 2403 畜 [xù] (=畜牧 xùmù) raise (domestiv animals)
[chù] 畜生 chùsheng beast2404 粞 [xī] smashed rice 2405 溢 [yì] overflow; 洋溢 yángyì be permeated with 2406 搂(F摟) [lǒu] hug; drag, pull
[lōu] hold in the arms2407 乞 [qǐ] 乞丐 qǐgài beggar; 乞讨 qǐtǎo beg 2408 旬 [xún] a period of ten days; 上旬 shàngxún first ten days of a month 2410 缚(F縛) [fù] tie up, bind 2411 灿(F燦) [càn] 灿烂 cànlàn splendid, magnificent 2412 舆(F輿) [yú] chariot; area; 舆论 yúlùn public opinion 2413 雁 [yàn] 大雁 dàyàn wild goose 2414 倦 [juàn] (=疲倦 píjuàn) tired, weary 2415 酬 [chóu] reward, payment; 酬谢 chóuxiè thank with a gift; 报酬 bàochou reward 2416 韵(F韻) [yùn] tone, charm, appeal, (=押韵 yāyùn) rhyme; 韵文 yùnwén verse 2417 媚 [mèi] 妩媚 wǔmèi lovely; 明媚 radiant and enchanting 2418 堤 [dī] dyke; (堤岸 dī'àn) embankment 2419 攀 [pān] climb; pull down; 攀登 pāndēng clamber up 2420 窃(F竊) [qiè] 窃听 qiètīng eavesdrop; 盗窃 dàoqiè steal 2423 嫩 [nèn] tender, delicate, light, inexperienced 2425 遂 [suì] satisy, fulfil, succeed; 遂心 suìxīn fulfill one's desire
[suí] 半身不遂 bànshēnbùsuí parlysis in half the body2428 澄 [chéng] 澄清 transparent, clear
[dèng] settle
[dēng] 黄澄澄 huángdēngdēng glistening yellow, golden2429 侦(F偵) [zhēn] 侦察 scout, reconnoitre; 侦探 detective 2430 陕(F陝) [Shǎn] 陕西省 Shǎnxīshěng Shaanxi Province 2431 陋 [lòu] 丑陋 chǒulòu ugly 2432 笨 [bèn] stupid; clumsy; cumbersome; 笨重 heavy, cumbersome 2433 匙 [shi] 钥匙 yàoshi key
[chí] spoon2434 沫 [mò] (=沫儿 mòr) foam, froth; 泡沫 pàomò foam, froth; 唾沫 tuòmo saliva 2435 耸(F聳) [sǒng] towering, lofty; alarm, shock; 高耸 gāosǒng stand tall 2436 踩 [cǎi] step 2437 酱(F醬) [jiàng] sauce, paste, jam; 酱油 jiàngyóu soy sauce; 花生酱 huāshēngjiàng peanut butter 2438 壶(F壺) [hú] kettle, pot, bottle 2439 啡 [fēi] 咖啡 kāfēi coffee 2441 碌 [lù] 骨碌 roll; 忙碌 busy; 碌碌 mediocre
[liù] 碌碡
[lū]2443 痒(F癢) [yǎng] itch 2444 鄙 [bǐ] I, me, my, vulgar; 鄙视 bǐshì despise, disdain 2445 壳(F殼) [ké] shell, case
[qiào] shell, hard surface2447 贞(F貞) [zhēn] (坚贞, 忠贞) loyal; virgin; ancient fortune-telling 2449 霉 [méi] mold, mildew; 倒霉 dǎoméi have bad luck 2451 蠢 [chǔn] (愚蠢 yúchǔn) stupid 2452 芦(F蘆) [lú] 芦苇 lúwěi reed; 葫芦 húlu gourd
[lǔ]2453 胳 [gē] 胳膊 gēbo arm; 胳臂 gēbei arm
[gé] 胳肢 tickle
[gā]2455 矣 [yǐ] 2456 焰 [yàn] 火焰 huǒyàn flame 2457 脊 [jí] 脊梁骨 jílianggǔ backbone
[jǐ] 屋脊 wūjǐ ridge of roof2459 囚 [qiú] 囚禁 qiújìn imprison; 囚犯 qiúfàn prisoner 2460 辅(F輔) [fǔ] assist, complement; 辅导 fǔdǎo coach, tutor; 辅助 fǔzhù assist, auxiliary; 辅音 fǔyīn consonant 2462 账(F賬) [zhàng] account, credit, debt 2463 佐 [zuǒ] assist 2464 僚 [liáo] (=官僚 guānliáo) official, (=同僚 tóngliáo) colleague 2465 雀 [què] sparrow
[qiāo] 雀子 qiāozi freckle
[qiǎo] 雀盲眼 qiǎomangyǎn night blindness2467 撰 [zhuàn] write, compose 2468 耍 [shuǎ] play (role/tricks/etc.), play with, gamle, make fun of, 2469 枕 [zhěn] (枕头) pillow 2470 捡(F撿) [jiǎn] pick up, gather, collect 2472 涵 [hán] (涵洞) culvert; 涵养 hányǎng self-control; conserve 2473 逗 [dòu] stop, pause, tease, play with 2475 粪(F糞) [fèn] excrement, manure 2477 朦 [méng] 朦胧 ménglóng dim moonlight, obscure 2480 肝 [gān] liver 2481 蒸 [zhēng] evaporate, (=蒸汽 zhēngqì) steam 2482 滥(F濫) [làn] (=泛滥 fànlàn) overflow, flood; 滥用 lànyòng abuse 2483 筷 [kuài] (筷子) chopsticks 2486 溃(F潰) [kuì] (dam) burst; break through; 崩溃 collapse; 溃疡 ulcer
[huì]2487 隶(F隸) [lì] 奴隶 núlì slave; 隶书 lìshū official script 2488 烤 [kǎo] bake, roast, toast 2489 缸 [gāng] jar, vat 2490 弓 [gōng] bow; bend; 弓箭 gōngjiàn bow and arrow 2491 潭 [tán] deep pool, pond 2492 旷(F曠) [kuàng] vast; to waste time; 旷野 wilderness 2494 哎 [āi] (interjection:) hey; 哎呀 āiyā; 哎哟 āiyō
[ēi]2495 峻 [jùn] 严峻 yánjùn stern; 峻岭 jùnlǐng high mountains 2497 爪 [zhǎo] claw, talon
[zhuǎ] 爪子 claw, paw, talon2498 怯 [qiè] (胆怯 dǎnqiè) timid; cowardly; 羞怯 xiūqiè shy 2499 茂 [mào] profuse, (=茂盛 màoshèng) luxuriant; 茂密 màomì dense 2500 芒 [máng] awn, beard, arista, spike, sharp point
[wáng] 麦芒 màiwáng awn of wheat2501 肢 [zhī] 肢体 zhītǐ limbs; 四肢 the Four Limbs; 前肢 forelimb 2503 稻 [dào] growing rice, paddy 2504 兔 [tù] (兔子 tùzi) rabbit 2505 圾 [jī] 垃圾 lājī refuse, garbage
[sè] 垃圾 lèsè refuse, garbage2506 喻 [yù] 比喻 bǐyù analogy; 隐喻 yǐnyù metaphor 2510 框 [kuàng] frame; case; circle 2511 缴(F繳) [jiǎo] hand in, pay
[zhuó] silk string attached to an arrow for shooting birds2512 蹈 [dǎo] skip; step; 舞蹈 wǔdǎo dance 2513 哨 [shào] whistle; chirp; sentry post 2515 颖(F穎) [yǐng] 新颖 xīnyǐng new and original, novel 2516 菊 [jú] chrysanthemum 2518 喀 [kā] (sound of coughing or vomiting) 2519 妆(F妝) [zhuāng] adorn oneself; 妆奁 bride's trousseau 2520 淹 [yān] flood; 淹死 drown 2521 瓷 [cí] porcelain, china; 陶瓷 táocí ceramics 2523 淀 [diàn] shallow water; (F澱) form sediment; settle; precipitate; 淀粉 diànfěn starch 2524 蜡(F蠟) [là] wax, polish, yellowish, (=蜡烛 làzhú) candle 2525 嚼 [jué] 咀嚼 jǔjué chew
[jiáo] chew
[jiào] 倒嚼2526 剂(F劑) [jì] dose 2527 逛 [guàng] stroll, ramble, roam 2529 骤(F驟) [zhòu] gallop; 步骤 bùzhòu procedure; 骤然 zhòurán suddenly 2530 暑 [shǔ] hot weather; 暑假 (shǔjià) summer vacation 2531 襟 [jīn] front of garment, bros. in law; 衣襟 yījīn front of Chinese jacket 2534 庐(F廬) [lú] hut, cottage 2536 苹(F蘋) [píng] 苹果 píngguǒ apple 2539 晒(F曬) [shài] roast in sun 2540 悼 [dào] 追悼, 悼念, 哀悼 mourn, grieve 2543 昧 [mèi] no sun; dark; obscure; hidden; to feign 2544 拢(F攏) [lǒng] approach; hold together; comb (hair) 2545 函 [hán] letter; 函件 hánjiàn correspondence; 函数 fánshù (math) function 2546 胧(F朧) [lóng] 朦胧 ménglóng dim moonlight; obscure
[lōng]2547 胶(F膠) [jiāo] glue, gum, rubber, stick, sticky 2550 抒 [shū] express, convey; 各抒己见 2551 乒 [pīng] pīng on. crack (of rifle/etc.); 乒乓 pīngpāng pingpong
{Compare with 兵 bīng soldier}2552 讽(F諷) [fěng] 讽刺 satirize, mock 2553 歹 [dǎi] bad, evil, vicious 2555 旱 [hàn] dry land; drought 2557 葡 [pú] 葡萄 pútao grape; 葡萄酒 pútaojiǔ grape wine 2558 惟 [wéi] only, alone, think, ponder, 惟一 wéiyī only, sole 2559 拣(F揀) [jiǎn] choose, select, pick out 2560 耿 [gěng] 耿耿 gěnggěng brilliant; dedicated; 耿直 gěngzhí upright 2561 廿 [niàn] twenty (same as 二十 èrshí) 2563 桩(F樁) [zhuāng] stake, pile; (量): 一桩大事 2564 乙 [yǐ] 2nd in sequence 2565 谣(F謠) [yáo] ballad; 谣言 yáoyán rumor, hearsay 2567 坠(F墜) [zhuì] fall; weigh down; 坠子 zhuìzi weight; ear pendant; ballad 2568 滞(F滯) [zhì] stagnant, sluggish 2569 孕 [yùn] 怀孕 pregnant; 受孕 conceive; 避孕 contraception 2570 诵(F誦) [sòng] 背诵 recite from memory 2571 梳 [shū] (梳子) comb; to comb 2572 冈(F岡) [gāng] ridge of a hill 2573 肺 [fèi] (=肺脏 fèizàng) lung 2575 丸 [wán] pill, pellet, ball 2576 霜 [shuāng] (=霜冻 shuāngdòng) frost 2577 汁 [zhī] (=汁液 zhīyè) juice; 果汁 guǒzhī fruit juice 2578 纱(F紗) [shā] yarn; 绵纱 miánshā cotton yarn 2581 衔(F銜) [xián] hold in mouth; hold inside; rank; 军衔 military rank 2583 腻(F膩) [nì] greasy, oily; smooth; (腻烦 nìfan) disgusted, fed up 2584 甸 [diàn] (ancient) suburb; pasture
[diān] 沉甸甸 chéndiāndiān heavy2586 啤 [pí] 啤酒 píjiǔ beer 2587 坎 [kǎn] bank, ridge 2588 稼 [jià] to plant, (=庄稼 zhuāngjia) crops 2589 禾 [hé] grain; 禾苗 hémiáo seedlings 2590 愣 [lèng] distracted, stupified
[lēng]2591 脂 [zhī] (=油脂 yóuzhī) oil, grease; 脂肪 zhīfáng fat, grease 2592 萄 [táo] 葡萄 pútao grape 2593 捞(F撈) [lāo] dredge for, fish for, scoop up out of water 2594 搅(F攪) [jiǎo] disturb, annoy, (=搅拌) stir, mix, agitate, 2596 屑 [xiè] fragments, bits and pieces; minute; trivial 2597 伞(F傘) [sǎn] (雨伞) umbrella; 跳伞, 降落伞 parachute 2598 蝶 [dié] 蝴蝶 húdié butterfly; 蝶蛹 diéyǒng chrysalis 2599 铸(F鑄) [zhù] (铸造) casting, founding 2600 躯(F軀) [qū] 身躯 body, stature; 躯体 body 2601 稚 [zhì] young, immature, childish; 稚气 zhìqì childishness 2602 腥 [xīng] flesh; fishy; 腥臭 xīngchòu rancid, stinking 2603 藤 [téng] cane, rattan; vine 2607 陡 [dǒu] steep; suddenly; 陡峭 dǒuqiào precipitous 2609 烫(F燙) [tàng] hot (burning hot to the touch, cf. 热 rè) 2611 梨 [lí] pear; 凤梨 pineapple 2612 哦 [ó]
[ò] Oh!
[é] softly chant2614 浆(F漿) [jiāng] syrup, starch
[jiàng] (=糨 jiàng) thick (of porridge etc.)2616 僻 [pì] 僻静 pìjìng secluded; 偏僻 piānpì out-of-the way 2617 坊 [fāng] lane
[fáng] workshop, mill2619 焉 [yān] 心不在焉 absent-minded 2620 隙 [xì] gap; crack; rift; loophole 2621 淘 [táo] wash, clean; 淘气 táoqì naughty; 淘汰 táotài eliminate 2622 垮 [kuǎ] collapse, break down 2624 滔 [tāo] 滔滔 tāotāo torrential; 滔滔不绝 talk on and on 2627 酿(F釀) [niàng] brew, ferment, wine, (=酿成 niàngchéng) result in, breed 2628 鹅(F鵝) [é] goose; 企鹅 qǐ'é penguin 2629 兹(F茲) [zī] this; now; year
[cí] 龟兹2631 捣(F搗) [dǎo] pound, beat; harass; 捣乱 dǎoluàn make a disturbance 2634 栋(F棟) [dòng] ridgepole 2636 瑰 [guī]
[gui] 玫瑰 méigui rose2637 敞 [chǎng] spacious; open 2638 癌 [ái] (=癌症 áizhèng) cancer 2640 缆(F纜) [lǎn] cable; 缆车 cable car 2642 烁(F爍) [shuò] shining; 闪烁 glimmer, twinkle 2643 玫 [méi] 玫瑰 méigui rose; 黄刺玫 yellow rose 2645 诈(F詐) [zhà] cheat, swindle; pretend, feign 2648 煞 [shà] evil spirit; 煞白 shàbái deathly pale
[shā] stop, (= 刹 shā, =杀 shā) kill2649 膜 [mó] membrane, film; 角膜 jiǎomó cornea (of eye) 2650 焚 [fén] (焚烧 fénshāo) burn, set on fire 2654 粘 [zhān] to glue, to paste
[nián] (=黏 nián) sticky2657 摧 [cuī] break, (=摧毁 cuīhuǐ, =摧残 cuīcán) destroy 2658 疫 [yì] 免疫 miǎnyì immunity; 瘟疫 wēnyì pestilence 2659 幢 [zhuàng] (量) (for buildings)
[chuáng] pennant; Buddhist pillar2660 汝 [rǔ] you, thou 2662 毯 [tǎn] (毯子 tǎnzi) blanket; (地毯 dìtǎn) carpet, rug 2664 挫 [cuò] setback, (=挫折 cuòzhé) frustrate, defeat 2667 纺(F紡) [fǎng] spin yarn; 纺织 fǎngzhī spin and weave; 纺车 fǎngchē spinning wheel 2668 朽 [xiǔ] 腐朽 fǔxiǔ decayed, rotten 2671 锤(F錘) [chuí] hammer 2673 兑(F兌) [duì] exchange, convert, add (water etc.); 兑换 duìhuàn convert, exchange 2675 辫(F辮) [biàn] braid 2683 堕(F墮) [duò] fall, sink; 堕落 duòluò degenerate, sink low 2684 笛 [dí] bamboo flute, whistle 2686 觅(F覓) [mì] seek; look for; demand 2687 蔽 [bì] cover, shelter, hide; 隐蔽 yǐnbì conceal oneself; covert 2688 谐(F諧) [xié] in harmony 2689 氓 [máng] 流氓 liúmáng hoodlum
[méng] common people2690 蔑 [miè] 轻蔑 qīngmiè scornful 2694 沸 [fèi] 沸腾 fèiténg boiling; 沸点 boiling point 2696 藉 [jí] 狼藉 lángjí in disorder
[jiè] (=借 jiè) borrow, lend2698 卸 [xiè] unload, discharge; remove; shirk 2700 熄 [xī] extinguish, put out, go out; 熄灭 xīmiè go out, die out 2701 扁 [biǎn] flat; inscription; 扁担 biǎndan carrying pole
[piān] 扁舟2702 炭 [tàn] charcoal 2703 慷 [kāng] high-spirited; 慷慨 kāngkǎi fervent; liberal, generous 2704 篷 [péng] sail; 帐篷 zhàngpéng tent 2706 眨 [zhǎ] wink, blink 2709 譬 [pì] 譬如 pìrú for instance, for example 2711 叨 [dāo] 叨叨 dāodao chatter
[tāo] 叨光 tāoguāng much obliged2712 蔬 [shū] 蔬菜 shūcài vegetable 2713 绸(F綢) [chóu] (丝绸 sīchóu) silk 2714 婿 [xù] son-in-law 2716 寥 [liáo] few, empty, vacant, lonely 2719 浇(F澆) [jiāo] irrigate, water; pour liquid on; 浇花 2724 乓 [pāng] bang; 乒乓 pīngpāng pingpong
{Compare with 兵 bīng soldier}2725 膏 [gāo] 牙膏 yágāo toothpaste; 油膏 ointment
[gào] lubricate2726 膛 [táng] (胸膛) chest; chamber 2732 琢 [zuó] 琢磨 zuómo ponder
[zhuó] 琢磨 zhuómó polish2733 啪 [pā] (sound:) bang 2738 淑 [shū] kind and gentle 2740 叭 [bā] (=吧) 2742 弊 [bì] 弊病 bìbìng malady, evil; drawback; 利弊 pros and cons 2743 灶 [zào] stove; kitchen 2746 醋 [cù] vinegar; 吃醋 be jealous (in love affair) 2747 斌 [bīn] (variant of 彬 bīn) 2754 奠 [diàn] establish; give offerings to the dead 2755 屯 [tún] (屯子) village; collect 2760 膨 [péng] expand, inflate; 膨胀 péngzhàng expand, swell 2761 沦(F淪) [lún] sink; 沦陷 lúnxiàn fall (to enemy); 沦为 be reduced to 2762 缕(F縷) [lǚ] thread; strand; 蓝缕 lánlǚ shabby, ragged 2763 壤 [rǎng] (=土壤 tǔrǎng) soil 2765 冶 [yě] smelt (metal) 2766 暇 [xiá] leisure; 空暇 kòngxiá spare time; 不暇 bùxiá be too busy 2767 揉 [róu] rub, knead 2769 萝(F蘿) [luó] vine; 萝卜 luóbo radish; 胡萝卜 húluóbo carrot; 菠萝 bōluó pineapple 2772 翔 [xiáng] circle in the air 2773 蛛 [zhū] 蜘蛛 zhīzhū spider 2776 栗 [lì] (栗子 lìzi) chestnut; (F慄) tremble 2780 荫(F蔭) [yìn] shady
[yīn] (=阴)2783 讥(F譏) [jī] 讥笑 jīxiào mock; 讥讽 jīfěng ridicule 2786 葱(F蔥) [cōng] green, (=葱头) onion, scallion 2787 巩(F鞏) [gǒng] 巩固 gǒnggù consolidate 2790 粥 [zhōu] porridge, gruel, congee
[yù] (=鬻) sell, vend2791 斋(F齋) [zhāi] vegetarian religious diet, give alms, room or building 2793 迄 [qì] 迄今 qìjīn hitherto, up to now, so far 2794 帜(F幟) [zhì] 旗帜 qízhì banner, flag, stand, position 2796 菌 [jūn] fungus, bacterium; 细菌, 病菌 germ
[jùn] mushroom2800 铅(F鉛) [qiān] lead (Pb); 铅笔 qiānbǐ pencil 2801 贿(F賄) [huì] (贿赂 huìlù) bribe; 行贿 give a bribe 2802 绒(F絨) [róng] down; velvet; floss 2803 侣(F侶) [lǚ] companion, associate 2805 锻(F鍛) [duàn] forge; 锻炼 duànliàn exercise 2806 谴(F譴) [qiǎn] 谴责 qiǎnzé condemn 2809 汹(F洶) [xiōng] 汹涌 xiōngyǒng turbulent 2810 敷 [fū] apply (powder, ointment, etc.); spread; 敷眼 to elaborate 2813 宵 [xiāo] night; 通宵 tōngxiāo throughout the night; 元宵节 Yuánxiāojié Lantern Festival 2815 讳(F諱) [huì] hide; avoid; name of deceased person 2824 锣(F鑼) [luó] gong 2825 撼 [hàn] 震撼 shake, shock, vibrate 2827 亨 [hēng] successful, go smoothly, henry 2828 淌 [tǎng] drip (water or blood), shed (tears), trickle (sweat) 2833 扛 [káng] carry on the shoulder
[gāng] lift with both hands2835 杉 [shān] China fir
[shā] 杉篙 shāgāo fir scaffold-pole2842 燥 [zào] dry; 干燥 gānzào dry, dull; 枯燥 kūzào boring 2846 匀(F勻) [yún] to divide evenly; to spare; even 2848 渺 [miǎo] 渺小 tiny, negligible; 渺茫 miǎománg distant and indistinct 2849 碟 [dié] small plate or dish; 茶碟 saucer; 飞碟 frisbee, UFO 2851 嵌 [qiàn] 镶嵌 xiāngqiàn inlay, set, mount 2853 沃 [wò] irrigate; (肥沃 féiwò) fertile; 沃野 wòyě fertile land 2854 剖 [pōu] cut/slit open, (=解剖 jiěpōu) dissect; 剖面 pōumiàn cross section, sectional view; 剖析 pōuxī analyse, dissect 2858 姬 [jī] honorable woman, concubine, 2861 绰(F綽) [chuò] 绰号 chuòhào nickname
[chāo] grab; take up2864 嗦 [suō] 哆嗦 duōsuo tremble, shiver 2865 绞(F絞) [jiǎo] twist; 绞杀 strangle; 绞刑 death by hanging 2867 轴(F軸) [zhóu] axle; axis; spool
[zhòu]2868 垒(F壘) [lěi] build by piling up stones etc.; 垒求 softball 2869 噪 [zào] 噪声 zàoshēng noise 2870 蕴(F蘊) [yùn] 蕴藏 yùncáng contain, hold in store 2871 邵 [Shào] 2874 咋 [zǎ] (=怎么 zěnme) how
[zhā] how?, what?, why?; 咋呼 zhāhu bluster, show off
[zhà] bite; 咋舌 zhàshé cluck with the tongue (in surrprice/etc.), to be left speechless
{Compare with 昨 zuó yesterday}2880 坪 [píng] level ground; 草坪 cǎopíng lawn 2886 佣(F傭) [yōng] hire, (=佣人 yōngrén) servant; 雇佣 gùyōng hire
[yòng] (=佣金 yòngjīn) commission2888 卵 [luǎn] (卵子) egg, ovum; 卵巢 luǎncháo ovary 2890 昼(F晝) [zhòu] daytime 2893 憋 [biē] check, restrain, suppress; suffocate, feel depressed 2895 奎 [kuí] (used in transliterations) 奎宁 kuíníng quinine 2899 捂 [wǔ] seal, cover, muffle
[wú] 枝捂2900 煎 [jiān] to fry 2903 瞅 [chǒu] see, look at
[qiu] 溜瞅2904 蚀(F蝕) [shí] lose; erode, corrode 2907 熔 [róng] fuse, smelt, (熔化 rónghuà) melt; 熔岩 róngyán lava 2908 虾(F蝦) [xiā] shrimp; 龙虾 lóngxiā lobster; 虾炒饭 xiāchǎofàn shrimp fried rice
[há] (=蛤); 虾蟆 háma frog, toad2911 谬(F謬) [miù] 荒谬 huāngmiù absurd; 谬论 miùlùn fallacy 2914 绅(F紳) [shēn] 绅士 shēnshì gentleman, gentry 2923 镶(F鑲) [xiāng] inlay; edge 2925 聋(F聾) [lóng] (耳聋 ěrlóng) deaf 2928 募 [mù] raise, recruit 2929 垄(F壟) [lǒng] ridge or raised path in field; 垄断 monopolize 2932 彦(F彥) [yàn] man of virtue and ability 2935 翘(F翹) [qiào] hold up; 翘尾巴 qiào wěiba "to hold up the tail" = to be/get cocky, to be snobbish and self-important
[qiáo] raise one's head; become warped2936 趴 [pā] lie prone; lean over 2937 杏 [xìng] apricot; 杏仁 almond 2960 彰 [zhāng] obvious, apparant; showy; 表彰 biǎozhāng commend, cite 2967 阐(F闡) [chǎn] 阐明 chǎnmíng clarify; 阐述 chǎnshù expound 2968 讼(F訟) [sòng] 诉讼 sùsòng lawsuit 2970 枢(F樞) [shū] 枢纽 shūniǔ pivot, axis 2972 崭(F嶄) [zhǎn] towering; 崭新 zhǎnxīn brand-new, completely new 2973 蒲 [pú] cattail, 2974 泻(F瀉) [xiè] 倾泻 come down in torrents; 泻药 laxative 2978 俭(F儉) [jiǎn] economical, (=俭朴 jiǎnpǔ) frugal; 勤俭 qínjiǎn industrious and thrifty 2982 橡 [xiàng] (=橡树 xiàngshù) oak, rubber tree; 橡胶 xiàngjiāo rubber; 橡皮 xiàngpí eraser, rubber 2983 溶 [róng] (=溶化 rónghuà) dissolve; 溶液 (chemical) solution 2994 瀑 [pù] 瀑布 pùbù waterfall 2997 扒 [bā] hold on to; dig up; rake; strip
[pá] rake up; stew, braise3000 琛 [chēn] treasure